* Welcome to the Infeasible Game * Version 1.00.02 Copyright 2015 - Ian Munro ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITIONS OF USE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Although this software is freeware the following conditions apply: i. You are allowed to use this software for an unlimited period. ii. You are allowed to make as many copies of this software and/or documentation as you wish. iii. You are allowed to distribute exact copies of the this software and/or documentation to anyone. iv. You are not allowed to charge or receive donations for copies of the software and/or documentation. v. You are not allowed to distribute the software and/or documentation with other products, commercial or otherwise without the express permission of the author. vi. You are not allowed to distribute the software and/or documentation if either have been modified in any way. This game is provided as is. It has been fully tested and scanned with the latest virus scanning software. No responsibility is taken for loss of data, damage to your system etc...ect.... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE GAME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** To enjoy this game with in-game sound, run it on a ZX Spectrum emulator with AY sound, EG 128k Spectrum etc. *** The aim of the game is simple. Get to the end of each level without using any of the flags which will save your position. You can use flags so that when you die you will restart at the last flag you dropped. When you get to the end of a level without using any flags you will be given a code. Use this to bypass the level in the future. There are four levels to complete in total. If you wish to quit a level and return to the menu, press the "X" key. This can also be used as a pause function. When a level starts, obstacles will scroll past. You must jump over these or die. You can land on boxes but don't jump into them or jump too late as they will kill you. Spikes should always be avoided. At times the floor texture will change. Touching this will also kill you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROLS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The controls are:- Space to jump. F to drop a flag. X to pause or exit the level. Kempston joystick fire button to jump. Kempston mouse button to jump (see notes below). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Known Issues ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kempston mouse doesn't work with ZX Spin version 0.7. It does appear to work with older versions of this emulator. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bug Fixes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v1.00.01 - Fixed bug where level 2 ended prematurely. The level will now appear correctly when the level code is entered. v1.00.02 - Moved interrupt routine out of contended memory. This should stop the "noisy" screen image. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please feel free to contact me with any comments, constructive criticisms or problems you may be experiencing. I am available on the WOS website as "Mr Millside". http://www.worldofspectrum.org/