Release Date  1983
Original Publisher  Digital Fantasia (UK)
Min. Hardware  ZX-Spectrum 48K
Language  English
Genre  Adventure Game: Text/Illustrated
Max. Players  1
Original Price according to SPOT/SPEX  9.95
*** Data provided by SPOT/SPEX is unconfirmed. Please help us validate this information!
Features  Split-screen pics/text
Other Platforms  Acorn, Atari 8-bit, BBC Micro, Commodore 64, Commodore Plus/4
Average mag. score  70.00% (1 reviews)
Martijn's WoS score  73.1% (13 votes)

Standalone re-releases
     #1 - Channel 8 Software (UK)(1983)
     #2 - Dixons (UK)(1983)
     #3 - Paxman Promotions (UK)

     Brian Howarth (UK) - ?
     Cliff J. Ogden (UK) - ?

Series "Mysterious Adventures"
     1. The Golden Baton(1983)by Digital Fantasia (UK)
     2. Arrow of Death Part 1(1983)by Digital Fantasia (UK)
     3. Arrow of Death Part 2(1983)by Digital Fantasia (UK)
     4. Escape from Pulsar 7(1983)by Digital Fantasia (UK)
     5. Feasibility Experiment(1983)by Digital Fantasia (UK)
     6. The Time Machine(1983)by Digital Fantasia (UK)
     7. Circus(1983)by Digital Fantasia (UK)
     8. The Wizard Akyrz(1983)by Digital Fantasia (UK)
     9. Perseus & Andromeda(1983)by Digital Fantasia (UK)
     10. Ten Little Indians(1984)by Digital Fantasia (UK)
     11. Waxworks(1983)by Digital Fantasia (UK)

     Full version inHaunted Hedges + Waxworks(1983)by Dixons (UK)

Main File Downloads
Waxworks(different).tzx.zipOriginalZX-Spectrum 48K(None)English - (different)
Waxworks.tzx.zipOriginalZX-Spectrum 48K(None)English
Waxworks(Channel8Software).tap.zip#1ZX-Spectrum 48K(???)English
Waxworks(Channel8Software).tzx.zip#1ZX-Spectrum 48K(None)English
Waxworks(Dixons).tzx.zip#2ZX-Spectrum 48K(None)English

Additional File Downloads
     Waxworks.scr6,912OriginalLoading screen
     Waxworks.gif3,134OriginalRunning screen
     Waxworks.jpg83,714OriginalInlay - Front
     waxworks.rzx0OriginalRZX playback file - Recorded by Malcolm (with rollback)
     Waxworks(Channel8Software).jpg153,138#1Inlay - Front
     Waxworks(PaxmanPromotions).jpg35,409#3Inlay - Front

Magazine Reviews
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #36-1984/Octpage 135- Review
     Crashissue v.1 #6-1984/Julpage 77- Review: 7/10
     Personal Computer Gamesissue #8-1984/Julpage 91- Review

Magazine References
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #27-1984/Jan supplement "Book of Adventure"page 9- News/Note
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #29-1984/Marpage 32- News/Note
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #63-1987/Janpage 71- Tips
     C&VG (Computer & Video Games)issue #66-1987/Aprpage 64- Tips
     Micro Adventurerissue #2-1983/Decpage 7- News/Note
     Micro Adventurerissue #6-1984/Aprpage 7- News/Note
     Micro Adventurerissue #8-1984/Junpage 8- News/Note
     Micro Adventurerissue #15-1985/Janpage 42- Tips
     Personal Computer Gamesissue #7-1984/Junpage 107- News/Note
     Popular Computing Weeklyissue v.2 #43-1983/Oct/27 special "week#4"page 5- News/Note
     Popular Computing Weeklyissue v.4 #30-1985/Jul/25 special "week#4"page 35- Tips
     Popular Computing Weeklyissue v.4 #42-1985/Oct/17 special "week#3"page 18- Tips
     Sinclair Userissue #66-1987/Seppage 75- Tips
     Sinclair Userissue #70-1988/Janpage 73- Tips
     Your Sinclairissue #11-1986/Novpage 64- Tips
     Your Sinclairissue #45-1989/Seppage 54- Tips
     ZX Computingissue #14-1984/Augpage 36- News/Note

Magazine Advertisements
     Micro Adventurerissue #7-1984/Maypage 38- Advert
     Micro Adventurerissue #8-1984/Junpage 44- Full-page ad - not a Spectrum advert
     Micro Adventurerissue #11-1984/Seppage 45- Full-page ad - not a Spectrum advert

     CASA(Information - in English)
     Centre for Computing History(Information - in English)
     MobyGames(Information - in English)
     RZX Archive(Information - in English)
     RZX Archive - YouTube(Information - in English)
     The Tipshop(Information - in English)
     UVL(Information - in English)
     Wikipedia(Information - in English)
     ZX Spectrum Reviews(Magazine Reviews)
     Spectrum 2.0(User Reviews)
     The TZX Vault(Software Preservation)
     ZX-Art(Spectrum Graphics)
     ZXInfo(ZXDB Front End)
     Every Game Going(Multi-Platform Archive)
     New World Of Spectrum(Spectrum Archive)
     Original World Of Spectrum(Spectrum Archive)
     World Of Spectrum Classic(Spectrum Archive)
     Spectrum Computing(MAIN VIEW)