
Reviews for 3D Desert Patrol (#1356)

Review by p13z on 06 Jan 2014 (Rating: 2)

This game isn't terrible, just a poor to typical early 16k semi-BASIC game. The '3D' in the title is an optimistic description of the graphics, which are probably better described as pseudo first-person.
The aim of the game is to guide your tank back to the road. The direction of the road is unknown, and is figured out using the compass and an indication of the distance to the road. You must drive around minefields and destroy any enemy tanks you encounter along the way. Movement can feel a bit sluggish, with a complete rotation of your tank taking a full minute.
I did play this game through a few times as a child, and it evoked a bit of atmosphere. But, even with the limited competition back in 1983 this had fairly limited appeal.