Raiders of the Lost Ark
Release Date  2017/Dec/31
Original Publisher  Luca Bordoni (Italy)
Min. Hardware  ZX-Spectrum 48K
Language  English
Genre  Arcade Game: Action
Max. Players  1
Authored with  Arcade Game Designer
Copyright Status  Freeware (free but copyrighted)
Inspirations  Raiders of the Lost Ark (Movie) from Lucasfilm Ltd (USA)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (Software) from Atari Inc

     Luca Bordoni (Italy) - ?

Main File Downloads
RaidersOfTheLostArk(Cursor).tap.zipOriginalZX-Spectrum 48K(None)English - Cursor version
RaidersOfTheLostArk(QAOP).tap.zipOriginalZX-Spectrum 48K(None)English - QAOP version

Additional File Downloads
     0032206-load-1.scr6,912OriginalLoading screen
     0032206-run-1.scr6,912OriginalRunning screen

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