6529 db1f in a,($1f) ; read kempston joystick
652b 5f ld e,a
652c 010000 ld bc,$0000 ; reset resulting direction
652f cb43 bit 0,e ; if pressed right
6531 c4f265 call nz,$65f2 ; then update C to indicate moving right
6534 cb4b bit 1,e ; if pressed left
6536 c4ef65 call nz,$65ef ; then update C to indicate moving left
6539 cb53 bit 2,e ; if pressed down
653b c4f565 call nz,$65f5 ; then update B to indicate moving up -> SHOULD BE DOWN
653e cb5b bit 3,e ; if pressed up
6540 c4f865 call nz,$65f8 ; then update B to indicate moving down -> SHOULD BE UP
6543 cb63 bit 4,e ; if pressed fire
6545 c4e965 call nz,$65e9 ; then update $5b03 directly to indicate fire
6548 ed433f68 ld ($683f),bc ; store resulting direction in $683f
654c c9 ret
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