Stack Light Rifle
Stack Computer Services Ltd
Sinclair User Issue 26, May 1984   page(s) 29


In the dim, dark past when video games consisted of black and white tennis with that distinctive 'boing', there was the then new idea of having a separate gun to fire at the TV screen. The Stack Light Rifle from Stack Computer Services takes the idea a stage further with a four-part sniper's rifle and high-resolution colour. The rifle is supplied with three games on tape, High Noon, Shooting Gallery and Grouse Shoot for the 48K Spectrum; it is also available for the Commodore 64 and the Vic-20.

The main pistol is attached to 12ft. of cable which ends in a dead-ended ZX-81-size connector which plugs into the Spectrum user port. To the pistol you can attach a barrel, stock and telescopic sight.

Of the three games, High Noon requires the greatest skill. In it a cartoon-style gun fighter will walk across the screen and you have six shots with which to kill him. Of the other games, Grouse Shoot entails shooting at ruing birds while in Shooting Gallery you have to shoot a bouncing ball.

The rifle is well-made and surprisingly accurate. It is perhaps regrettable that the present trend towards death and destruction games should result in the appearance of such a device. If, however, that is what you want, then it is, arguably, the best of its type.

The Stack Light Rifle costs £29.95 inc. VAT from the manufacturer, Stack Computer Services, 290-298, Derby Road, Merseyside, L20 8LN or local retailers.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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