
Reviews for Quetzalcoatl (#3979)

Review by Digital Prawn on 06 May 2009 (Rating: 3)

Brightly coloured 3D-Maze effort that completely avoids colour clash between walls, ceiling and floor due to clever use of colour attributes. Really good use of the BRIGHT attribute gives an impressive-looking wall shading effect too. There are also a few additions, above and beyond the bog-standard "escape from maze" game. The backstory, written around the eponymous Aztec diety dictates that the player has to find a certain number of various beads, strewn around the four levels of the maze, which is supposedly inside a Mesoamerican temple.

On each level, you should try to meet a different diety which can assist you by providing a map and giving information that will be needed later etc.. To get from one level to the next you must locate and fall down a shaft. There are quite a few black shafts to fall down, but if you do this you will be quite literally shafted as some of your beads or maybe even your compass will be damaged in the process. The key is to instead fall down blue shafts, but there is apparently only one per level and not easy to find. I did happen to find one (actually I thought it was a pool of water), but magazine reviews would indicate that not everyone who plays this game does manage to find a blue shaft.

Keys are 1=left,2=forward,3=right plus a couple of other keys are used for reading the map and getting help etc.. When you do find some beads lying on the maze floor it would be wise to walk straight onto them to collect them, for if you rotate your view away from them and rotate it back again, they may well have dissappeared which is something of a significant shortcoming of the game.

In summary though, as 3D-maze games go, you're unlikely to find many others as bright and colourful as this. There are also various user-selectable difficulty levels, prolonging the playability somewhat. Just don't press BREAK during play - it needlessly crashes the game.

Review by YOR on 13 Mar 2018 (Rating: 3)

It isn't bad for what it is and it certainly isn't bad for its age, but it isn't something I would sit and play for a lot of time. But it's an interesting one to say the least.