
Reviews for Maggot (#2977)

Review by sometimesblue on 26 Jan 2011 (Rating: 3)

The code type-in from hell. Two pages of machine code with just a checksum for comfort. No basic to follow. Give it a few days of bashing those little rubber keys, and you'll get a result.

And what you will get is a very fast if frustrating shooter. Graphics and sound are minimal, and the game is constantly throwing a bouncing 'bird' at you if you stand still. But you need to stand still to aim straight. Get it wrong a couple of times and the maggot will split multiple ways, and you've no chance.

But then, the pay-off was never in the games. It was always the pride in having your own efforts come to life after all that typing.

Review by Stack on 10 Jan 2014 (Rating: 3)

coded by Jason Charlesworth

Fast paced Centipede clone that was the reward for hours and hours of typing in. Bar the over-prolonged death rattle at end game this clone is very competently programmed, though just a tad on the Simon Brattel side of insanely fast for my taste.