
Reviews for Frank N Stein Re-booted (#26834)

Review by The Dean of Games on 01 Aug 2018 (Rating: 4)

How nice! A re-boot of an 1984 classic, done by the original author.
Several features were included/altered, like a jump button, which is in fact the same as for the springs, and to use in-between levels(the paired levels) which were also changed and look similar to Donkey Kong. Several animations were also includes, and new sounds. Also new levels, mixed with the old are included in this new version. I rather preferred that all levels were different, instead of half, but taking into account that you have in total 65 different levels together with the in-between ones, which I guess are almost the same number, probably less, I can't complaint. The original has 50 levels including the in-between ones.
This is a very welcome addiction to the games list, not only for fans but also for anyone who enjoys platform games.

2011 by Colin Stewart (Written and published)