Aliases  Super Sports: The Olympic Challenge
Supersports: The Alternative Olympics
Release Date  1988
Original Publisher  Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd (UK)
Min. Hardware  ZX-Spectrum 48K
Language  English
Genre  Sport Game: Action
Max. Players  4 (Turn based)
Original Price  £7.99
Disk Price  £12.99
Sports  Athletics, Multi-sport Event
Other Platforms  Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64
Average mag. score  68.38% (4 reviews)
Martijn's WoS score  70% (14 votes)

Standalone re-releases
     #1 - Kixx (UK)(1988)

     Chris Kerry (UK) - ?
     Mark Rogers (UK) - ?
     Steve Kerry [Steven Kerry] (UK) - ?
     Ben Daglish (UK) - ?

     Full version inGames Crazy!(1989)by Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd (UK)
     Full version inZX-Spectrum Vega(2015/Apr/24)by Retro Computers Ltd (UK)- titled "Super Sports"
     Unauthorized version inLoad 'n' Run issue 56(1989/Jan)by Magazine Load 'n' Run - covertape from issue #56 - 1989/Jan- titled "Tiro"

Main File Downloads
Supersports.tap.zipOriginalZX-Spectrum 48K(???)English
 Supersports.tzx.zipOriginalZX-Spectrum 48K(Unspecified custom loader)English
 Supersports.dsk.zipOriginalZX-Spectrum 128 +3(None)English
Supersports(Kixx) 48K(None)English

Additional File Downloads
     Supersports.scr6,912OriginalLoading screen
     Supersports.gif5,225OriginalRunning screen
     Supersports.jpg942,197OriginalInlay - Front - Double jewel case
     Supersports.mp3.zip6,739,432OriginalSampled in-game/theme music in MP3 format
     Supersports(MULTI-LANG).pdf554,872OriginalInstructionsMulti-language: English, French, German, Italian
     Supersports.png39,000OriginalGame map
     supersports.zip0OriginalRZX playback file - Recorded by Pavel Plíva (with rollback)
     Supersports (1988)(Gremlin Graphics Software).pok105OriginalPOK pokes file
     Supersports(Kixx).jpg527,780#1Inlay - Front - Single jewel case
     Supersports(Kixx)_Back.jpg254,677#1Inlay - Back - Single jewel case
     Supersports(Kixx)_Media.jpg0#1Media scan

Magazine Reviews
     ACE (Advanced Computer Entertainment)issue #15-1988/Decpage 74- Review: 535/1000
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #86-1988/Decpage 85- Review - not a Spectrum article
     Crashissue v.1 #59-1988/Decpage 13- Review: 79%
     FIFOissue #5-1990page 20- Review
     Sinclair Userissue #80-1988/Novpage 56- Review: 73%
     The Games Machineissue #14-1989/Janpage 39- Review: 68%

Magazine References
     Crashissue v.1 #55-1988/Augpage 117- Preview
     Your Sinclairissue #35-1988/Novpage 10- Preview

Magazine Advertisements
     ACE (Advanced Computer Entertainment)issue #15-1988/Decpage 16- Advert
     ACE (Advanced Computer Entertainment)issue #16-1989/Janpage 48- Advert
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #84-1988/Octpage 24- Advert
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #85-1988/Novpage 30- Advert
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #86-1988/Decpage 22- Advert
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #87-1989/Janpage 30- Advert
     Crashissue v.1 #57-1988/Octpage 26- Advert
     Crashissue v.1 #58-1988/Novpage 70- Advert
     Crashissue v.1 #59-1988/Decpage 16- Advert
     Crashissue v.1 #60-1989/Janpage 54- Advert
     Sinclair Userissue #80-1988/Novpage 6- Advert
     Sinclair Userissue #81-1988/Decpage 18- Advert
     Sinclair Userissue #82-1989/Janpage 6- Advert
     The Games Machineissue #11-1988/Octpage 42- Advert
     The Games Machineissue #13-1988/Decpage 20- Advert
     The Games Machineissue #14-1989/Janpage 43- Advert
     Your Sinclairissue #34-1988/Octpage 2- Advert
     Your Sinclairissue #36-1988/Decpage 2- Advert

     MobyGames(Information - in English)
     RZX Archive(Information - in English)
     RZX Archive - YouTube(Information - in English)
     Speccy Screenshot Maps(Information - in English)
     The Tipshop(Information - in English)
     UVL(Information - in English)
     ZX Spectrum Reviews(Magazine Reviews)
     Spectrum 2.0(User Reviews)
     The TZX Vault(Software Preservation)
     ZX-Art(Spectrum Graphics)
     ZXInfo(ZXDB Front End)
     Every Game Going(Multi-Platform Archive)
     New World Of Spectrum(Spectrum Archive)
     Original World Of Spectrum(Spectrum Archive)
     World Of Spectrum Classic(Spectrum Archive)
     Spectrum Computing(MAIN VIEW)