
Reviews for Return of the Jedy (#4114)

Review by YOR on 18 Mar 2022 (Rating: 2)

It's Star Wars related, obviously. Here you have a laser and eight targets where Darth Vader can appear from any of them and you must shoot him or you will lose a life, he is blue apparently. R2-D2 can also appears and shooting him with end your game immediate regardless of lives left, he is in magenta apparently, and I say apparently because a yellow icon appeared, I shot it and it was R2-D2, you said he was in magenta! And as a reward for shooting him we get a painfully slow drawing of R2-D2 with some screeching noises, which I can only assume was R2-D2 dying, joy. So basically it turns out Darth Vader is in black and R2 is in yellow, making the whole instructions sequence useless. Second go all went well as I continually shot Vaders around the screen, then R2 appeared again and I shot him again because I was too trigger-happy, and that's the end of that. Got to say I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't anything like this and you know, it's not terrible. The movement is finicky which will be a problem when it speeds up in later levels but once you realise what you're doing it's straightforward enough. Not as terrible as I anticipated it to be.