General info for: ZX Interface 2 [#ID: 1000193]
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ZX Interface II
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Sinclair's second interface did not take off like the first one. This ROM interface was produced to try and keep up with the consoles. Instant loading ROM cartridges were produced for the interface, licenced by Sinclair. Only 10 titles were ever available:
- Planetoids (Sinclair Research Ltd)
- Space Raiders (Sinclair Research Ltd)
- Backgammon (Sinclair Research Ltd)
- Pssst (Ultimate Play The Game)
- Cookie (Ultimate Play The Game)
- Jetpac (Ultimate Play The Game)
- Tranz Am (Ultimate Play The Game)
- Hungry Horace (Sinclair Research Ltd)
- Horace and the Spiders (Sinclair Research Ltd)
- Chess (Sinclair Research Ltd)
ROM cartridge interface with twin joystick ports.

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