Adventure H: Robin Hood
by Nigel McGee
C&VG (Computer & Video Games) Issue 54, Apr 1986   page(s) 74

SUPPLIER: Artic Computing
MACHINE: Spectrum 48k
PRICE: £8.95

This Assemblage cassette from Artic contains two arcade games on one side of the tape, and two adventures on the other.

One adventure, Curse of the Seven Faces, was originally reviewed in the August 85 issue (Personal Rating 7) when it was released by Imperial Software, priced £8.95. At the time I suggested it was a little overpriced.

The second adventure on the Assemblage tape, is Robin Hood, and described as "Adventure H from Artic. It is a graphic adventure, with quite good full-screen pictures that are fast to display, and do not reappear once viewed, unless requested.

For some reason, Robin seems to be a favourite character to base an adventure on. This isn't exactly a prime example, though will provide some entertainment for fans of Mr Hood, even if it doesn't stretch their minds too much!

As Robin, wearing Lincoln green, and armed with bow and arrow, you explore the forest, and eventually get into the castle. Points are awarded for discovering valuable objects, and for solving certain puzzles.

Not that the problems are particularly hard. Lighting a lamp found in location one, with a flint found in (probably) location two, is hardly mind-bending. But then this isn't a mind-bending adventure, and can be recommended for younger players or beginners.

A value-for-money package - especially if there are arcade players in the family!

This style of game would not be worth considering, were it not for the graphics. Although some large games make the use of graphics pointless, because they take up too much space, they enhance a game of this type. The number of games on the tape make it certainly worth thinking about. As you can expect to pay over £9 for many games, it's good to see some companies producing worthwhile compilations.

REVIEW BY: Keith Campbell

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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