
Reviews for Championship Boxing (#26043)

Review by YOR on 14 Aug 2019 (Rating: 2)

It's another type-in and this time it's boxing. The author clearly put a lot of work into this one with the boxers' movements and the punching to give it a proper feel, but the controls are an absolute nightmare. It's the numbered keys to more whilst pressing Q and P to punch, just try and use that setup on a modern keyboard! You need long fingers to able to move and punch, I ended up just moving to a desired spot and just punch in thin air in hope that he'd walk to my punches. This would have been a fairly decent BASIC boxing game if not for the utterly bollocks keys.

Review by The Dean of Games on 03 Sep 2019 (Rating: 3)

1983 Pan Books Ltd (UK)
by Paul Stanley

For a book type-in game, written in BASIC this is quite good. It's part of the book 60 Programs for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum. Mostly 16K games. It's very challenging and not that easy as may seem initially. The boxing match features not only the move around-punch routine, but also referee action, like when you corner an opponent giving him no chance you are drawn to the center with a warning. Also each of the 3 timed rounds make the game more engaging. True, the opponent movement is random, but hey, this just a type-in game. Still one of the best BASIC game I've played so far, and a good boxing one I might add.