Computer Wimp
by John Bear
Hutchinson Computer Publishing
Sinclair User Issue 33, Dec 1984   page(s) 110


Price: £6.95
Publisher: Hutchinson

If you want to know what you should have known before you went out and bought your computer then Computer Wimp, by John Bear, is for you.

Although it is an American import the book has more than a slight bearing on the British scene with its list of "166 things I wish I had known before I bought my first computer!" Each item is shown in bold type in the margin. The main body of the text, opposite the numbered item, explains the various factors involved in the solution of any problems which might arise from it.

The problems include buying a computer, operating the machine and dealing with any difficulties that may arise from its use. Each of the points is clear and concise in its terminology but hints of the author's irreverent attitude towards the computer scene peep through on nearly every page.

The text is peppered with Victorian and Edwardian engravings suitably doctored for at least minimal relevance. African porters shoulder printers and camel-borne Tuaregs carry PCs, to illustrate computer mobility. You will either love or hate this, but there is no denying that it is an extremely cheap method of illustrating a book.

As a reference book Computer Wimp is useful and amusing. It has some drawbacks, for instance all the prices are in dollars and not in sterling, but these are easily forgotten when you look at all the practical information which can serve both American and British markets alike.

The publishers make no apologies for the American bias, explaining that to change the text would be "to alter the flavour without adding anything to the quality."

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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