Making the Most of Your Spectrum Micro Drives
Release Date  1984
Original Publisher  Micro Press (UK)
Min. Hardware  
Language  English
Genre  Book: Paperback
Max. Players  0
Came with  program Making the Most of Your Spectrum Micro Drives
Original Price  £5.95
ISBN  0-7447-0005-1

     #1 - Editorial Gustavo Gili S.A. (Spain)as "Los Micro Drives del ZX Spectrum: Utilizacion y Aplicaciones"
     * ISBN ?

     Richard G. Hurley (UK) - ?

     This book came with a software tape ( Making the Most of Your Spectrum Micro Drives)
Translated into Spanish in 1985, on ISBN 84-252-1220-0

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     MakingTheMostOfYourSpectrumMicrodrives.jpg188,168OriginalBook cover
     MakingTheMostOfYourSpectrumMicrodrives(MicroDrivesDelZXSpectrum-UtilizacionYAplicacionesLos)(GustavoGiliS.A.).jpg162,932#1Book cover

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     Sinclair Userissue #30-1984/Seppage 143- Advert

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