Luna Crabs
by Mervyn J. Estcourt
Crash Issue 1, Feb 1984   page(s) 43

Producer: Micromega
Memory Required: 16K
Recommended Retail Price: £6.95
Language: machine code
Author: Mervyn Estcourt

You're a part of the Solar System Resources Research team down on one of the Saturnian moons, taking samples and away from your craft, when suddenly you find yourself surrounded by nasty red crabs which spit green acid gob at you. Fortunately you have your guided missile cannon to try and keep them at bay, but they're all around. This is a 3D game which shows you the view of the mountainous planet's surface with the cannon in the foreground. As in such games as 3D Tanx, a hit from the green goo on the gun turret means a loss of a life.


Keyboard positions: good, 1/zero left/right rotation and guide missiles, 9 to fire
Joystick options: none
Keyboard play: responsive
Use of colour: good
Graphics: good
Sound: average
Skill levels: 1
Lives: 5

The graphics are relatively simple, although the crabs scutter about very realistically, and the cannon fire fades away into perspective nicely. Although this is very playable, it tends to pall quite quickly - and you can't get back to the ship sitting so tantalisingly a short distance away.

I would expect a little more for the price, especially as it loses its appeal and becomes repetitive.

The crabs move about very well, and are as cowardly as one would expect. Shooting them isn't a simple task as the "guided" missiles are only so by virtue of the fact that they follow the swinging path of the turret. If you keep swinging about. sea sickness soon sets in. In the end, not very addictive.

Use of Computer70%
Getting Started65%
Addictive Qualities40%
Value For Money55%
Summary: General Rating: Playable, but not very addictive

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Crash Issue 2, Mar 1984   page(s) 59

Producer: Micromega, 16K
£6.95 (1)
Author: Mervyn Escourt

You must know the feeling - there you are, on a Saturnian moon, away from the safety of your explorer's ship, taking samples of moon rocks, when suddenly there are all these nasty red crabs surrounding you and gobbing green spit all over the place. Fortunately, you have your guided missile cannon. Descriptive 3D graphics are effective in this simple shoot-back-at-'em game, as you whirl and turn to avoid the green goo and to aim at the fiendish crabs. Good animation and colourful graphics, but in the end a game with limited playing appeal. Sensible control keys, no joystick option and only one skill level. Overall CRASH rating 62% M/C.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Crash Issue 3, Apr 1984   page(s) 77

Producer: Micromega, 16K
£6.95 (1)
Author: Mervyn Escourt

You must know the feeling - there you are, on a Saturnian moon, away from the safety of your explorer's ship, taking samples of moon rocks, when suddenly there are all these nasty red crabs surrounding you and gobbing green spit all over the place. Fortunately, you have your guided missile cannon. Descriptive 3D graphics are effective in this simple shoot-back-at-em game, as you whirl and turn to avoid the green goo and to aim at the fiendish crabs. Good animation and colourful graphics, but in the end a game with limited playing appeal. Sensible control keys, no joystick option and only one skill level. Overall CRASH rating 62% M/C.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

ZX Computing Issue 10, Dec 1983   page(s) 32


You have been sent to one of Saturn's moons to gather data and samples of minerals much needed on the planet Earth. A simple and routine exercise until the bio-sensor detects creatures following you. Suddenly, they start to spit deadly acid balls. You have no alternative but to stop and fight. One caterpillar track on your land crawler has been hit so you may rotate left or right and fire.

The game is in 3D. The screen shows the latest view from inside your crawler. The turret of your gun is shown at the bottom of the screen - if this is hit you die. As the crawler rotates the display moves in one direction or the other. When firing your photon bolt it may be guided to hit one of the rather ferocious Luna Crabs.

Technically the game is good; fine movement though rather jerky in the case of the crabs themselves. The overall graphics are pleasant and enjoyable to look at, it is fast whilst still being relatively easy even for the novice. Micromega have followed a very admirable policy of showing screen photos of the game on the cassette inlay so as to give you, the potential customer, a better idea of the game before buying. On the whole the game is surprisingly easy to handle, though still a challenge after playing a while.

Though it is not up to the top professional standard of such companies as Ultimate, Crystal, etc, it is an enjoyable and surprisingly addictive game to play.

REVIEW BY: James Walsh

Addictive Quality4.5/5
Programming Achievement4/5
Lasting Appeal4/5
Transcript by Chris Bourne

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