Welcome to Spectrum Computing

Proudly powered by the open source ZXDB database - The largest ZX Spectrum database in the world!

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Latest ZXDB Update Aug 24, 2024

Thank you for visiting Spectrum Computing site. This website allows you to search for software and hardware created for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum which is an 8-bit personal home computer released in the United Kingdom in 1982 by Sinclair Research Ltd.

This site uses the popular open-source ZXDB database which was created by Einar Saukas for use by the whole ZX Spectrum community

Einar and others are actively working on ZXDB and it now includes releases post 2013 (which was the last time new titles were added to WoS), as well as magazine links for Crash, Your Sinclair, Your Spectrum, Sinclair User and many more.

Please note that you can't search for X-rated titles via this site. They are not omitted from ZXDB though, so we suggest you use a site like ZXInfo to search for such titles.

Copyright Information

The aim of Spectrum Computing is to maintain a freely accessible archive of software created for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum. This site is not a commercial interest. If you are the rights holder of a piece of software that we host, and would like your software removed from our archive please contact us an spectrumcomputing [at] outlook.com and we will action your request promptly.

A big thank you is due to the following people:

  • Einar for the creation of ZXDB
  • Ricardo Nunes who has done a huge amount of work implementing Bootstrap across the site and developing many site improvements
  • Thomas Ahn Kolbeck Kjær Heckmann for his numerous contributions to ZXDB. Thomas has been particularly active with the inclusion of many ZX81 titles and associated screens which were previously not in the database. Thomas also runs the excellent ZXInfo website, as well as providing a Public API for accessing ZXDB.
  • Steven Brown: for recovering and preserving a huge amount of missed programs at TZXVault, and helping to add it all to ZXDB
  • Pavel Pliva, Steve Brown, Will Woodvine, Guy Black and Mort for sharing their collections of rare inlay scans, maps and other material
  • Dmitri for his GifCreator software
  • The late Daren Pearcy who provided links to the RZX Archive videos and downloads
  • Chris Bourne for giving us access to his ZX Spectrum Reviews Database
  • Kim Lemon from Lemon64 and Lemon Amiga for working with us to provide reciprocal links
  • Everybody who has contributed to the WoS infoseek database over the years.

We hope you enjoy the site, and look forward to your feedback.

The images used on this site of the ZX Spectrum range of computers are from Oleg Origin or taken from Wikipedia and are used under their "fair use" policy

The Spectrum Computing Team
spectrumcomputing [at] outlook.com

Retro image

Retro image