starting with elias-gamma

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Manic Miner
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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by C.Born »

back to that single main question about direction inside memory
i write a single elias value in memory on a fresh cleared location,

its the value 1
that delivers a single bit without leading 0

is this single bit stored on
bit 0 %00000001
bit 7 %10000000

its very much "navel staren" but you have to know once you extract the values later ...
eg what does the decompressor of zx0 expect ??
Manic Miner
Posts: 263
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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by C.Born »

it seems to work and trying on the first 2K of the ROM gives a bit shorter result then 2k, BUT elias-gamma=0 and/or Golomb=255 are avoided, so, those are omitted and Not part of the result.
is it now "ready" for a zx0 step?? with settings its 148 bytes, and as bin probably around 125 bytes
the view on screen is per byte reversed since i start with BIT0 %00000001
any reaction is welcome,
whats the next step ??

Code: Select all

; should be Elias, but now alias ...
; to be INCLUDEd as ASM

; #INCLUDE alias-0050.asm

; pasmo -d --bin alias-0050.asm alias-0050.bin alias-0050.symbol

; pasmo -d --tapbas --name alias-0050 alias-0050.asm alias-0050.tap alias-0050.symbol

; tape    equ  0

; an elias-gamma format Z80 routine 
; DE holds SOURCE, hl holds DESTINY

; IF tape       ; for TEST purpose only

source        equ 0        ; lets elias the ROM
destiny       equ 16384    ; lets dump the string on screen
length        equ 2048      ; lets try some more

here          equ 25000    ; 16k rules, leave some stack

              org here
              di                  ; EXX used, avoid ROM troubles
              push hl             ; save sysvar
              ld bc,length
              ld de,source
              ld hl,destiny

elias:        push bc
              ld a,(golomb)
              ld c,a              ; c=0 or 1

              push de
              ld a,(de)           ; elias source
              add a,c
              jp z,done     ; on elias = 0 or golomb=255 (255+1)

              ld b,8
              ld c,1              ; gamma 1st %00000001
count0        rrc c               ;  > c gamma 1st=%10000000
              sla a               ; c<7-6543210-<0  %xxxx0000
              jr c,gammafound
              djnz count0         ; will b=0 happen , nope
gammafound    equ $               ; b=2^(b-1) value and c is gammabit position
                                  ; a holds remains after the gamma bit
                                  ; a= %xxxxxxx0 to %00000000

              ld (remains),a      ; every bit AFTER the gamma bit

              ld a,b
              ld (gammabit),a     ;   1 to 8 , position as value

              ld a,c              ;                         87654321
              ld (lastgamma),a    ;   position inside byte %0000000x

; set a bit at a time, just keep counting, start at BIT 0, BYTE 0
; for NOW this is the first step for the first bit of the first eliasgamma of the eliasgammabitstring 
; starting at 0bit,0byte

              ld a,b
              dec a
              jr z,done
              dec b

              ld a,(bits)         ; be sure the ONCE_PRESET=1 is correct
              cpl                 ; first write 0 with AND %xxxx0xxx
              ld c,a              ; c has now a single 0 bit
              ld a,(hl)           ; byte destiny

set0          and c               ; first FIX bit in A reg into an 0
              rlc c               ; then rotate bit c
              jr c,notyet         ; c has a single 0 bit giving NC
              ld (hl),a           ; store result
              inc hl              ; 8 bits in a row FIXED what ever the counter mentions
              ld a,(hl)           ; next byte to fixed
notyet        dec b
              jr c,bdone
              jr nz,set0

bdone         ld (hl),a           ; store 000 in destiny
              ld a,c
              cpl                 ; back to %00001000
              ld c,a
              ld a,(hl)
              or c                ; fix bit '1' gamma bit
              rlc c               ; rotate bit for next free bit
              jr nc,noty
              ld (hl),a           ; store '001' in  destiny
              inc hl
              ld a,(hl)           ; store '001' in  destiny
noty          equ $

              ld a,c              ; 
              ld (bits),a         ; fixed bit position in c
              ld e,a

              ld a,(gammabit)    ;
              ld b,a              ; counter in b

              ld a,(remains)      ;
              ld d,a              ; last bits to be fixed, 0 and 1

              ld a,(hl)           ; store in a

bitz          sla d
              jr nc,fix0

fix1          or c         ; set a '1'
              rlc e
              rlc c
              jr checkhl

fix0          and e        ; set a '0'
              rlc e
              rlc c

checkhl       jr nc,ntyt
              ld (hl),a
              inc hl
              ld a,(hl)
ntyt          dec b
              jr c,bbdone
              jr nz,bitz

bbdone        ld a,c
              ld (bits),a

done          pop de             ;  source adres
              inc de             ; real adres
;              ex de,hl
;              inc (hl)          ; source2 adres with calc result
;              ex de,hl

              pop bc
              dec bc             ; source counter

              ld a,b
              or c
              jp nz,elias

              pop hl             ; fetch sysvar

lastgamma     defb 0              ; starting with bit 0

golomb        defb 0              ; use value elias0 on golomb=1 OR not on golomb=0

remains       defb 0

gammabit      defb 0              ; b = number

bits          defb 1              ; b=next free bit POSITION in the string from 1 to 8 %87654321

source2 defw 1

END here
Manic Miner
Posts: 263
Joined: Sat Dec 09, 2017 4:09 pm

Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by C.Born »

and 1 bit better, again
it stil laks some thing

Code: Select all

; an elias-gamma format Z80 routine 
; DE holds SOURCE, hl holds DESTINY


; #INCLUDE Elias-0062.asm

; pasmo -d --bin Elias-0062.asm Elias-0062.bin Elias-0062.symbol

; pasmo -d --tapbas --name Elias-0062 Elias-0062.asm Elias-0062.tap Elias-0062.symbol

;  10 CLEAR 25499: LOAD ""CODE 
;  40 BORDER 4: CLS : GO SUB 200: RANDOMIZE USR 25500
;  50 PAUSE 0: RANDOMIZE USR 25627
; 150 STOP 
; 200 LET x=0: FOR g=1 TO 8: FOR f=1 TO 32: LET x=NOT x: PRINT  BRIGHT x;" ";: NEXT f: LET x=NOT x: NEXT g
; 210 RETURN 

source        equ 0        ; lets elias the ROM

destiny       equ 16384    ; lets dump the string on screen

length        equ 2048     ; lets try some more then 1 byte

here          equ 25500    ; 16k rules, leave some stack

              org here

              push hl             ; save sysvar

              ld bc,length
              ld de,source
              ld hl,destiny

elias:        push bc
              ld a,(golomb)
              ld c,a              ; c=0 or 1

              push de
              ld a,(de)           ; elias source
              add a,c
              jr z,done           ; on elias = 0 or golomb=255 (255+1)

              ld b,8
              ld c,1              ; gamma 1st %00000001
count0        rrc c               ;  > c gamma 1st=%10000000
              sla a               ; c<7-6543210-<0  %xxxx0000
              jr c,gammafound
              djnz count0         ; will b=0 happen , nope
gammafound    equ $               ; b=2^(b-1) value and c is gammabit position
                                  ; a holds remains after the gamma bit
                                  ; a= %xxxxxxx0 to %00000000

              ld (remains),a      ; every bit AFTER the gamma bit

              ld a,b
              ld (gammabit),a     ;   1 to 8 , position as value

              ld a,c              ;                         87654321
              ld (lastgamma),a    ;   position inside byte %0000000x

; set a bit at a time, just keep counting, start at BIT 0, BYTE 0
; for NOW this is the first step for the first bit of the first eliasgamma of the eliasgammabitstring 
; starting at 0bit,0byte

             ; ld a,(lastgamma)
              call mirrad         ; return with d set

              ld a,(gammabit)     ;
              ld b,a              ; counter in b
              call setbits        ; b and d are set now

              ld a,(remains)      ;
              ld d,a              ; last bits to be fixed, 0 and 1
              sla d               ; purge gamma bit

              ld a,(gammabit)     ;
              ld b,a              ; counter in b
;              dec b
;              jr z,done

              call setbits

done          pop de              ;  source adres
              inc de              ; real adres

              pop bc
              dec bc              ; source counter

              ld a,b
              or c
              jr nz,elias

              pop hl              ; fetch sysvar

; d = bitrow  b = counter
; (hl) = destiny
; uses a,b,c,d,e,(hl)

              ld a,(bits)
              ld c,a
              ld e,a

              ld a,(hl)           ; fetch DESTINY BYTE in a
bitz          sla d               ; purge data bits
              jr nc,fix0

fix1          or c                ; set a '1'
              rlc e
              rlc c
              jr checkhl

fix0          and e               ; set a '0'
              rlc e
              rlc c

checkhl       jr nc,ntyt          ; c/nc from C
              ld (hl),a
              inc hl
              ld a,(hl)
ntyt          dec b
              jr c,bbdone
              jr nz,bitz

bbdone        ld a,c
              ld (bits),a

; needs A set, delivers D
; uses A,B,D
mirrad:       ld b,8
mkd           sla a         ; a to be mirrord
              rr d          ; carry IN a 1 or 0
              djnz mkd      ; always 8 bits
              ret           ; return with D set

              ld hl,destiny
              ld de,length
nextmirror    ld a,(hl)
              call mirrad
              ld (hl),d
              inc hl
              dec de
              ld a,d
              or e
              jr nz,nextmirror

; Elias value elias+1
golomb        defb 0              ; use value elias0 on golomb=1 OR not on golomb=0

lastgamma     defb 0              ; starting with bit 0
remains       defb 0
gammabit      defb 0              ; b = number
bits          defb 1              ; b=next free bit POSITION in the string from 1 to 8 %87654321

source2 defb 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
sourc2end equ $
length2 equ sourc2end-source2

END here
Manic Miner
Posts: 263
Joined: Sat Dec 09, 2017 4:09 pm

Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by C.Born »

and back to the board since now i do miss some, but what?

source2 defb 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15

; eliasgamma string with 1 to 15 should be 84 bits from which 32 set
; 1 010 011 00100 00101 00110 00111 0001000 0001001 0001010 0001011 0001100 0001101 0001110 0001111

this string is NOT happening (anymore?)
; 10100110010000101001100011100010000001001000101000010110001100000110100011100001111

Code: Select all

; an elias-gamma format Z80 routine 
; DE holds SOURCE, hl holds DESTINY

; LATER to be INCLUDEd as ASM or BIN

; Eliasgammaloop-0068
; pasmo -d --bin Eliasgammaloop-0068.asm Eliasgammaloop-0068.bin Eliasgammaloop-0068.symbol

; pasmo -d --tapbas --name Elias-0068 Eliasgammaloop-0068.asm Eliasgammaloop-0068.tap Eliasgammaloop-0068.symbol

;  10 CLEAR 25499: LOAD ""CODE 
;  40 BORDER 4: CLS : GO SUB 200: RANDOMIZE USR 25500
;  50 PAUSE 0: RANDOMIZE USR mirrorscreen
; 150 STOP 
; 200 LET x=0: FOR g=1 TO 8: FOR f=1 TO 32: LET x=NOT x: PRINT  BRIGHT x;" ";: NEXT f: LET x=NOT x: NEXT g
; 210 RETURN 

;source        equ 0        ; lets elias the ROM
;length        equ 2048     ; lets try some more then 1 byte

destiny       equ 16384    ; lets dump the string on screen

here          equ 25500    ; 16k rules, leave some stack

              org here

              push hl             ; save sysvar

              ld bc,length2
              ld de,source2
              ld hl,destiny

eliasloop     push bc             ; store counter
              push de             ; store source

              call elias          ; MIND HL WILL raise per BIT, should be

              pop de              ; 
              inc de              ; raise source adres

              pop bc
              dec bc              ; source counter
              ld a,b
              or c
              jr nz,eliasloop
              ld b,h
              ld c,l
              pop hl              ; fetch sysvar
              push bc
              pop bc              ; last adres of destiny

; HL= destiny, DE=source
elias:        ld a,(golomb)
              ld c,a              ; c=0 or 1

              ld a,(de)           ; elias source
              add a,c
              jr z,done           ; on elias = 0 or golomb=255 (255+1)

              ld b,8
              ld c,1              ; gamma 1st %00000001
count0        rrc c               ;  > c gamma 1st=%10000000
              sla a               ; c<7-6543210-<0  %xxxx0000
              jr c,gammafound
              djnz count0         ; will b=0 happen , nope
gammafound    equ $               ; b=2^(b-1) value and c is gammabit position
                                  ; a holds remains after the gamma bit
                                  ; a= %xxxxxxx0 to %00000000

              ld (remains),a      ; every bit AFTER the gamma bit
              ld a,b
              ld (gammabit),a     ;   1 to 8 , position as value
              ld a,c              ;                         87654321
              ld (lastgamma),a    ;   position inside byte %0000000x

; set a bit at a time, just keep counting, start at BIT 0, BYTE 0
; for NOW this is the first step for the first bit of the first eliasgamma of the eliasgammabitstring 
; starting at 0bit,0byte

             ; ld a,(lastgamma)
              call mirrad         ; return with d set

              ld a,(gammabit)     ;
              ld b,a              ; counter in b
              call setbits        ; b and d are set now

              ld a,(remains)      ;
              ld d,a              ; last bits to be fixed, 0 and 1
              sla d               ; purge gamma bit

              ld a,(gammabit)     ;
              ld b,a              ; counter in b, 1 to much or ends on the NEXT free BIT

              call setbits        ; b and d SET, is the position set correct
done          equ $

; d = bitrow  b = counter
; (hl) = destiny
; uses a,b,c,d,e,(hl)

              ld a,(bits)
              ld c,a
              ld e,a

              ld a,(hl)           ; fetch DESTINY BYTE in a
bitz          sla d               ; purge data bits
              jr nc,fix0

fix1          or c                ; set a '1'
              rlc e
              rlc c
              jr checkhl

fix0          and e               ; set a '0'
              rlc e
              rlc c

checkhl       jr nc,ntyt          ; c/nc from C
              ld (hl),a
              inc hl
              ld a,(hl)
ntyt          dec b
              jr c,bbdone
              jr nz,bitz

bbdone        ld a,c
              ld (bits),a

; needs A set, delivers D
; uses A,B,D
mirrad:       ld b,8
mkd           sla a         ; a to be mirrord
              rr d          ; carry IN a 1 or 0
              djnz mkd      ; always 8 bits
              ret           ; return with D set

              ld hl,16384
              ld de,6144
nextmirror    ld a,(hl)
              call mirrad
              ld (hl),d
              inc hl
              dec de
              ld a,d
              or e
              jr nz,nextmirror

; Elias value elias+1
golomb        defb 0              ; use value elias0 on golomb=1 OR not on golomb=0

lastgamma     defb 0              ; starting with bit 0
remains       defb 0
gammabit      defb 0              ; b = number
bits          defb 1              ; b=next free bit POSITION in the string from 1 to 8 %87654321

source2 defb 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
sourc2end equ $
length2 equ sourc2end-source2

;  eliasgamma string with 1 to 15 should be 84 bits from which 32 set
;  1 010 011 00100 00101 00110 00111 0001000 0001001 0001010 0001011 0001100 0001101 0001110 0001111
;  10100110010000101001100011100010000001001000101000010110001100000110100011100001111

END here
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Einar Saukas
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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by Einar Saukas »

I wrote this code in C some time ago:

Code: Select all

void write_classic_elias_gamma(int value) {
    int i = 1;
    while ((i <<= 1) <= value)
    while (i >>= 1)
        write_bit(value & i);
Same algorithm, more user friendly listing:

Code: Select all

void write_classic_elias_gamma(int value) {
    int i = 2;
    while (i <= value) {
        i = 2*i;
    do {
        i = i/2;
        write_bit(value & i);
    } while (i > 1);
It may help you to have a reference.

PS: Function write_bit must produce 0 if argument is zero, 1 if argument is not zero.
Manic Miner
Posts: 263
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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by C.Born »

Einar Saukas wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 10:56 pm I wrote this code in C some time ago:

Code: Select all

void write_classic_elias_gamma(int value) {
    int i = 1;
    while ((i <<= 1) <= value)
    while (i >>= 1)
        write_bit(value & i);
Same algorithm, more user friendly listing:

Code: Select all

void write_classic_elias_gamma(int value) {
    int i = 2;
    while (i <= value) {
        i = 2*i;
    do {
        i = i/2;
        write_bit(value & i);
    } while (i > 1);
It may help you to have a reference.

PS: Function write_bit must produce 0 if argument is zero, 1 if argument is not zero.
thank you, in C every thing is ordered at the background just like with basic.
but in asm most should be assimple as the c shows. i do some double or forget one step, i just have a look again later. cheers
Manic Miner
Posts: 263
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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by C.Born »

in C you dont have to concider that DEC B does NOT influence the carry
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Dynamite Dan
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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by ParadigmShifter »

Well use the C as a guide. Of course a decent optimising compiler knows tricks involving inc, dec, carry and such but I don't know if the C compiler for Z80 has a decent optimiser or not.

DEC does set the S flag so you can JP M instead where you would normally get a carry via SUB 1. (In 8 bit DEC anyway, 16 bit DEC preserves all flags).

EDIT: You can of course use inline ASM in C anyway if you want the benefits(?) of parameter passing (consult docs as to how parameters are passed to functions first of course, different calling conventions are available as well (maybe fastcall or something?). And there should be C vs. Pascal calling conventions available too if you do need to use stack for params (Pascal args are pushed to stack in the opposite order to C functions, which is why you can't have a varargs function in Pascal but you can in C).
Manic Miner
Posts: 263
Joined: Sat Dec 09, 2017 4:09 pm

Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by C.Born »

the pupuse is an pure Z80 eliasgamma

and i have to WRITE the final result, aswell , ....
one ld (hl),a to few, now repaired and working, pheew
! :roll:

Code: Select all

; an elias-gamma format Z80 routine 
; DE holds SOURCE, hl holds DESTINY

; LATER to be INCLUDEd as ASM or BIN

; Eliasgammaloop-0076
; pasmo -d --tapbas --name Elias-0076 Eliasgammaloop-0076.asm Eliasgammaloop-0076.tap Eliasgammaloop-0076.symbol
; pasmo -d --bin Eliasgammaloop-0076.asm Eliasgammaloop-0076.bin Eliasgammaloop-0076.symbol

;  10 CLEAR 25499: LOAD ""CODE 
;  50 RANDOMIZE USR mirrorscreen

;source        equ 0        ; lets elias the ROM
;length        equ 2048     ; lets try some more then 1 byte

destiny       equ 16384    ; lets dump the string on screen (and then mirror screen per byte)

here          equ 25500    ; 16k rules, leave some stack

              org here

              push hl             ; save sysvar

              ld a,1              ; set start position on bit0
              ld (bits),a

              ld bc,length2
              ld de,source2
              ld hl,destiny

eliasloop     push bc             ; store counter
              push de             ; store source

              call elias          ; MIND HL WILL raise per BIT, should be

              pop de              ; 
              inc de              ; raise source adres

              pop bc
              dec bc              ; source counter
              ld a,b
              or c
              jr nz,eliasloop
              ld b,h
              ld c,l              ; store last used destiny adres
              pop hl              ; fetch sysvar
              push bc             ; save last destiny on stack
              exx                 ; set sysvar
              pop bc              ; fetch adres for "LET ad=USR elias"

; HL= destiny, DE=source
elias:        ld a,(golomb)
              ld c,a              ; c=0 or 1

              ld a,(de)           ; elias source
              add a,c
              jr z,done           ; on elias = 0 or golomb=255 (elias254+1)

              ld b,8
              ld c,1              ; gamma 1st %00000001
count0        rrc c               ;  > c gamma 1st=%10000000
              sla a               ; c<7-6543210-<0  %xxxx0000
              jr c,gammafound
              djnz count0         ; will b=0 happen , nope
gammafound    equ $               ; b=2^(b-1) value and c is gammabit position
                                  ; a holds remains after the gamma bit
                                  ; a= %xxxxxxx0 to %00000000

              ld (remains),a      ; every bit AFTER the gamma bit
              ld a,b
              ld (gammabit),a     ;   1 to 8 , position as value
              ld a,c              ;                         87654321
;              ld (lastgamma),a    ;   position inside byte %0000000x

; set a bit at a time, just keep counting, start at BIT 0, BYTE 0
; for NOW this is the first step for the first bit of the first eliasgamma of the eliasgammabitstring 
; starting at 0bit,0byte

             ; ld a,(lastgamma)
mird          call mirrad         ; return with d set, b=0

              ld a,(gammabit)     ;
              ld b,a              ; counter in b

              call setbits        ; b and d are set now

rems          ld a,(remains)      ;
              ld d,a              ; last bits to be fixed, 0 and 1

              ld a,(gammabit)     ;
              ld b,a              ; counter in b, 1 to much or ends on the NEXT free BIT
              dec a
              jr z,done
              dec b
              call setbits        ; b and d SET, is the position set correct

done          equ $

; d = bitrow  b = counter
; (hl) = destiny
; uses a,b,c,d,e,(hl)
setbits       ld a,(bits)
              ld c,a         ;%0000x000
              ld e,a         ;%xxxx0xxx

              ld a,(hl)           ; fetch DESTINY BYTE in a

bitz          sla d               ; purge data bits
              jr nc,fix0

fix1          or c                ; set a '1'
              jr checkce

fix0          and e               ; set a '0'

checkce       rlc e
              rlc c
              jr nc,ntyt          ; c/nc from C
              ld (hl),a           ; bits = %00000001
              inc hl
              ld a,(hl)

ntyt          djnz bitz

bbdone        ld (hl),a
              ld a,c              ; c moved at least 1 position
              ld (bits),a         ; store 1st free bit

; needs A set, delivers D
; uses A,B,D
mirrad:       ld b,8
mkd           sla a         ; a to be mirrord
              rr d          ; carry IN a 1 or 0
              djnz mkd      ; always 8 bits
              ret           ; return with D set

              ld hl,16384
              ld de,6144
nextmirror    ld a,(hl)
              call mirrad
              ld (hl),d
              inc hl
              dec de
              ld a,d
              or e
              jr nz,nextmirror

; Elias value elias+1
golomb        defb 0              ; use value elias0 on golomb=1 OR not on golomb=0

;lastgamma     defb 0              ; starting with bit 0
remains       defb 0
gammabit      defb 0              ; b = number
bits          defb 1              ; b=next free bit POSITION in the string from 1 to 8 %87654321

source2 defb 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
sourc2end equ $
length2 equ sourc2end-source2

;  eliasgamma string with 1 to 15 should be 84 bits from which 32 set
;  1 010 011 00100 00101 00110 00111 0001000 0001001 0001010 0001011 0001100 0001101 0001110 0001111
;  10100110010000101001100011100010000001001000101000010110001100000110100011100001111

END here

thr reduced file apear 94 bytes

Code: Select all

; pasmo -d --bin EliasGamma.asm EliasGamma.bin EliasGamma.symbol

; HL= destiny, DE=source
; needs, Golomb, remains, gammabit, bits
elias:        ld a,(golomb)
              ld c,a              ; c=0 or 1

              ld a,(de)           ; elias source
              add a,c
              jr z,done           ; on elias = 0 or golomb=255 (elias254+1)

              ld b,8
              ld c,1              ; gamma 1st %00000001
count0        rrc c               ;  > c gamma 1st=%10000000
              sla a               ; c<7-6543210-<0  %xxxx0000
              jr c,gammafound
              djnz count0         ; will b=0 happen , nope
gammafound    equ $               ; b=2^(b-1) value and c is gammabit position
                                  ; a holds remains after the gamma bit
                                  ; a= %xxxxxxx0 to %00000000

              ld (remains),a      ; every bit AFTER the gamma bit
              ld a,b
              ld (gammabit),a     ;   1 to 8 , position as value

              ld a,c              ;

mirrad:       ld b,8
mkd           sla a         ; a to be mirrord
              rr d          ; carry IN a 1 or 0
              djnz mkd      ; always 8 bits

              ld a,(gammabit)     ;
              ld b,a              ; counter in b

              call setbits        ; b and d are set now

rems          ld a,(remains)      ;
              ld d,a              ; last bits to be fixed, 0 and 1

              ld a,(gammabit)     ;
              ld b,a              ; counter in b, 1 to much or ends on the NEXT free BIT
              dec b
              jr z,done
              call setbits        ; b and d SET, is the position set correct

done          equ $

; d = bitrow  b = counter
; (hl) = destiny
; uses a,b,c,d,e,(hl)
setbits       ld a,(bits)
              ld c,a         ;%0000x000
              ld e,a         ;%xxxx0xxx

              ld a,(hl)           ; fetch DESTINY BYTE in a

bitz          sla d               ; purge data bits
              jr nc,fix0

fix1          or c                ; set a '1'
              jr checkce

fix0          and e               ; set a '0'

checkce       rlc e
              rlc c
              jr nc,ntyt          ; c/nc from C
              ld (hl),a           ; bits = %00000001
              inc hl
              ld a,(hl)

ntyt          djnz bitz

bbdone        ld (hl),a
              ld a,c              ; c moved at least 1 position
              ld (bits),a         ; store 1st free bit

remains       defb 0
gammabit      defb 0              ; b = number
bits          defb 1              ; b=next free bit POSITION in the string from 1 to 8 %87654321
golomb        defb 0              ; use value elias0 on golomb=1 OR not on golomb=0
Manic Miner
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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by C.Born »

down to 82 bytes for the single eliasgamma

Code: Select all

; pasmo -d --bin EliasGamma.asm EliasGamma.bin EliasGamma.symbol

; HL= destiny, DE=source
; needs, Golomb, Bits

elias:        ld a,(golomb)
              ld c,a              ; c=0 or 1

              ld a,(de)           ; elias source
              add a,c
              jr z,done           ; on elias = 0 or golomb=255 (elias254+1)

              ld b,8
              ld c,1              ; gamma 1st %00000001
count0        rrc c               ;  > c gamma 1st=%10000000
              sla a               ; c<7-6543210-<0  %xxxx0000
              jr c,gammafound
              djnz count0         ; will b=0 happen , nope
gammafound    equ $               ; b=2^(b-1) value and c is gammabit position
                                  ; a holds remains after the gamma bit
                                  ; a= %xxxxxxx0 to %00000000
              push bc
              push af

              ld a,c              ;
              ld b,8
mkd           sla a         ; a to be mirrord
              rr d          ; carry IN a 1 or 0
              djnz mkd      ; always 8 bits

              pop af
              pop bc
              push bc
              push af

              call setbits        ; b and d are set now
              pop af
              pop bc

              ld d,a              ; last bits to be fixed, 0 and 1
              dec b
              jr z,done
              call setbits        ; b and d SET, is the position set correct

done          equ $

; d = bitrow  b = counter
; (hl) = destiny
; uses a,b,c,d,e,(hl)
setbits       ld a,(bits)
              ld c,a         ;%0000x000
              ld e,a         ;%xxxx0xxx

              ld a,(hl)           ; fetch DESTINY BYTE in a

bitz          sla d               ; purge data bits
              jr nc,fix0

fix1          or c                ; set a '1'
              jr checkce

fix0          and e               ; set a '0'

checkce       rlc e
              rlc c
              jr nc,ntyt          ; c/nc from C
              ld (hl),a           ; bits = %00000001
              inc hl
              ld a,(hl)

ntyt          djnz bitz

              ld (hl),a
              ld a,c              ; c moved at least 1 position
              ld (bits),a         ; store 1st free bit

bits          defb 1              ; b=next free bit POSITION in the string from 1 to 8 %87654321
golomb        defb 0              ; use value elias0 on golomb=1 OR not on golomb=0

and it needs the main loop ofcourse

Code: Select all

; an elias-gamma format Z80 routine 
; DE holds SOURCE, hl holds DESTINY

; Eliasgammaloop   ; NEEDS EliasGamma.asm

; pasmo -d --tapbas --name Eliasgamma Eliasgammaloop.asm Eliasgammaloop.tap Eliasgammaloop.symbol

;  10 CLEAR 25499: LOAD ""CODE 
;  50 RANDOMIZE USR mirrorscreen

;source        equ 0        ; lets elias the ROM
;length        equ 2048     ; lets try some more then 1 byte

destiny       equ 16384    ; lets dump the string on screen (and then mirror screen per byte)

here          equ 25500    ; 16k rules, leave some stack

              org here

              push hl             ; save sysvar

              ld a,1              ; set start position on bit0
              ld (bits),a

              ld bc,length2
              ld de,source2
              ld hl,destiny

eliasloop     push bc             ; store counter
              push de             ; store source

              call elias          ; MIND HL WILL raise per BIT, should be

              pop de              ; 
              inc de              ; raise source adres

              pop bc
              dec bc              ; source counter
              ld a,b
              or c
              jr nz,eliasloop
              ld b,h
              ld c,l              ; store last used destiny adres
              pop hl              ; fetch sysvar
              push bc             ; save last destiny on stack
              exx                 ; set sysvar
              pop bc              ; fetch adres for "LET ad=USR elias"

INCLUDE EliasGamma.asm

              ld hl,16384
              ld de,6144
nextmirror    ld a,(hl)
              ld b,8
mks           sla a         ; a to be mirrord
              rr d          ; carry IN a 1 or 0
              djnz mks      ; always 8 bits
              ld (hl),d
              inc hl
              dec de
              ld a,d
              or e
              jr nz,nextmirror

source2 defb 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
sourc2end equ $
length2 equ sourc2end-source2

;  eliasgamma string with 1 to 15 is 84 bits from which 32 set
;  1 010 011 00100 00101 00110 00111 0001000 0001001 0001010 0001011 0001100 0001101 0001110 0001111
;  10100110010000101001100011100010000001001000101000010110001100000110100011100001111

END here

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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by C.Born »

i added 1 byte to wipe the old contence of (hl),much better!
and changed the label from "notyet" ntyt to "next b" nexb,

Code: Select all

checkce       rlc e
              rlc c
              jr nc,nexb          ; c/nc from C
              ld (hl),a           ; bits = %00000001
              inc hl              ; new destiny byte
              xor a               ;
              ld (hl),a           ; wipe old data first
nexb          djnz bitz
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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by C.Born »

about interlaced eliasgamma
is the Zeta-Xi-Code what you refer to?

Code: Select all

Number N      Number N+1   Bits  Classic Elias Gamma Code          Interlaced Elias Gamma Code
0             1              1   1                                 1
1-2           2-3            3   01x                               0x1
3-6           4-7            5   001xx                             0x0x1
7-14          8-15           7   0001xxx                           0x0x0x1
15-30         16-31          9   00001xxxx                         0x0x0x0x1
31-62         32-63         11   000001xxxxx                       0x0x0x0x0x1
63-126        64-127        13   0000001xxxxxx                     0x0x0x0x0x0x1
127-254       128-255       15   00000001xxxxxxx                   0x0x0x0x0x0x0x1
255-510       256-511       17   000000001xxxxxxxx                 0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x1
511-1022      512-1023      19   0000000001xxxxxxxxx               0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x1
1023-2046     1024-2047     21   00000000001xxxxxxxxxx             0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x1
2047-4094     2048-4095     23   000000000001xxxxxxxxxxx           0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x1
4095-8190     4096-8191     25   0000000000001xxxxxxxxxxxx         0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x1
8191-16382    8192-16383    27   00000000000001xxxxxxxxxxxxx       0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x1
16383-32766   16384-32767   29   000000000000001xxxxxxxxxxxxxx     0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x1
32767-65534   32768-65535   31   0000000000000001xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x0x1
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Einar Saukas
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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by Einar Saukas »

There are more options in the Zeta-Xi Code link but uou can ignore them.

This table you copied is all you need.
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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by C.Born »

Einar Saukas wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 2:02 am There are more options in the Zeta-Xi Code link but uou can ignore them.

This table you copied is all you need.
Ok, then i need the R1 format up to 8 bits , for now ?zx0 is 8bits only?

Code: Select all

0             1              1   1                                 1
1-2           2-3            3   01x                               0x1
3-6           4-7            5   001xx                             0x0x1
7-14          8-15           7   0001xxx                           0x0x0x1
15-30         16-31          9   00001xxxx                         0x0x0x0x1
31-62         32-63         11   000001xxxxx                       0x0x0x0x0x1
63-126        64-127        13   0000001xxxxxx                     0x0x0x0x0x0x1
127-254       128-255       15   00000001xxxxxxx                   0x0x0x0x0x0x0x1
it forms a nice partern with al lot off equal 2bits parts, 00 and 01
do you half them in to 0 and 1 only, or thus that give counting promblems?
it always end with an' 1' and almost always starts with a '0' except for the single VALUE 1
well, first give it a try to have a double gamma wrench
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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by C.Born »

first interlaced attempt, seems close but i dont know

usr 25648 for mirror bytes on screen

Code: Select all

; ElIntGam-005
; save as ElIntGam.asm to INCLUDE in EliasGammaCode.asm or other loops
; pasmo -d --bin ElIntGam-005.asm ElIntGam-005.bin ElIntGam-005.symbol

; Interlaced Elias-gamma

;Interlaced (8bit r1 nivo only)
;Number N      Number N+1   Bits  Classic Elias Gamma Code          Interlaced Elias Gamma Code
;0             1              1   1                                 1
;1-2           2-3            3   01x                               0x1
;3-6           4-7            5   001xx                             0x0x1
;7-14          8-15           7   0001xxx                           0x0x0x1
;15-30         16-31          9   00001xxxx                         0x0x0x0x1
;31-62         32-63         11   000001xxxxx                       0x0x0x0x0x1
;63-126        64-127        13   0000001xxxxxx                     0x0x0x0x0x0x1
;127-254       128-255       15   00000001xxxxxxx                   0x0x0x0x0x0x0x1

;  eliasgamma string with 1 to 15 is 84 bits from which 32 set
;  1 010 011 00100 00101 00110 00111 0001000 0001001 0001010 0001011 0001100 0001101 0001110 0001111
;  10100110010000101001100011100010000001001000101000010110001100000110100011100001111
;  interlaced
;  1 001 011 00001 00011 01001 01011 0000001 0000011 0001001 0001011 0100001 0100011 0101001 0101011
;  10010110000100011010010101100000010000011000100100010110100001010001101010010101011

; HL= destiny, DE=source
; needs, Golomb, Bits

seed equ 23670

elias:        ld a,(golomb)
              ld c,a              ; c=0 or 1

              ld a,(de)           ; elias source
              add a,c
              jr z,done           ; on elias = 0 or golomb=255 (elias254+1)

              ld b,8
              ld c,1              ; gamma 1st %00000001
count0        rrc c               ;  > c gamma 1st=%10000000
              sla a               ; c<7-6543210-<0  %xxxx0000
              jr c,gammafound
              djnz count0         ; will b=0 happen , nope
gammafound    equ $               ; b=2^(b-1) value and c is gammabit position
                                  ; a holds remains after the gamma bit
                                  ; a= %xxxxxxx0 to %00000000
              push bc
              push af

              ld a,c              ;
              ld b,8
mkd           sla a         ; a to be mirrord
              rr d          ; carry IN  1 or 0
              djnz mkd      ; always 8 bits

              pop af
              pop bc

              call Interlace_bits        ; b and d are set now

done          equ $

; d = bitrow  b = counter, a=remains
; (hl) = destiny
; uses a,a' ,b,c,d,e,(hl)

              ex af,af'      ; remains is in a'

              ld a,(bits)

              ld c,a         ; %0000x000
              ld e,a              ; %xxxx0xxx

              ld a,(hl)           ; fetch DESTINY BYTE in a

bitz0         sla d               ; purge data '0' bits
              jr nc,fix0

fix1          or c                ; set a '1'
              jr checkce

fix0          and e               ; set a '0'

checkce       rlc e
              rlc c
              jr nc,nexb          ; c/nc from C
              ld (hl),a           ; bits = %00000001
              inc hl              ; new destiny byte
              xor a               ;
              ld (hl),a           ; wipe old data first
nexb          equ $

              push de             ; save d, e remains equal=problem
              ex af,af'
              ld d,a
              sla a       ; a must shift as much as d
              ex af,af'   ;
bitz1         sla d       ; purge data '0' bits
              jr nc,fix_0

fix_1          or c                ; set a '1'
              jr check_ce

fix_0          and e               ; set a '0'

check_ce      rlc e
              rlc c
              jr nc,nex_b          ; c/nc from C
              ld (hl),a           ; bits = %00000001
              inc hl              ; new destiny byte
              xor a               ;
              ld (hl),a           ; wipe old data first
nex_b          equ $

              push af
              ld a,e
              ld (seed),a
              pop af

              pop de    ; pop old d, better store 'd' it self ??

              push af
              ld a,(seed)
              ld e,a       ; restore BIT POSITION in e
              pop af

              djnz bitz0
              ld (hl),a

              ld a,c              ; c moved at least 1 position
              ld (bits),a         ; store 1st free bit

bits          defb 1              ; b=next free bit POSITION in the string from 1 to 8 %87654321
golomb        defb 0              ; use value elias0 on golomb=1 OR not on golomb=0

and the loop is renamed to Code

Code: Select all

; an Elias Gamma Code Z80 routine
; DE holds SOURCE, HL holds DESTINY, BC returns to basic with last adres of destiny

; EliasGammaCode_001   ; NEEDS EliasGamma.asm or ElIntGam.asm

; pasmo -d --tapbas --name Eliasgamma EliasGammaCode_001.asm EliasGammaCode_001.tap EliasGammaCode_001.symbol

;  10 CLEAR 25499: LOAD ""CODE 
;  50 RANDOMIZE USR mirrorscreen

; source        equ 0        ; lets elias the ROM
; length        equ 2048     ; lets try some more then 1 byte

interlaced equ 1    ; writes a different Elias type !!

destiny       equ 16384    ; lets dump the string on screen (and then mirror screen per byte)

here          equ 25500    ; 16k rules, leave some stack

              org here

              push hl             ; save sysvar

              ld a,1              ; set start position on bit0
              ld (bits),a

              ld bc,length2
              ld de,source2
              ld hl,destiny

eliasloop     push bc             ; store counter
              push de             ; store source

              call elias          ; MIND HL WILL raise per BIT, should be

              pop de              ; 
              inc de              ; raise source adres

              pop bc
              dec bc              ; source counter
              ld a,b
              or c
              jr nz,eliasloop
              ld b,h
              ld c,l              ; store last used destiny adres
              pop hl              ; fetch sysvar
              push bc             ; save last destiny on stack
              exx                 ; set sysvar
              pop bc              ; fetch adres for "LET ad=USR elias"

IF interlaced=1
INCLUDE ElIntGam.asm

IF interlaced=0
INCLUDE EliasGamma.asm

              ld hl,16384
              ld de,6144
nextmirror    ld a,(hl)
              ld b,8
mks           sla a         ; a to be mirrord
              rr d          ; carry IN a 1 or 0
              djnz mks      ; always 8 bits
              ld (hl),d
              inc hl
              dec de
              ld a,d
              or e
              jr nz,nextmirror

source2 defb 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
sourc2end equ $
length2 equ sourc2end-source2

;  eliasgamma string with 1 to 15 is 84 bits from which 32 set
;  1 010 011 00100 00101 00110 00111 0001000 0001001 0001010 0001011 0001100 0001101 0001110 0001111
;  10100110010000101001100011100010000001001000101000010110001100000110100011100001111

END here
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Einar Saukas
Posts: 3214
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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by Einar Saukas »

C.Born wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 2:02 pm zx0 is 8bits only?
No, it uses 16 bits in Elias Gamma coding.
Manic Miner
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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by C.Born »

i wrote an DEF FN entry, it works nice with the classic eliasgamma included

it needs its own DEF FN statement in basic, ofcourse

Code: Select all

   1 DEF FN p(a)=PEEK a+256*PEEK (a+SGN PI)
   5 DEF FN a(s,d,l,g)=USR el
  10 CLEAR VAL "25499": LET el=FN p(VAL "23730")+SGN PI: LOAD ""CODE el
  15 LET b=NOT PI: LET b$=""
  20 FOR f=SGN PI TO CODE " ": LET b$=b$+CHR$ VAL "19"+CHR$ b+" ": LET b=NOT b: NEXT f
  25 IF LEN b$ < VAL "97" THEN LET b=NOT b: GO TO VAL "20"
  37 LET s=VAL"0": LET d=VAL"16384": LET l=VAL "2048": LET g=VAL"1"
  40 LET last=FN a(s,d,l,g)
  45 SAVE "elias$" CODE d,last-d

Code: Select all

; a.d. 2024 Chris Born

; an Elias Gamma Code Z80 routine
; DE holds SOURCE, HL holds DESTINY, BC returns to basic with last adres of destiny

; Elias Gamma ENCoding

; EliasGammaCode_005   ; NEEDS EliasGamma.asm or ElIntGam.asm

; pasmo -d --tap --name Eliasgamma EliasGammaCode_005.asm EliasGammaCode_005.tap EliasGammaCode_005.symbol
; cat Eliasbas.tap EliasGammaCode_005.tap > EGC_005.tap

; BASIC LOADER with DEF FN ENTRY for variables FROM BASIC into MC
;  Eliasbas.bas
;   1 DEF FN p(a)=PEEK a+256*PEEK (a+SGN PI)
;   5 DEF FN a(s,d,l,g)=USR el
;  10 CLEAR VAL "25499": LET el=FN p(VAL "23730")+SGN PI: LOAD ""CODE el
;  15 LET b=NOT PI: LET b$=""
;  20 FOR f=SGN PI TO CODE " ": LET b$=b$+CHR$ VAL "19"+CHR$ b+" ": LET b=NOT b: NEXT f
;  25 IF LEN b$ < VAL "97" THEN LET b=NOT b: GO TO VAL "20"
;  37 LET s=VAL"0": LET d=VAL"16384": LET l=VAL "2048": LET g=VAL"1"
;  40 LET last=FN a(s,d,l,g)
;  45 SAVE "elias$" CODE d,last-d
;  50 RANDOMIZE USR mirrorscreen

interlaced equ 0    ; writes a different Elias type !!

destiny       equ 16384    ; lets dump the string on screen (and then mirror screen per byte)

here          equ 25500    ; 16k rules, leave some stack

DEF_ADR       equ 23563    ; sysvar

              org here

              push hl           ; save sysvar

              ld hl,(DEF_ADR)   ; hl = actual RAM location in BASIC listing at position off the DEF FN
              ld bc,4           ;
              add hl,bc         ; adres+4
              ld e,(hl)         ;
              inc hl            ; adres+4+1
              ld d,(hl)         ;
              push de

              ld c,7            ;
              add hl,bc         ; adres+4+1+7
              ld e,(hl)         ;
              inc hl            ; adres+4+1
              ld d,(hl)         ;
              push de

              add hl,bc         ; adres+4+1+7+1+7
              ld e,(hl)         ;
              inc hl            ; adres+4+1
              ld d,(hl)         ;
              push de

              add hl,bc         ; adres+4+1+7+1+7+1+7
              ld a,(hl)         ;
              ld (golomb),a     ; set Elias+1

              ld a,1
              ld (bits),a       ; preset bits position with 1

              pop bc            ;   ld bc,length
              pop hl            ;   ld hl,destiny
              pop de            ;   ld de,source

eliasloop     push bc             ; store counter
              push de             ; store source

              call elias          ; MIND HL WILL raise per BIT, should be

              pop de              ; 
              inc de              ; raise source adres

              pop bc
              dec bc              ; source counter
              ld a,b
              or c
              jr nz,eliasloop
              ld b,h
              ld c,l              ; store last used destiny adres
              pop hl              ; fetch sysvar
              push bc             ; save last destiny on stack
              exx                 ; set sysvar
              pop bc              ; fetch adres for "LET ad=USR elias"

bits          defb 1              ; b=next free bit POSITION in the string from 1 to 8 %87654321
golomb        defb 0              ; use value elias0 on golomb=1 OR not on golomb=0

IF interlaced=1
INCLUDE ElIntGam.asm

IF interlaced=0
INCLUDE EliasGamma.asm

              ld hl,16384
              ld de,6144
nextmirror    ld a,(hl)
              ld b,8
mks           sla a         ; a to be mirrord
              rr d          ; carry IN a 1 or 0
              djnz mks      ; always 8 bits
              ld (hl),d
              inc hl
              dec de
              ld a,d
              or e
              jr nz,nextmirror

END here

;source2 defb 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
;sourc2end equ $
;length2 equ sourc2end-source2

;  eliasgamma string with 1 to 15 is 84 bits from which 32 set
;  1 010 011 00100 00101 00110 00111 0001000 0001001 0001010 0001011 0001100 0001101 0001110 0001111
;  10100110010000101001100011100010000001001000101000010110001100000110100011100001111

Manic Miner
Posts: 263
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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by C.Born »

a little more smooth loop now giving data length for the DEF
i wonder i i should migrate the loading of the elias source to this loop routine, then the golomb has to be done there to, saving bytes in both included routines, but making them depending, a little.

Code: Select all

; a.d. 2024 Chris Born

; an Elias Gamma Code Z80 routine
; DE holds SOURCE, HL holds DESTINY, BC returns to basic with data length

; Elias Gamma ENCoding

; EliasGammaCode_007   ; NEEDS EliasGamma.asm or ElIntGam.asm

; pasmo -d --tap --name Eliasgamma EliasGammaCode_007.asm EliasGammaCode_007.tap EliasGammaCode_007.symbol
; cat EliasDEF.tap EliasGammaCode_007.tap > EGC_007.tap

; BASIC LOADER with DEF FN ENTRY for variables FROM BASIC into MC
; EliasDEF.bas
;   5 DEF FN a(s,d,l,g)=USR el: DEF FN p(a)=PEEK a+256*PEEK (a+SGN PI)
;  10 CLEAR VAL "25499": LET el=FN p(VAL "23730")+SGN PI: LOAD ""CODE el
;  30 LET s=VAL"0": LET d=VAL"16384": LET l=VAL "2048": LET g=VAL"1"
;  40 LET dat=FN a(s,d,l,g)
;  45 SAVE "elias$" CODE d,dat

; DEF FN a(
; s,   source
; d,   destiny
; l,   sourcelength
; g    Golomb  0 or 1
; )=USR el

interlaced   equ 0    ; writes a different Elias type !!

mirrorscreen equ 0    ; extra routine to mirror per byte

here          equ 25500    ; 16k rules, leave some stack

DEF_ADR       equ 23563    ; sysvar

              org here

              push hl             ; save sysvar

              ld hl,(DEF_ADR)     ; hl = actual RAM location in BASIC listing at position off the DEF FN
              ld bc,4             ;
              add hl,bc           ; adres+4
              ld e,(hl)           ;
              inc hl              ; adres+4+1
              ld d,(hl)           ;
              push de

              ld c,7              ;
              add hl,bc           ; adres+4+1+7
              ld e,(hl)           ;
              inc hl              ; adres+4+1
              ld d,(hl)           ;
              push de

              add hl,bc           ; adres+4+1+7+1+7
              ld e,(hl)           ;
              inc hl              ; adres+4+1
              ld d,(hl)           ;
              push de

              add hl,bc           ; adres+4+1+7+1+7+1+7
              ld a,(hl)           ;
              ld (golomb),a       ; set Elias+1

              ld a,1
              ld (bits),a         ; preset bits position with 1

              pop bc              ;   ld bc,length  (of the source)
              pop hl              ;   ld hl,destiny
              pop de              ;   ld de,source

              push hl             ; store destiny START on stack

eliasloop     push bc             ; store counter
              push de             ; store source

              call elias          ; MIND HL WILL raise per BIT, should be

              pop de              ; 
              inc de              ; raise source adres

              pop bc
              dec bc              ; source counter
              ld a,b
              or c
              jr nz,eliasloop
              ld b,h
              ld c,l              ; store last used destiny adres

              pop de              ; detch destinySTART
              pop hl              ; fetch sysvar
              push bc             ; save last destiny on stack
              push de
              exx                 ; set sysvar

              pop bc              ; destinySTART
              pop hl              ; fetch adres for "LET ad=USR elias"
              and a
              sbc hl,bc
              ld b,h
              ld c,l              ; store data length in BC as return

bits          defb 1              ; b=next free bit POSITION in the string from 1 to 8 %87654321
golomb        defb 0              ; use value elias0 on golomb=1 OR not on golomb=0

IF interlaced=0
   INCLUDE EliasGamma.asm
;  classic eliasgamma string with 1 to 15 is 84 bits from which 32 set
;  1 010 011 00100 00101 00110 00111 0001000 0001001 0001010 0001011 0001100 0001101 0001110 0001111
;  10100110010000101001100011100010000001001000101000010110001100000110100011100001111

IF interlaced=1
   INCLUDE ElIntGam.asm
;  interlaced eliasgamma string with 1 to 15 is 84 bits from which 32 set
;  1 001 011 00001 00011 01001 01011 0000001 0000011 0001001 0001011 0100001 0100011 0101001 0101011
;  10010110000100011010010101100000010000011000100100010110100001010001101010010101011

IF mirrorscreen
INCLUDE mirrorscreen.asm

END here
and i separated that mirror thing

Code: Select all

; pasmo -d --bin mirrorscreen.asm mirrorscreen.bin mirrorscreen.symbol


              ld hl,16384
              ld de,6144
nextmirror    ld a,(hl)
              ld b,8
mks           sla a         ; a to be mirrord
              rr d          ; carry IN a 1 or 0
              djnz mks      ; always 8 bits
              ld (hl),d
              inc hl
              dec de
              ld a,d
              or e
              jr nz,nextmirror
Manic Miner
Posts: 263
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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by C.Born »

"one step back and shake" :dance

made both classic and interlaced as a separate example, later I put them back into 1 big DEF elias.
its 95% equal with small akward differences
the mirror part is only for easy visual
for real use just remove that part, or concider big endian vs little endian

Code: Select all

; a.d. 2024 Chris Born

; an elias-gamma format Z80 routine 
; DE holds SOURCE, hl holds DESTINY

; EliasGammaCode-v1

; pasmo -d --tap --name Eliasv1 EliasGammaCode-v1.asm EliasGammaCode-v1.tap EliasGammaCode-v1.symbol

;  classic eliasgamma string with 1 to 15 is 84 bits from which 32 set
;  1 010 011 00100 00101 00110 00111 0001000 0001001 0001010 0001011 0001100 0001101 0001110 0001111
;  10100110010000101001100011100010000001001000101000010110001100000110100011100001111

;  10 CLEAR 25499: LOAD ""CODE 
;  20 BORDER 4: CLS
;  30 RANDOMIZE USR 25500
;  40 PAUSE 0
;  50 RANDOMIZE USR 25614

destiny       equ 16384    ; lets dump the string on screen (and then mirror screen per byte)
here          equ 25500    ; 16k rules, leave some stack

              org here

              push hl             ; save sysvar

              ld a,1              ; set start position on bit0
              ld (bits),a

              ld bc,length2
              ld de,source2
              ld hl,destiny

eliasloop     push bc             ; store counter
              push de             ; store source

              call elias          ; MIND HL WILL raise per BIT, should be

              pop de              ; 
              inc de              ; raise source adres

              pop bc
              dec bc              ; source counter
              ld a,b
              or c
              jr nz,eliasloop
              ld b,h
              ld c,l              ; store last used destiny adres
              pop hl              ; fetch sysvar
              push bc             ; save last destiny on stack
              exx                 ; set sysvar
              pop bc              ; fetch adres for "LET ad=USR elias"

; HL= destiny, DE=source
; needs, Golomb, remains, gammabit, bits
elias:        ld a,(golomb)
              ld c,a              ; c=0 or 1

              ld a,(de)           ; elias source
              add a,c
              jr z,done           ; on elias = 0 or golomb=255 (elias254+1)

              ld b,8
              ld c,1              ; gamma 1st %00000001
count0        rrc c               ;  > c gamma 1st=%10000000
              sla a               ; c<7-6543210-<0  %xxxx0000
              jr c,gammafound
              djnz count0         ; will b=0 happen , nope
gammafound    equ $               ; b=2^(b-1) value and c is gammabit position
                                  ; a holds remains after the gamma bit
                                  ; a= %xxxxxxx0 to %00000000
              rra                 ; one step back including carry
              ld d,a              ; last bits to be fixed, 0 and 1

              push de
              push bc
              dec b
              jr z,bdone
              ld d,0
              call setbits        ; '0' only
bdone         pop bc
              pop de

              call setbits        ; b and d SET, is the position set correct

done          ret

; d = bitrow  b = counter
; (hl) = destiny
; uses a,b,c,d,e,(hl)
setbits       ld a,(bits)
              ld c,a         ;%0000x000
              ld e,a         ;%xxxx0xxx
              ld a,(hl)           ; fetch DESTINY BYTE in a

bitz          sla d               ; purge data bits
              jr nc,fix0

fix1          or c                ; set a '1'
              jr checkce

fix0          and e               ; set a '0'

checkce       call check_ce
              djnz bitz

              ld a,c              ; c moved at least 1 position
              ld (bits),a         ; store 1st free bit

check_ce      rlc e
              rlc c
              jr nc,wrtea         ; c/nc from C
              ld (hl),a           ; bits = %00000001
              inc hl              ; new destiny byte
              xor a               ; wipe old data first
wrtea         ld (hl),a           ; write new data bit

; Elias value elias+1
golomb        defb 0              ; use value elias0 on golomb=1 OR not on golomb=0
bits          defb 1              ; b=next free bit POSITION in the string from 1 to 8 %87654321

              ld hl,16384
              ld de,6144
nextmirror    ld a,(hl)
              ld b,8
mks           sla a         ; a to be mirrord
              rr d          ; carry IN a 1 or 0
              djnz mks      ; always 8 bits
              ld (hl),d
              inc hl
              dec de
              ld a,d
              or e
              jr nz,nextmirror

source2 defb 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
sourc2end equ $
length2 equ sourc2end-source2

END here


Code: Select all

; a.d. 2024 Chris Born

; an elias-gamma format Z80 routine 
; DE holds SOURCE, hl holds DESTINY

; EliasGammaCodeInterlace-v1

; pasmo -d --tap --name EliasIntv1 EliasGammaCodeInterlace-v1.asm EliasGammaCodeInterlace-v1.tap EliasGammaCodeInterlace-v1.symbol

;  10 CLEAR 25499: LOAD ""CODE 
;  20 BORDER 4: CLS
;  30 RANDOMIZE USR 25500
;  40 PAUSE 0
;  50 RANDOMIZE USR 25612

;  classic eliasgamma string with 1 to 15 is 84 bits from which 32 set
;  1 010 011 00100 00101 00110 00111 0001000 0001001 0001010 0001011 0001100 0001101 0001110 0001111
;  interlaced eliasgamma string with 1 to 15 is 84 bits from which 32 set
;  1 001 011 00001 00011 01001 01011 0000001 0000011 0001001 0001011 0100001 0100011 0101001 0101011
;  10010110000100011010010101100000010000011000100100010110100001010001101010010101011

;source        equ 0        ; lets elias the ROM
;length        equ 2048     ; lets try some more then 1 byte

destiny       equ 16384    ; lets dump the string on screen (and then mirror screen per byte)

here          equ 25500    ; 16k rules, leave some stack

              org here

              push hl             ; save sysvar

              ld a,1              ; set start position on bit0
              ld (bits),a

              ld bc,length2
              ld de,source2
              ld hl,destiny

eliasloop     push bc             ; store counter
              push de             ; store source

              call elias          ; MIND HL WILL raise per BIT, should be

              pop de              ; 
              inc de              ; raise source adres

              pop bc
              dec bc              ; source counter
              ld a,b
              or c
              jr nz,eliasloop
              ld b,h
              ld c,l              ; store last used destiny adres
              pop hl              ; fetch sysvar
              push bc             ; save last destiny on stack
              exx                 ; set sysvar
              pop bc              ; fetch adres for "LET ad=USR elias"

elias:        ld a,(golomb)
              ld c,a              ; c=0 or 1

              ld a,(de)           ; elias source
              add a,c
              jr z,done           ; on elias = 0 or golomb=255 (elias254+1)

              ld b,8
              ld c,1              ; gamma 1st %00000001
count0        rrc c               ;  > c gamma 1st=%10000000
              sla a               ; c<7-6543210-<0  %xxxx0000
              jr c,gammafound
              djnz count0         ; will b=0 happen , nope
gammafound    equ $               ; b=2^(b-1) value and c is gammabit position
                                  ; a holds remains after the gamma bit
                                  ; a= %xxxxxxx0 to %00000000
              ld d,a
              call setint
done          ret

; d = bitrow  b = counter
; (hl) = destiny
; uses a,b,c,d,e,(hl)
setint        ld a,(bits)
              ld c,a         ;%0000x000
              ld e,a         ;%xxxx0xxx

              ld a,(hl)           ; fetch DESTINY BYTE in a

              dec b
              jr z,set1           ; since b was 1, set1 only

bitz          and e               ; '0'
              call check_ce       ; next free bit

              sla d               ; purge data bits
              jr nc,fix0

fix1          or c                ; set a '1'
              jr checkce

fix0          and e               ; set a '0'

checkce       call check_ce       ; next free bit
              djnz bitz           ; 2 bits set in 1 loop

set1          or c
              call check_ce       ; final '1'

              ld a,c              ; c moved at least 1 position
              ld (bits),a         ; store 1st free bit

check_ce      rlc e
              rlc c
              jr nc,wrtea         ; c/nc from C
              ld (hl),a           ; bits = %00000001
              inc hl              ; new destiny byte
              xor a               ; wipe old data first
wrtea         ld (hl),a           ; write new data bit

; Elias value elias+1
golomb        defb 0              ; use value elias0 on golomb=1 OR not on golomb=0
bits          defb 1              ; b=next free bit POSITION in the string from 1 to 8 %87654321

              ld hl,16384
              ld de,6144
nextmirror    ld a,(hl)
              ld b,8
mks           sla a         ; a to be mirrord
              rr d          ; carry IN a 1 or 0
              djnz mks      ; always 8 bits
              ld (hl),d
              inc hl
              dec de
              ld a,d
              or e
              jr nz,nextmirror

source2 defb 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
sourc2end equ $
length2 equ sourc2end-source2

END here
Manic Miner
Posts: 263
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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by C.Born »

Einar Saukas wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2024 11:33 pm No, it uses 16 bits in Elias Gamma coding.
ok an PSEUDO attempt for checking the "gamma position" only, it has to start some where

Code: Select all

; HL =(destiny), DE =(source), BC =()
; HL'          , DE'         , BC'

              ; exx normal =adresses
elias16:      ld de,(source)
              ld hl,(destiny)
              ld a,d
              ex af,af'
              ld a,e
              exx        ;alt = value
              ld e,a
              ex af,af'
              ld d,a
              exx        ; adres

              ld a,h
              ex af,af'
              ld l,e
              exx        ; value
              ld l,a
              ex af,af'
              ld h,a

              ld a,16
              ld bc,1             ; gamma 1st %0000000000000001
count0        and a               ;  NC !!
              rr c                ;    >  c %00000000 > 1
              rr b                ;    >  b %10000000 
                                  ;      bc %10000000 00000000
              and a
              rl e                ;  E < e %xxxxxxx0
              rl d                ;  x < d %xxxxxxxE
              jr c,gammafound
              dec a
              jr nz,count0        ; will b=0 happen , nope

gammafound    equ $               ; a=2^(a-1) value and bc is gammabit position
                                  ; de holds remains after the gamma bit
                                  ; de= %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx0 to %0000000000000000

             ld (position),bc     ; store result
             ld (lastword),de
             ld (power),a         ; if a=0 then source = elias0 !!
              exx        ; adres

done          ret
; Elias value elias+1
golomb        defb 0              ; use value elias0 on golomb=1 OR not on golomb=0

bits          defw 1              ; bc next free bit POSITION in the string 
source        defw 0              ; de   //from 1 to 16 %GFEDCBA987654321                              
dest          defw 0              ; hl   //             %FEDCBA9876543210
count         defw 0

power         defb 0              ; a
position      defw 0              ; bc
lastword      defw 0              ; de

Manic Miner
Posts: 263
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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by C.Born »

a bit boaring, a stand alone Elis Interlaced Gamma in DEF
i keep them separate, thats easier and i wondered about the use. the interlaced gamma is a preparation for the optimisation for the zx0 on zx spectrum.
so its STILL mostly a first step of the same elias

Code: Select all

; a.d. 2024 Chris Born

; an Elias Gamma Code Z80 routine, 8 bits source
; DE holds SOURCE, HL holds DESTINY,BC holds Source length, BC will return with Data length

; Elias Gamma ENCoding

; EliasIntDEF4_030
; pasmo -d --tap --name ElIntDEF30 EliasIntDEF4_030.asm EliasIntDEF4_030.tap EliasIntDEF4_030.symbol
; cat EliasDEF4.tap EliasIntDEF4_030.tap > EGCintDEF__030.tap

; BASIC LOADER with DEF FN ENTRY for variables FROM BASIC into MC
; EliasDEF4.bas
;   5 DEF FN a(s,d,l,g,i)=USR el: DEF FN p(a)=PEEK a+256*PEEK (a+SGN PI)
;  10 CLEAR VAL "25499": LET el=FN p(VAL "23730")+SGN PI: LOAD ""CODE el
;  11 LET s$="source:": LET d$="destiny:": LET l$="sourcelength": LET g$="Golomb:"
;  15 INPUT (s$);s'(s$;s)'(d$);d'(s$;s,d$;d)'(l$);l'(s$;s,d$;d,l$,l)'(g$);g
;  20 PRINT s$,s'd$,d'l$,l'g$,g
;  25 PRINT "any key to start,q to restart": PAUSE NOT PI: IF INKEY$="q" THEN  GO TO VAL "15"
;  30 CLS : LET dat=FN a(s,d,l,g)

; DEF FN a(
; s,   source
; d,   destiny
; l,   sourcelength, result is upto 15 bits per 8 bits
; g    Golomb  0 or 1
; )=USR el

;  classic EliasIntma string with 1 to 15 is 84 bits from which 32 set
;  1 010 011 00100 00101 00110 00111 0001000 0001001 0001010 0001011 0001100 0001101 0001110 0001111
;  10100110010000101001100011100010000001001000101000010110001100000110100011100001111

;  interlaced EliasIntma string with 1 to 15 is 84 bits from which 32 set
;  1 001 011 00001 00011 01001 01011 0000001 0000011 0001001 0001011 0100001 0100011 0101001 0101011
;  10010110000100011010010101100000010000011000100100010110100001010001101010010101011

; Interlaced Elias Gamma

; Interlaced (8bit r1 nivo only)
; Number N      Number N+1   Bits  Classic Elias Gamma Code          Interlaced Elias Gamma Code
; 0             1              1   1                                 1
; 1-2           2-3            3   01x                               0x1
; 3-6           4-7            5   001xx                             0x0x1
; 7-14          8-15           7   0001xxx                           0x0x0x1
; 15-30         16-31          9   00001xxxx                         0x0x0x0x1
; 31-62         32-63         11   000001xxxxx                       0x0x0x0x0x1
; 63-126        64-127        13   0000001xxxxxx                     0x0x0x0x0x0x1
; 127-254       128-255       15   00000001xxxxxxx                   0x0x0x0x0x0x0x1

here          equ 25500    ; 16k rules, leave some stack

DEF_ADR       equ 23563    ; sysvar

              org here

              push hl             ; save sysvar

              ld hl,(DEF_ADR)     ; hl = actual RAM location in BASIC listing at position off the DEF FN
              ld bc,4             ;
              add hl,bc           ; adres+4
              ld e,(hl)           ;
              inc hl              ; adres+4+1
              ld d,(hl)           ;
              push de

              ld c,7              ;
              add hl,bc           ; adres+4+1+7
              ld e,(hl)           ;
              inc hl              ; adres+4+1+7+1
              ld d,(hl)           ;
              push de

              add hl,bc           ; adres+4+1+7+1+7
              ld e,(hl)           ;
              inc hl              ; adres+4+1+7+1+7+1
              ld d,(hl)           ;
              push de

              add hl,bc           ; adres+4+1+7+1+7+1+7
              ld a,(hl)           ;
              ld (golomb),a       ; set Elias+1

              ld a,1
              ld (bits),a         ; preset bits position with 1

              pop bc              ;   ld bc,length  (of the source)
              pop hl              ;   ld hl,destiny
              pop de              ;   ld de,source

              push hl             ; store destiny START on stack

eliasloop     push bc             ; store counter
              push de             ; store source

              call elias          ; MIND HL WILL raise per BIT, should be

              pop de              ; 
              inc de              ; raise source adres

              pop bc
              dec bc              ; source counter
              ld a,b
              or c
              jr nz,eliasloop
              ld b,h
              ld c,l              ; store last used destiny adres

              pop de               ; fetch destinySTART
              pop hl               ; fetch sysvar
              push bc              ; save last destiny on stack
              push de
              exx                  ; set sysvar

              pop bc               ; destinySTART
              pop hl               ; fetch adres for "LET ad=USR elias"
              and a
              sbc hl,bc
              ld b,h
              ld c,l               ; store data length in BC as return

; HL= destiny, DE=source
; needs, Golomb, remains, gammabit, bits
elias:        ld a,(golomb)
              ld c,a              ; c=0 or 1

              ld a,(de)           ; elias source
              add a,c
              jr z,done           ; on elias = 0 or golomb=255 (elias254+1)

              ld b,8
              ld c,1              ; gamma 1st %00000001
count0        rrc c               ;  > c gamma 1st=%10000000
              sla a               ; c<7-6543210-<0  %xxxx0000
              jr c,gammafound
              djnz count0         ; will b=0 happen , nope
gammafound    equ $               ; b=2^(b-1) value and c is gammabit position
                                  ; a holds remains after the gamma bit
                                  ; a= %xxxxxxx0 to %00000000

; d = bitrow  b = counter (hl) = destiny
; uses a,b,c,d,e,(hl)
Interlaced    ld d,a              ; from gammafound, last bits to be fixed, 0 and 1

setbits       ld a,(bits)
              ld c,a              ; %0000x000
              ld e,a              ; %xxxx0xxx

              ld a,(hl)           ; fetch DESTINY BYTE in a

              dec b
              jr z,set1           ; since b was 1, set1 only

              and e               ; '0'
              call check_ce       ; next free bit

              sla d               ; purge data bits
              jr nc,fix0

fix1          or c                ; set a '1'
              jr checkce

fix0          and e               ; set a '0'

checkce       call check_ce       ; next free bit
              djnz bitz           ; 2 bits set in 1 loop

set1          or c
              call check_ce       ; final '1'

              ld a,c              ; c moved at least 1 position
              ld (bits),a         ; store 1st free bit
done          ret

check_ce      rlc e
              rlc c
              jr nc,wrtea         ; c/nc from C
              ld (hl),a           ; bits = %00000001
              inc hl              ; new destiny byte
              xor a               ; wipe old data first
wrtea         ld (hl),a           ; write new data bit

; Elias value elias+1
golomb        defb 0              ; use value elias0 on golomb=1 OR not on golomb=0
bits          defb 1              ; b=next free bit POSITION in the string from 1 to 8 %87654321

END here
Manic Miner
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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by C.Born »

i try to make a C routine that work with argc and argv but that will take a while i guess,
i people are intresseted in helping the last result is here

@Einar Saukas Meanwhile the aim is a z80/zx spectrum version off zx0
then the question is "whats next" after interlaced elias and probably thats the optimisation
i have been reading the C source off zx0 but cant get my fingers on what is does or should do.
is there a simple readme what and how i should optimise ??
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Dynamite Dan
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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by ParadigmShifter »

argc is an int and argv is a char**

Code: Select all

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    printf("Have %d arguments:\n", argc);
    for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
        printf("%s\n", argv[i]);
might need an fflush(stdout) but I think \n may flush stream for you.

EDIT: argv[0] is always the name of the program and the list is whitespace separated.

You probably don't want to modify argc or argv either that would be risky, i.e. treat them as const

EDIT2: And to extract info from the arguments you may want to use sscanf which is too complicated to explain how to use here ;) But that will do stuff like turn numbers in strings into actual int values etc.

EDIT3: Forgot to add argc to the first printf
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Dynamite Dan
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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by ParadigmShifter »

I don't understand what you are trying to do with the pragma either I wouldn't mess with those unless you really know what you are doing.

#pragma is not like #define it can't replace argc in your program with anything (and looks like you are trying to replace it with a function call as well? Which sounds like it won't work either).

pragmas are also very compiler specific so very non-portable and just give instructions to the compiler during the compilation process (and presumably using the -pragma command line option you can set a pragma for all files compiled without having to include a #pragma in the source of each file).

argc and argv pretty easy to understand if you invoke your program with

myprog arg1 arg2


argc = 3

char* argv[3] = { "myprog", "arg1", "arg2" };

i.e. argv points to 3 char* null-terminated strings, which contain the (whitespace stripped) arguments as C strings.
Manic Miner
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Re: starting with elias-gamma

Post by C.Born »

there is a pragma redirect option

// example pragma
//#pragma redirect CRT_OTERM_FONT_8X8 = _font_8x8_clairsys
i found it on z88dk so i hope thats the correct way, although the arg construction is build in the base off the compiler even 'under' stdio and stdlib

i am at least halfway with a ZX version with already argv[0]=def fn name of 1 character and a possible $ sign sounting argc to 1 with an empty DEF FN z()=usr cfile and correct for the other test in the basic part. if i were to put it on github it would have 3 language marks and a bloddy AI. :o
on zx the fetching off the variable value will be different, the routine will have to fetch the whole area between the brackets as a single string and the break it down in pieces, defvarname(+$), a separator (14), and a 1+4 mantisse that has to be put on the calculator stack and then have a press on the GOGOTONI button and voila the zx rom SHOULD produce some valuable information, like the ram postion of the string OR a floating point value up to .1-e9 or a normal INT
hmm, on the z88dk side i have to catch a string then, ok

if you know more about the next step of zx0 then please advice me about that , since its bonkers to say "zx cant" ,
i need to see the steps off this dance :geek: :ugeek: :dance


reading the MAIN of the small C+ Compiler sccz80 i find PARTS very much inbetween in the code:

Code: Select all

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    gargc = argc;
    gargv = argv;

    gargc = option_parse(sccz80_opts, argc, argv);

    if (gargc == 0) {

 *      Compiler begins execution here
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    gargc = argc;
    gargv = argv;    
its all very mixed and written towards the compiler.
what do i learn now? that even the argc,argv has depth
the gcc compler has its own set and can build
zcc ,which has has its own arg set aswell and
build small commandlines that use the arg set aswell
So, zx does NOT have such command line NOR will the zx basic interpreter except any extra info in a LOAD construction.
and the compiler does NOT have a separate block that handles the whole arg set.
probably none off them i ASUME now

i do this already in a very small way with a simple 'while'

Code: Select all

 * places in s the n-th argument (up to "size"
 * bytes). If successful, returns s. Returns 0
 * if the n-th argument doesn't exist.

char *nextarg(int n, char* s, int size)
    char* str;
    char* str2;
    int i;

    if (n < 0 || n >= gargc)
        return NULL;
    i = 0;
    str = str2 = gargv[n];
    while (++i < size && (*s++ = *str++))
    if (*str2 == '\0')
        return NULL;
    return s;
so, trying to cut the existing zx0 into pieces and easily replace the arg set with d_arg, is indeed imposible without rewriting **everything
so i can concentrate on the most simple aproach, a simulation via DEF FN and avoiding all that extra load off data
Last edited by C.Born on Mon Jun 03, 2024 10:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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