
Reviews for Hostages (#2354)

Review by p13z on 25 Jan 2012 (Rating: 5)

I only discovered this game on the Spectrum recently, over 20 years too late. I used to love this game back then on the Atari ST, and the spectrum version retains most of the appeal of the 16 bit version.
Action, strategy and a good bit of shooting make up this 'SAS embassy storming' game. The action is split into sub-games, which all come together nicely to build tension and atmosphere. Sneak your guys into position, snipe some terrorists and abseil into the besieged embassy. Then blast the remaining terrorists (and not too many hostages) in a great first-person finale.
Graphics are nice, smooth, well defined and atmospheric. Sound on the 128k is also rather good, with some fine music and sampled effects. Difficulty level can be selected, allowing new players chance to see the whole game, while giving you a challenge to keep returning to. If you haven't tried this on your speccy yet, then I urge you to at least take a quick look.

Review by popocop on 19 Jun 2013 (Rating: 5)

Excellent conversion of great game. Everything is here - superb gfx & sfx and playability. Forget the 48 version and play that for 128k machines.

Review by Morkin on 28 Jul 2015 (Rating: 4)

Played this as a WoS game challenge. Never played it before or realised it had been released on so many other formats.

Anyway, essentially it's in 3 parts. In part one you have to get your force into position - side scroller, and you have to jump, crawl and hide from the moving searchlights. This section is OK but not too taxing.

The next section involves switching between 2 teams; the first is your snipers, who can keep an eye on the building and take out the odd silhouette. The second can abseil down the outsides, and break through the windows.

Once in the building the screen turns to a 1st person view. This is probably the most exciting part of the game, as the terrorists are always on the move. Taking out lone terrorists is fairly easy, but some move around with hostages, giving you a short time to accurately take them out without killing the hostages. This is by far the most difficult part - unless you're very precise, your man can be shot. One stray bullet and you can no longer get a complete victory. The good thing is that you get to repeat this section if it happens, rather than go back to the start again.

For me this was a bit of a hidden gem, with difficulty ramping nicely to the end section. Giving it a nice 4.5 out of 5. Suggest giving it a go if you haven't already.