Didaktik 40/80
Aliases  D40/D80
Release Date  1991
Original Publisher  Didaktik Skalica (Slovakia)
Min. Hardware  
Genre  Hardware: Disk
Max. Players  0
Required by  program DTP Machine Professional Pack
program DTP Machine Utility
program Screen Machine
program Text Machine
Came with  program D80 - Úvodná disketa
Martijn's WoS score  85% (2 votes)

     D40/D80 was floppy system produced by Slovak company Didaktik Skalica.
This product was spread mainly in the Czech Republic (and Slovakia too).
D40/80 consists of power supply, drive (D40 = 5.25 DD; D80 = 3.5 DD) and port for the second drive B (max 2 drives can be connected). It has 16Kb EPROM with an operating system called M-DOS (the official versions are 1.0, 1.0 +, 2.0), 2Kb SRAM for system variables, the controller WD2797 (for newer models controller Intel 8272) and separated data and address bus.
There is a parallel interface with a chip 8255 (eg, for printer). Standard floppy with D40/D80 is 40/80x09 (feet x sectors) and 512 bytes per sector.
When you connect HD drive, capacity does not increase (still, it will work as DD). Max number of files on the disk is 128. System preserves the original computer ROM.

Additional File Downloads
     Didaktik4080.jpg41,912OriginalHardware picture
     Didaktik4080_2.jpg66,751OriginalHardware picture

Magazine Reviews
     BiTissue #1-1991/Octpage 14- Review

Magazine References
     ZX Magazínissue 1994/Febpage 17- Information

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