Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by ParadigmShifter »

5MinuteRetro wrote: Sat May 18, 2024 8:36 pm I’d not heard of Scrabble Deluxe for the Spectrum. I wonder why it’s in black and white when the original had plenty of (and useful) colour? I’m sure some Googling would tell me but I’m currently warming myself by our fire pit in the garden and I can’t be bothered trying to figure it out on my iPhone.
It's cos the board squares are bigger than 8x8 for some reason. That's why Psion Scrabble looks much nicer, unfortunately it doesn't play well enough on highest level for my liking. I'd recommend it (Psion version) to most people though, until it is no longer challenging on high level (it sometimes sneaks a win... it plays very defensively though and blocks the board a lot).
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

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45 seems a good move
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by ParadigmShifter »

I agree... played it. No challenge. It's a variant spelling of FUSE I think.

OE n pl. -S a whirlwind off the Faeroe islands? Might have another meaning as well. Thought that would be a proper noun otherwise.

New rack, still no blank, looks ok though


CPU plays PUR/UR/RE for 13


PUR - looks like a variant spelling of PURR
UR - it's only telling me definitions for ancient city but that's capitalised too, I will find out later what the proper Scrabble definition is
RE - regarding

Pretty sure OB is a word can get a triple DILDO/OB combo lol. I think OB is short for objection.

That would leave AT and score 25 I think.

If I wanted to block the board more I could play DIV and QI for less (still a fair few points though) but that still leaves the triple at top centre open if CPU has a bingo there (I think AB is a valid word as well).

X and J either still in the bag or on CPU rack. 1 blank unaccounted for too. There's 2 S's not out yet as well.

Well I have to play it don't I.

CPU goes for the dildo challenge


Valid for UK, US and international play. I assume you know what it means ;) If not I think there was one on the cover of Dun Darach?


It says lol. Does not challenge OB, looks like it is definition 2 here

n 1: a major river of western Siberia; flows generally northward
and westward to the Gulf of Ob and the Kara Sea [syn: {Ob},
{Ob River}]
2: the branch of medicine dealing with childbirth and care of
the mother [syn: {obstetrics}, {OB}, {tocology}, {midwifery}]

Not looking like a good draw from the bag though


CPU scores a respectable 21 with WAR/UR/FA (FA is another musical note)


I can see the winning post I think have to do something about this terrible rack though

WATT is my first thought down from where CPU played, don't think it's capitalised as an SI unit, have WATTS available for the triple (there's still an S in the bag or on opponents rack, and a blank though). FART would be funnier of course.

ERGOTS and START would sort my rack problems out (leaves ST) and bags another triple... I think ERGOT takes an S, can be weird with fungus though lol. Might risk that for the rack benefit anyway, have a big lead. Can't see anywhere else good to play START.

I play START for 25, ERGOTS gets challenged, it didn't know ERGOT so that was obviously going to happen.

It's valid in all dictionaries so that's good.

New rack, looks ok. Still no blank :(


STATION is on my rack can I play it anywhere though next turn.

I can play it under DILDO if that doesn't get blocked.

Gah it nicks my spot and scores 13


Still might be a place for it. DA = Dad obvs

I can try playing STATION if DAT is valid I'm very wobbly about whether it is (most likely not I would think), so might not be worth the risk.

At least if I play it and it gets denied I still have it for next round I don't think the computer looks at what you tried to play and then blocks it being played turn after, maybe it does though. It will definitely see me playing the letters anyway so it should probably remember them if it can, it's really good info that.

I think TAHA and SAHA look dodgy too will obvs check after the game.

Maybe the CPU is setting up a big J play next turn though down through AHA.

Tiles left in bag or on opponents rack:


So lots of high scoring tiles but not too many bingo ones, with a blank that helps a lot though. CPU has been taking a long time to think of its moves, that might be a sign that it has the other blank, or it could just get slower as the board becomes full since more places to check.

Sensible plan might be to play out T and O, keep TAINS on rack (5 of the best), try and open up board, hope I get a bingo again next turn (or the blank).

I could play IT underneath OB for OBIT and THEY which scores ok and leaves TANSO which also looks ok. Or I could just play for rack management and open up the board more playing OaT around AHA which blocks any triple big scores I think and should open up the board.
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by ParadigmShifter »

Decided to risk STATION with DAT, pretty sure it will be denied though

I want to find out one way or another whether DAT is good though so I remember it lol


Gets challenged...

Yup it's bad. As you were :(

Still got STATION on rack though. Let's hope I don't get a big punish for that.

Surely DAT will be added sooner or later, I predict dat lol ;)

Yup that's a punish, 43, had the other blank.


Don't think I can play STATION this time either may need damage reduction.

Tiles in bag or on opponents rack


Could be all about who gets left with J and K if they not playable anywhere.

Could just play TAXI for 24 blocking CPU playing a really big triple with the J (might have JES for JEST though which is good score).

TOXIDE sounds dodgy to me not going to risk that.

Think I'm gonna for OBIT/THEY play which leaves 1 tile in bag, will see what I pick up, don't think the triples are in danger of being used with a J unless I open it up.

I play OBIT and THEY for 16, no challenge (OBIT is short for obituary I think) and get good tiles, CPU must have all the bad ones then I guess lol


CPU has on rack 7 out of

ACEEJKRS and one of those is left in the bag, which he will probs pick up after he plays again (unless he passes). They look like bad tiles to have at the end...

I think JEES/SAX is good if he has that... not great if he does and knows about it (and they valid words of course). I'm probably going to play GOAT and TAX setting up TAXI next go unless he makes a move which gives me a bingo

Oops this is bad (for me)


blocks my plan and puts him with a good lead, might lose this.

CPU has JEK on rack must not allow him to play JERK that's rule #1. EDIT: I haven't got an R though so no danger of that. Looks like I can probably leave him with J on rack at end if I play my cards right
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by ParadigmShifter »

Think I am going to be COASTING to another win lol, right at the end ha ha.

It should have blocked that one if it doesn't challenge.

LOL it knew about it, didn't challenge, obviously does not consider moves I may make even when it knows exactly what I have left. Maybe it doesn't even know what tiles are left in bag/on rack since it does not have a way to find out in the program... serious weakness if it does not know what danger tiles are left.

Scored 83 btw :)

And 28 for leaving him with 14 points on rack.

Was a bit hairy at the end there


I let it get back into it with my risky DAT though. Well at least I should be able to remember not to play that in future ;)

6/8 triple word scores claimed, that's quite rare. (5 of them claimed by me!)

Over 350 is a very good (intermediate) score they say expert is 400... pleased.

* Still not seen a blank
* At least I got 3 out of 4 S's this time, that helps
* At least I got a bingo this time but left it way too late to be down to skill on my part... could easily have picked up the J or K or both last draw then I would be the one suffering I think.
* Good strategy in close games with high scoring tiles left is to make the opponent empty the bag so you get first chance to go out. That was good play on my part (when I deliberately left 1 tile in the bag)
* I think my rack management was pretty good in that game. Played high scoring tiles fast for decent enough scores for them to not clog my rack. Seeing that I only needed an E for a very good FUZE(s) when 3 E's and a blank left in the bag was probably my best big brain move lol ;)

EDIT: SAHA is bad good job I didn't try that. TAHA is allowed in SOWPODS though! Should have played that then with STATION earlier to make the win less stressful.

Verdict on CPU player this time:

Terrible, wasted another blank (other one scored a lot of points though). Didn't realise his last play meant I would go out with a massive triple word bingo leaving him 14 on rack for another +28 points to me. Board was blocked until then really! N00b

It does score nice and steadily though so it's always a threat, can't waste too much time trying to set up perfect plays, you have to play what you can to keep the points ticking over. If you make one bad play or a weak scoring play you have to fight to get back into it. Luckily I got a lead early and only made it exciting near the end of the game, was winning easily otherwise I think.

Without the score adjustment for unplayed tiles would have scored around 300 again (same as last game) - which is decent intermediate standard of play.
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by sn3j »

If you're into word games then have a look at this little Flash gem: https://flashmuseum.org/alpha-assault/
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by ParadigmShifter »

I realised I could play COATINGS to bingo out as well, thought I'd check if there were any other possibilities, one with a C in position 4 would have been ideal for a 9x bingo, looks like none available though


Didn't know COTINGAS. Didn't even consider AGNOSTIC since it wouldn't fit ;)

Clearly I like word games if I wrote SJOE lol :) Although I was just going to do Wordle with 4 letters instead of 5 for crap games compo but when I realised the full word list was only around 16K I could do columns/tetris style thing as well.

Probably won't play a 3rd game unless people want me to. Or I could give Psion Scrabble a pasting instead, but it's a lot worse at playing than Scrabble Deluxe.

Like I said Scrabble Deluxe normally beats me and both games went down to the wire really (not helped by me having a word challenged both games), it just looked like a massive win for the 2nd game... although I think I would still have won that one if I could block anywhere to play JEK in one move I think. Would have been different if I had pulled the J worse with K as well).

I think if I had to guess I'd say the win rate for Scrabble Deluxe vs. me is around 55% in its favour. Playing slower helps me too though since I don't just play the first good word I see (I found better words than what I first thought of or better place to play a word several times that game).

EDIT: I did document some games against Psion and Scrabble Deluxe in this WoS thread starting on page 110

https://worldofspectrum.org/forums/disc ... aying/p110

Psion one did beat me a few times it seems, must have had an off day then. Like I said it does play very defensively compared to Scrabble Deluxe, i.e. it does not play very long words which open up new bingo lanes, it tends to play very compactly meaning it's hard to make new places to play words.

From looking back at a few of those games, Psion's main weakness (apart from the shorter word list) seems to be inability to get rid of Q or Z if it picks it up, and it doesn't consider changing it looks like.

I'll also post the allowed SOWPODS 2019 2 letter words (may be a later version with more or less words now?)
























Since those are the most important words to know if you want to get good. I do not look up words on that list or check the list when playing the computer, I know most of them already I think. (I had forgotten about ZE now being allowed though!)

When I play my friend she allows us both to look at the 2 letter word list when playing since it's a more casual game we play. We don't allow looking up any other words until they get challenged though (and I get challenged a lot more than I challenge her). My main strength is rack management/bingos hers is finding high scoring non-bingo plays.
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by ParadigmShifter »

Well still have all the tiles at hand from my Scrabble set and not got much else to do.

If you participate remember no cheating searching for words until after the game... If you do cheat to find a good play put it in a spoiler so I don't see it.

I go first again (3rd time in a row!). Finally see a blank! I see a bingo in my future. Rest of rack doesn't look very clever though.


Think I need to play some of the O's I don't think I can play a V at the same time though. Try and work out what to leave. OVE is not bad want to keep the T probably as well (maybe not with OVE though)

Might just play VOTE or VETO though leaves OO_

I think OVO might be OK, but probably wont play it, too risky, and also it will probably prevent the opponent from opening up the board if it is good. Not sure about EVO either (or VOO). VOE might be ok, again that's a risk, so I think VETO or VOTE (probably VOTE since that has most hooks for another word, VOTER, VOTED etc.) and I want the computer to open up a bingo lane since I have a blank. TOVE might be ok as well but that's a risk too and no better than VOTE I think.

I reckon I want to play the E on the centre square to make double word scores more difficult for CPU to reach if it extends VOTE. Although that puts the higher scoring V on a double lane. So maybe O on the centre square instead. Not much between either of those plays though really.

... ok gonna play it and put the V in the double lane and the E in the centre


R and a D picked up to extend VOTE if CPU doesn't (probably will though?) And another O. Ooh DOORKNOB if CPU plays a K or a B in a nice place.

LOL Mystic Meg here


Might be a better place for a bingo though.

howk (haʊk)
to dig (out or up)

Pretty sure DOORKNO(B) is the play for 66. Play it, gets challenged.

Valid in all dictionaries


CPU plays VARE/AW for 19


vare (vɛə)
(Animals) a weasel

AW - same as AWW (interjection)

BEAU/OB/BE for 17 looks like a play underneath the OB of doorknob. Then I could play BEAUT next go if available, and a rack leave of TIO is pretty good. That probably makes CPU playing down to the bottom centre triple word score more difficult too.

OK I decide that looks like a good plan, can't see any other good use of premium squares.


No challenge. I reckon it will challenge BEAUT if I play that though next turn ;)

CPU plays EYE/OE/OY for 13


OY just the interjection I think and we've seen OE before.

MID/OBI/BED I could play under OB and BE scores a good few points (16) if I don't play BEAUT and has DOTE as rack leave which looks fine. Although BEAUT and TIMED with the D of TIMED doubled looks like it will score well too (27), opens up the triples on the bottom though.

I think 27 points vs. 16 is worth opening up a triple word score though. It's also usually ok to open up a triple lane if you also bag the double letter score at the same time which limits scoring. Unless by a miracle they can play across both triples for a 9x bingo lol. That's rare but usually means an insta win for whoever gets one ;)

Also thought about just playing TIME, keeping TIMED possible for myself next go, I don't think it will still be available next turn though, and it misses out on 8 points (also rack leave of DOD not as good as DO). So I play BEAUT/TIMED for 27 (I had worked it out wrong as 29 earlier, whoops. 27 still ok though)

It challenges BEAUT, valid in all dictionaries again (short for BEAUTY). THAT WAS A GOOD PLAY it says.


CPU plays IDIOT for 18

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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by sn3j »

Demo beneath Beau ? Nice opening btw. Oops, I didn't see your recent edit for some reason. Nvm then.
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by ParadigmShifter »

sn3j wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 7:36 pm Demo beneath Beau ? Nice opening btw.
That would have scored 29 (maybe 30, can't do maths for some reason tonight lol) so was better than my play! I'm not that good at spotting long parallel plays, well done.

Could play ANODE/OBO/BED/AE but not sure about OBO. Must be something better anyway I think.

Can't see a bingo want to play at least 1 D I think. And get rid of some duplicate vowels.

I think I want to find a play across through the M near the bottom to bag that double word score.

Can see DOMED there for 18 looking for something 1 longer that also doubles the first D

DAEMON looks like a good play there, scores 22, leaves ED which is excellent. Probably gonna play that in about 5 mins. 99.5% sure that's the correct spelling of that ;) Obviously Unix users will know if I am correct or not lol.

Yup, it's the correct spelling, valid in all dictionaries. New rack, looks bad. QADI is a word if I can find an I to play it off. QAID is valid too. And QAT.


CPU plays PRICE for 12


Ok so I could play CLEANED from the C in PRICE that doesn't score many points. PANELED might be ok off the P for more points, US spelling that I think (but those are allowed in SOWPODS), or maybe I don't know how to spell it either ;) Both those plays just leave the Q. Might be worth holding on to QAD though.

I think QUAE is a word too above U of BEAUT that does not score very many points. AI is a word (the three toed sloth I think).

Best spot to play looks like through the R of price across 2 double word scores for a 4x... I'll look for something there I think.

Woot, LEARNED, that scores 32 (8x2x2), don't think I can get better than that.

... so I play it, rack pain continues


Well at least I have QUIZ lol will I be able to play that anywhere though

CPU uses a blank and plays (T)HIEF for 18


I think JUTED is a word if I play that onto D in DOORKNOB that triples the J, uses U and D though which work better with Q.

I can play QUIE(T) onto the blank T to triple the Q for 33 that looks like the best play... leaves JZT on the rack though which is bad, it's easier to play J and Z though than Q.

I can play QUITE and EL above LEARNED which quadruples the Q... that has to be best, leaves J and Z. That scores 50. Never turn down an easy 50 points I say. It does open up the triples on the left for a big score, but I think I am far enough ahead if I get 50 now to not be that bothered about that (also I could bag a triple off the Q as well I suppose).

So I take the 50 points, new rack


CPU plays HOWKS and EYES for 26, good score for just 1 tile, although normally I'd want to get 30 odd with an S if possible usually.


JIZ might be good (I know JIZZ is - since it is allowed in SJOE with CUSS mode turned on lol, need a blank for it in Scrabble obvs) for 38 might risk that if I don't see anything else that gets rid of J or Z for good points.

JAW and JOY above EYES is safe option, scores a lot of points for just the J played (26)

I think ZOE is good too not sure about RAZ or JAZ which I'd want to play at the same time though.

I go for the safe play


THAT WAS A GOOD PLAY it says again.

It's safe to check JIZ, JAZ, now since it's gone.

JIZ - yes!
JAZ - no :(

Not gonna check the others yet since I still have Z, R on my rack

CPU plays BEAUTY for 11


Playing off 1 letter at a time normally means you have a close bingo on your rack (should have kept the S though in that case) but I don't think the CPU plans ahead much.

I can play RITZY onto it (I know that is good), 99.9% sure RITZ is fine too (probably from me remembering words from SJOE lol), and that scores more in the top left on a double word score, that would leave RLRA on rack.

EDIT: No I can't play RITZY I haven't got an I ;) I was looking at playing RITZ just before it played though, which is why I was thinking of it.

I think RITZ is the play (slight risk it is capitalised hence would not be allowed), that keeps my only vowel.

So I play RITZ, gets challenged. It's allowed in all dictionaries (putting on the ritz). Scores 26. THAT WAS A GOOD PLAY!

New rack, looks OK


Well I can see GARLIC straight away anyway. CHAIR through THIEF scores a lot of points but it might get blocked now, leaves LRG, not great.

CPU blocks that spot anyway, have to look for something else. GHOST for 22.


CARGIRL on rack I don't think that is a word lol
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by ParadigmShifter »

Just realised I had moved an extra tile from my "letters played" section of the scrabble box from the "letters available" side of the box (or I started with one in the already played section that was hiding).

Letter was an E by the way ;) But that took a while to sort out (had to make the board and see what I was left with lol).

I can see CARRY above BEAUTY which doubles the C but does open up the triple (don't think it will matter when I am so far ahead though, and an open board is better for me too). That's only worth 14

I'll keep looking for something better though.

I don't think GRITZ is a word that would allow me to play GARLIC if it was though. Not a bingo though, and not on a double word either. So not worth risking.

CRAG/DA/AG beneath DAEMON looks like a good play, scores 21. Would be better if I could also use the other triple letter though.

CIGAR/DA/AR same place triples the C. Can't remember if AR is allowed or not :( That would score 23. Probably not worth the risk. I should know whether AR is allowed!

CRAIG might be OK instead of CRAG (sounds like it could be Scots word to me lol), that would score more then CRAG and triple the C and the G. I'd have no vowels then. There are 12 vowels and 16 consonants unaccounted for (7 on opponents rack) so a bit more likely to draw consonants than vowels, not sure I should use all my vowels right now on a risky play.

I decide to risk CRAIG/DI/AG since I am well ahead. It challenges.

Nice one!

craig (kreɡ; kreɪɡ)
(Physical Geography) a Scot word for crag

I knew it would be Scots ;) It's SOWPODS only so can't be played in US/International tourneys.

Also challenges DI, we had that in another game, it's allowed. Challenges AG too!

AG - Of or relating to agriculture or agricultural studies: ag students.


Scored 28. Open up the triple word score for AX/EX though which would score a lot (not enough to get back in this one though)


CPU plays GHOSTS/SNUB for 22


UR/BO/ROLL onto the triple looks like my best play and leaves a good rack (INE). Board is pretty blocked now though. There is a U left either in bag or on opponents rack for the Q on the left.

So I like that play, may as well bag another triple while I am at it. nothing is challenged. BO = a long staff used in martial arts apparently. Scores 18.


CPU has a log think before playing this, scores well (34)

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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by sn3j »

my tip was Cure across Beaty fwiw, but too late again ;)
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by ParadigmShifter »

sn3j wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 10:20 pm my tip was Cure across Beaty fwiw, but too late again ;)
I don't think RI is allowed? (I'm correct about that)

QANAE is ringing a bell but not going to try it lol. I will look it up at the end though. I might want to keep hold of F and L in case I draw the U for JOYFUL
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by sn3j »

ParadigmShifter wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 10:27 pm I don't think RI is allowed? (I'm correct about that)
Japanese Ri — The Distance Walked in an Hour
Don't know why it's not in the list though.
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by ParadigmShifter »

sn3j wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 10:28 pm Japanese Ri — The Distance Walked in an Hour
Don't know why it's not in the list though.
It's a bit arbitrary which words are allowed from Foreign languages. LI is something similar (Chinese) and that is allowed. RI is (sort of) pronounced as LI in Japanese anyway ;)

I think RE is the only 2 letter word starting with R allowed (I posted a list in a spoiler above if you want to check).

I think FRITZ is good (slang term for German WW2 soldier?) could risk that, with LIFE doubled. That leaves ANA not too bad.

I decide to risk LIFE/FRITZ since it would be a big score. It's challenged.

It's allowed! THAT WAS A GOOD PLAY! Probably quite an offensive term though, sorry but most of those are allowed in SOWPODS ;)

31 points though.


I get the X.

Tiles left in bag or on opponents rack:


CPU plays EA/EL/AI for 14.

EA we already had. I played EL earlier (something EL shaped, the letter L). I was right about AI being a three toed sloth

AI - a sloth that has three long claws on each forefoot and each hindfoot

So it has AIMNPSV on its rack. Bag is empty. V is the awkward one you want to get rid of, makes no 2 letter words.


If CPU knows about VISA I probably want to block that in top right or play there myself (been eyeing up that spot for a while myself)

I can play AX/XI under LEARNED that's only 18 but gets rid of my X. I also have AX and XU on rack though so there may be a better place for it.

XUS blocking VISA scores 18 too that looks like the troll move ;) I think XU takes an S.

ZA and AX scores 20... probably best I can score I think.

So I play that, ZA is challenged (short for "PIZZA" lol), THAT WAS A GOOD PLAY!

So he should play VISA know if he is sensible.


Ok it finds the much better scoring MAINS for 33 I think (nope, 37, even better). It has PV left. I can probably stop him playing them both at same time.


OK so I can go out in 2 cheaply with NY/NAG (11) then RUT at the top if I just want to get it over with. Would like to try and get 400 points though.

QUA is available for 12 but leaves me with NRG left. I don't think QUAG is legal though that would be better than QUAG if it is. Maybe I want to get rid of N and R now see if he can play out or not, if he can't play his V I can play QUAG for no risk.
Last edited by ParadigmShifter on Sun May 19, 2024 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by sn3j »

Rag across Fritz?
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by ParadigmShifter »

sn3j wrote: Sun May 19, 2024 11:16 pm Rag across Fritz?
Yeah that's good, think I will play that then, cheers!

Can it play out or will I get another go to try and beat the 400 barrier?


It plays PUR, in the same spot as the last game I think lol ;)


So I guess that means it can't play it's V, I should be able to get to 400 now then.

So I have VOTER and NY/NU as my 2 plays to go out. Both score the same I think (8). May as well play VOTER first

Scores 8. Not much point screengrabbing it I will screengrab at the end which will be this turn or CPU will pass.

CPU passes as I expected so I play NY/NU. It challenges NU (greek letter - valid in all dictionaries). It challenges NY (archaic word for NIGH looks like - only valid in SOWPODS).


That was a proper battering handed out there :) Pleased to get to 400 points as well. Some good plays there (the 4x score on 2 double word scores, QUITE and EL for 50, FRITZ, obviously the bingo was lucky he set me up with a B or a K so I could play it immediately, couldn't see any other bingos, too many Os). I liked DAEMON as well using the other premium square, glad I spent the time looking for that when I had another word which did not use the premium square.
Last edited by ParadigmShifter on Sun May 19, 2024 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by ParadigmShifter »

In case you are wondering, QANAE is not a valid word ;)

I think there is something a bit like that which also has a Q in it though which is probably why I thought it might be ok.

RAZ and TAZ both bad good job I didn't risk those either. I think FRITZ was the only risky word I played that game.

Today's homework

https://scrabblewordfinder.org/scrabble ... q/and-no/u

INQILAB and WAQF are my fave ones of those I think.
Last edited by ParadigmShifter on Sun May 19, 2024 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by sn3j »

well done
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by ParadigmShifter »

I'm definitely better against the CPU when I do something like this and have to explain my thinking and take my time. Usually I'm half drunk and playing first good word I see :lol:

Your suggestion at the end was good too, better than QUA and left a better rack.

I wouldn't mind playing the QL one but it's not available here and I don't know of a QL emulator anyway ;) It's by the same people I think. Although I see QL only has 128K as well maybe the word list is no bigger. Maybe it thrashes the microdrive to lookup words though lol :)

Obviously a more modern AI opponent would be able to wipe the floor with me ;)

I still think CPU should have played VISA to get rid of the V (it was in a good spot too) to minimise the loss (it had already lost a long time ago though). But it did bag a triple and a big score I suppose.

I should have played NY/NU before VOTER on the off chance it could play it's V and go out though. Like I said there are no 2 letter words involving V though so you don't want to have that unplayable at the end, play it as soon as you can.

No 2 letter words with V and it only scoring 4 makes it one of the worst letters to pick up, I always try and get rid as soon as possible. Maybe it should score 5 (maybe make K 6 then as well? Although I don't think K needs a buff really, usually pretty easy to play).

I also didn't panic when I had JQZ on my rack took it sensibly and thought about what to play.

I got all the high scoring tiles that game (QZJX, and the K). And a blank, so I had much better draws than the CPU. That was why it looked like an easy win I think. I didn't get any of the 4 S's though! S is the 2nd best tile after the blank (if you don't waste blanks like the CPU does). Although it used its blank ok this game to play THIEF which scored a lot. (EDIT: Actually only 18, not good enough for a blank. You want 30+ minimum for a blank early to mid game and you should only play it if it improves your other best play not using the blank by at least 20 I would say). Late game blanks become a lot weaker if there are no bingo spots though.

Although saying that if you end up keeping high scoring tiles for too long you can end up with having to make loads of bad plays. I considered changing tiles at least once that game :)

LATE UPDATE: XU does not take an S so my troll move of XUS would have been denied. It would still have played as it did though I expect so that wouldn't have mattered since it couldn't play its V so I could have finished off leisurely.

XU = currency in Vietnam, 1/100th of a Dong (lol)
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by ParadigmShifter »

Other words I considered this game, and have now checked

OVO - no
JUTED - no. JUTE is good though which is why I thought of it.
VOO - no
TOVE - no. "'Twas brillig, and the slithey toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe" is the opening line from Jabberwock (Lewis Carroll poem) but that is famous for lots of nonsense words of course. "All mimsy were the borogroves, and the momeraths outgrabe" is the next line I think ;)
EVO - yes! (SOWPODS only)
OBO - yes! (SOWPODS only). That's probably a good one to know since both OB and BO are valid. ABO is also good but they may have banned that recently for woke reasons (Australian slang for Aborigine) - it's defo banned in the US now. ABOS is on the CUSS list in SJOE for that reason.
PANELED - valid in all dictionaries. I'm a stickler for UK spellings though and I don't like a single L when it should have 2 in my opinion ;) Most US spelling variants are allowed in SOWPODS, I don't think they are as courteous to us as we are to them in their dictionary (which is why SOWPODS has more words and is betterer IMO lol).
QUAE - no. AQUAE is good in all dictionaries though, which is another good word to know since AQUA is obviously valid, and played a lot.
ZOE, RAZ - both not legal
GRITZ - no. Didn't think it was lol
AR - yes! Valid in all dictionaries. I should have known that. CRAIG scored more than CIGAR anyway but that was a bit of a risk too. If I'd known AR was valid I would have played safe with CIGAR instead of CRAIG.
CARGIRL - obvs not a valid word lol
CATGIRL - checked that too, not valid yet maybe it will be in at some point cos Japanese cartoons lol ;)
GIRLCAR - also no, and I'm not very knowledgeable about cars anyway, probably a pink Honda Civic or something :)
QUAG - valid in all dictionaries! That's good to know since QUA is played a lot. Maybe that was the best play (left fewer tiles on rack at end) although sn3j's word was great too. (And probs scored more points in the endgame anyway, so QUAG wasn't the best choice I think. Still a good word to know).
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by akeley »

Ok, start a new game and give us more time for suggestions. This could be fun.
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by sn3j »

My idea for the last tiles was RUS across Ghosts (old name for Russian tribe) but that would have caused trouble as it's not valid for some reason I don't know. And IN to get rid of the N.
I thought you'd nearly scratch the 400 but the last move really took the score a notch higher. Nice finish.
Last edited by sn3j on Mon May 20, 2024 12:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Scrabble Deluxe on highest level then

Post by ParadigmShifter »

akeley wrote: Mon May 20, 2024 7:01 am Ok, start a new game and give us more time for suggestions. This could be fun.
It already takes about 3 hours to play a game at 10 minutes per move ;) And it takes a lot of thinking since I don't look up words or anything... if I give people loads of time between words I think they will be more inclined to cheat by using anagram finders and the like.

Note anagram finders and the like doesn't always give the best move (usually playing all the letters is clearly the best though)... If you can't get a bingo it's mostly about rack leave to maximise chances on the next draw, or using the premium squares most effectively (e.g. when I played DAEMON last game, or playing LEARNED through PRICE to cover 2 double word scores for 4x score). At my level of play anyway (I'd say good intermediate level is my playing level). Proper experts can usually leave anything and still get a playable word next go.

By all means start another game (can use this thread if you like) and I will join in but I get bored when playing by myself if I have to wait a really long time between moves.

EDIT: Most Scrabble games online (when I used to be a member of a Scrabble site) have a limit of 20 mins per player per game using a chess clock, so 3 hours for a game is very slow indeed ;)

If you like high level Scrabble play with commentary I would recommend this guy

He plays which checking moves allowed though which I think is not cricket. Not that he checks very often but I'm always disappointed if he does that.

And for human vs. AI this guy is playing 100 games I think.

Obviously those guys are far better at playing than I am :)
Last edited by ParadigmShifter on Mon May 20, 2024 12:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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