
Reviews for Batman (#438)

Review by Arjun on 10 Feb 2009 (Rating: 5)

Batman was the first isometric game I ever played on the speccy and it blew me away. So much so that when I later played Knightlore I was a bit underwhelmed.

This Jon Ritman and Bernie Drummond effort was a very polished and addictive adventure romp that was challenging to play and fun to explore.

Batman can collect various powerups to boost his abilities and there are various bat-accessories that must be acquired before he can begin his mission to rescue Robin from the clutches of the Joker and the Riddler.

There is a distinctive comic book feel to the game right down to the super cute Batman sprite who taps his toes impatiently if you spend too much time thinking rather than doing!

The atmosphere of the catacombs is brilliantly recreated and despite the cute sprites, there is an omnipresent feeling of danger and seriousness that underlie the whole game.

A must play on the speccy!

Review by Zagrebo on 19 Feb 2009 (Rating: 4)

At the time of release there was much made of the fact that this had little to do with the comic/TV license and instead was just an isometric arcade-adventure with a (rather pudgy) Batman sprite dropped into it. Well, it is; and it's no worse for it. In the days before save slots having to collect all Batman's equipment each load was annoying but this was still an important development on the template Ultimate had created with 'Knight Lore' and it now looks like something of a dry-run for the superb 'Head over Heels'.

Review by apenao on 27 Aug 2009 (Rating: 4)

Very similar game to HoH. I prefer this one though, probably for the design of the main character, which I find very funny.

Review by The Dean of Games on 14 Nov 2012 (Rating: 4)

Never fancied this game much, mainly because it was just another isometric game. Kids like me you had already played Alien 8, Knight Lore, Head Over Heels, etc were fed up with this sort of games.
But to be fair this Batman version is possibly one of the top 3 isometric games around. It's has all the elements needed for a great game, and plays wonderfully.

4,5 points

Review by Raphie on 22 Jul 2013 (Rating: 4)

I usually don't enjoy isometric games, however Batman is an isometric game I always enjoyed, probably because it was Batman and I wanted to be like Batman as a kid, maybe it was its fun nature, I'm not sure what it was, but I think this is on par with Head Over Heels and is jolly good fun...saying that these seem to be the only isometric games I like.

Review by Juan F. Ramirez on 29 Sep 2016 (Rating: 4)

A great isometric game by Jon Ritman and Bernie Drummond. An adventure in which you must find several parts of your batcraft to rescue Robin from the cluches of Joker & the Riddler and escape from the deadly catacombs beneath Gotham City, about 150 screens. First, you must find some equipment that will help you in the adventure (boots, bag, belt and a thruster). Then, to accomplish the mission, as in similar adventures, The Caped Crusader must search certain objects and solve several puzzles. Features like graphics, sounds, a catchy tune or the character movement are at the height of the game.

An enjoyable game that compete in greatness with other isometric classics like Knith Lore, Fairlight or The Great Escape.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 10 Oct 2016 (Rating: 4)

by Jon Ritman, Bernie Drummond, Mark Serlin, F. David Thorpe

The feeling is that Ocean policy was to stick a tie-in licence on anything produced for them, because this cute Batman doesn't seem to have anything to do with any known Batman, be it the comic book one, the tv serial one or whatever. It's just that they had to sell a new game. Anyway, whoever's idea was to make it a Batman game [could have been Ritman himself as fars as I know], as we know it is an excellent 3d isometric game, renewing the Ultimate tradition with something smoother and slicker, and, in fact, cutier.

Review by YOR on 10 Sep 2020 (Rating: 4)

This is a fun little game for sure but is somewhat let down by Batman's poor jumping which I'm sure can be sorted with a item but I never got far into this game to find out. Saying that, it's a nice game with a great look and it deserves the love it gets.