More Assembly/Spectrum confusion for me :D

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Re: More Assembly/Spectrum confusion for me :D

Post by chilledgamer »

Ok I have been battling away alone trying to make some headway. I feel I now have an ok understanding of how many of the assembler functions/operations work.

But not good enough to put it into practice and make working code!

I now struggle displaying a sprite on screen. Using UDG's I can achieve this but I am trying to display sprites. Here I have an 8x8 sprite, but I am hoping my code will display sprites of much larger without much modification.

But why doesn't my 'sprite data' (ie. "face") seem to get output on screen, I just get a black square where I expected it to be.

Code: Select all



    ;screen memory starts 16384 / 0x4000

    call 0xdaf
    ld b,2
    ld c,5
    call GetColourMemAddress
    ld a,%00000011
    ld (de),a
    call GetScreenAddress
    ld hl,face
    ld b,8

; this function will take input in bc=xy position
; out hl= screen memory address
    ld a,c
    and %00111000
    or b
    ld e,a
    ld a,c
    and %00000111
    ld d,a
    ld a,c
    and %11000000
    or d
    or 0x40         ;0x4000 = screen base
    ld d,a

    inc d
    ld a,d
    and %00000111
    ret nz
    ld a,e
    and %00100000
    ld e,a
    ret c
    ld a,d
    sub %00001000
    ld d,a

; input bc=xy (x in bytes, so 32 across)
; output hl=screen memory address
    ld a,c
    and %11000000
    add a,0x58
    ld d,a
    ld a,c
    and %00111000
    add a, b
    ld e,a

    ld a,e
    add a,32
    ld e,a
    ret nc
    inc d

    ld a,(hl)
    ld (de),a
    inc hl
    call GetNextLine
    djnz SpriteNextLine

;include "face.asm" ;tried this and got black square only. Same when data is in this file as below.
db %00000000
db %00100100
db %00100100
db %00000000
db %01000010
db %01111110
db %00111100
db %00000000

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Rick Dangerous
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Re: More Assembly/Spectrum confusion for me :D

Post by Joefish »

You can't define functions in the middle of your code like that and expect them to be isolated.

In your case, the code is going to run to that LD B,8 and then just carry on running through your GetScreenAddress: function and RET at the end of it. It'll never get to the rest of your code further down.

Move your call-able calculation functions down the text file until after your main function has been completely defined.

Or do you mean to get to the LD B,8 and then do JP SpriteNextLine ? As again, I would copy your SpriteNextLine function up to just after the LD B,8 so it just flows right through.

This is not a smart compiler; it's an assembler. Every command you enter gets turned directly into a machine code instruction at the point where you wrote it, in the order you wrote it. It won't automatically allocate memory somewhere else for functions and variables and data. There's not really much difference between code and data anyway. It's all turned into a sequence of numbers poked into memory. If the processor is pointed at it then it'll execute it as if it's code. If you put DB 201 in the middle of your code it'll be treated as a RET instruction when the processor gets to it because 201 it the code for the instruction 'RET'. It doesn't care one jot that you defined it with a data statement. And there's no clear definition of a function either. There are just labels you can jump to, and if you use a 'CALL' instead of a 'JP', then a return address is put onto the stack for later. You can PUSH a memory address onto the stack and then do RET to jump to it, if you want to really go nuts.
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Re: More Assembly/Spectrum confusion for me :D

Post by chilledgamer »

thank you very much. I was copying a tutorial so I have no idea how the function ended up down there. I moved it up as you stated and it works great. Although it now displays strangely if I put in different values for xy position. But that is something I can work on myself. Cheers for the help again
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Rick Dangerous
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Re: More Assembly/Spectrum confusion for me :D

Post by Joefish »

You realise those functions seem to assume x-position is in whole bytes/characters, whereas y-position is in pixels? So the attribute address is divided by 8 and rounded down to the nearest character? That may mean you can't see all the pixels, if all the other attributes are set to something like black-on-black (attribute 0). Try clearing the screen to blue-on black attributes (1) first.
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