7a18: GET JAR:The following patch fixes this problem:
7482: AT 112 ;at location 112?
7484: EQ 21 1 ;flag 21=1?
7488: MESSAGE 99 ;"Sorry, but you've had your quota of miracles."
748a: DONE
7a1c: GET JAR:
748c: AT 112 ;at location 112?
748e: ZERO 21 ;flag 21=0?
7491: CREATE 12 ;create jar
7493: GET 12 ;get jar
7495: PLUS 21 1 ;set flag 21=1
7498: PLUS 30 3 ;increase score
749b: MESSAGE 98 ;"Miraculously, your wish is granted."
749d: DONE
7830: EXAM DROP:
6f8a: AT 127 ;at location 127?
6f8c: EQ 28 31 ;flag 28=31?
6f90: MESSAGE 31 ;"You find nothing of interest."
7834: EXAM DROP:
6f93: AT 127 ;at location 127?
6f95: EQ 28 30 ;flag 28=30?
6f99: PLUS 28 1 ;set flag 28=31
6f9c: CREATE 30 ;create gun
6f9e: PLUS 30 3 ;increase score
6fa1: DESC ;describe
7838: EXAM DROP:
6fa3: AT 127 ;at location 127?
6fa5: ZERO 28 ;flag 28=0?
6fa8: PLUS 28 30 ;set flag 28=30
6fab: PLUS 30 3 ;increase score
6fae: MESSAGE 195 ;"Very smelly and full of lumps."
7a18: GET JAR:
7482: AT 112
7484: GT 21 0 ;POKE 29828,14:POKE 29830,0
7488: MESSAGE 99
748a: DONE
7a1c: GET JAR:
748c: AT 112
748e: ZERO 21
7491: CREATE 12
7493: GET 12
7495: PLUS 21 1
7498: PLUS 30 3
749b: MESSAGE 98
749d: DONE
7830: EXAM DROP:
6f8a: AT 127
6f8c: EQ 21 254 ;POKE 28557,21:POKE 28558,254
6f90: MESSAGE 31
7834: EXAM DROP:
6f93: AT 127
6f95: EQ 21 255 ;POKE 28566,21:POKE 28567,255
6f99: MINUS 21 1 ;POKE 28569,34:POKE 28570,21
6f9c: CREATE 30
6f9e: PLUS 30 3
6fa1: DESC
7838: EXAM DROP:
6fa3: AT 127
6fa5: LT 21 2 ;POKE 28581,15:POKE 28582,21:POKE 28583,2
6fa9: SET 21 ;POKE 28584,255:POKE 28585,31:POKE 28586,21
6fab: PLUS 30 3
6fae: MESSAGE 195
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