b102: ld a, (iy+$05) ;first wordThere's also a problem with stack so we need to find two bytes to get the extra POP in. The following patch fixes the problem:
b105: inc a ;move to next word in list
b106: cp $0f ;gone past last word (nefarious)?
b108: call nc, $b110 ;yes
b10b: ld (iy+$05), a ;no, so preserve word and continue
b10e: jr $b0de
b110: ld a, (ix+$06) ;second word <----Here is bug should be ld a, (iy+$06)
b113: inc a ;move to next word in list
b114: cp $07 ;gone past last word (frightmare)?
b116: jr z, $b11d ;yes
b118: ld (iy+$06), a ;no, so preserve second word,
b11b: xor a ;set first word to beginning of list and continue
b11c: ret
;player reaches ultimate dream state (nefarious frightmare)
;in normal game this code never runs due to bug
b11d: ld a, $13 ;length =19 (nefariousfrightmare)
b11f: ld (iy+$07), a
b122: ld a, $06 ;set second word to frightmare
b124: ld (iy+$06), a
b127: ld a, $0e ;set first word to nefarious
b129: ld (iy+$05), a
b12c: ld a, $01 ;disallow any further changes to dream state
b12e: ld ($b0cb), a
;message update
b131: ld de, $5801
b134: ld hl, $5800
b137: ld (hl), $00
b139: ld bc, $003f
b13c: ldir
b13e: call $a6f5
b141: pop ix
b143: ret
org $b110
defb $fd ;fix original bug, iy not ix
org $b0f9
defb $32 ;update normal jump (jp $b132)
org $b11d
dec a ;a=7 at this point so 1 byte saved here
ld (iy+6),a
ld a,$13
ld (iy+7),a
ld a,$0e
ld (iy+5),a
ld a,1
ld ($b0cb),a
pop ix ;now lose 2 bytes to clear stack with extra pop
ld de,$5801
ld hl,$5800
ld (hl),l ;2nd byte saved here
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