beguiners question, zx assembly

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Re: beguiners question, zx assembly

Post by 777 »

PeterJ wrote: Thu Oct 15, 2020 7:29 pm Read the second chapter of the Jonathan Cauldwell book @777 , it's covered in there.
this program doesnt work, it just says b integer out of range:

Code: Select all

org 40000
; We want a black screen.

       ld a,71             ; white ink (7) on black paper (0),
                           ; bright (64).
       ld (23693),a        ; set our screen colours.
       xor a               ; quick way to load accumulator with zero.
       call 8859           ; set permanent border colours.

; Set up the graphics.

       ld hl,blocks        ; address of user-defined graphics data.
       ld (23675),hl       ; make UDGs point to it.

; Okay, let's start the game.

       call 3503           ; ROM routine - clears screen, opens chan 2.

; Initialise coordinates.

       ld hl,21+15*256     ; load hl pair with starting coords.
       ld (plx),hl         ; set player coords.

       call basexy         ; set the x and y positions of the player.
       call splayr         ; show player base symbol.

; This is the main loop.

mloop  equ $

; Delete the player.

       call basexy         ; set the x and y positions of the player.
       call wspace         ; display space over player.

; Now we've deleted the player we can move him before redisplaying him
; at his new coordinates.

       ld bc,63486         ; keyboard row 1-5/joystick port 2.
       in a,(c)            ; see what keys are pressed.
       rra                 ; outermost bit = key 1.
       push af             ; remember the value.
       call nc,mpl         ; it's being pressed, move left.
       pop af              ; restore accumulator.
       rra                 ; next bit along (value 2) = key 2.
       push af             ; remember the value.
       call nc,mpr         ; being pressed, so move right.
       pop af              ; restore accumulator.
       rra                 ; next bit (value 4) = key 3.
       push af             ; remember the value.
       call nc,mpd         ; being pressed, so move down.
       pop af              ; restore accumulator.
       rra                 ; next bit (value 8) reads key 4.
       call nc,mpu         ; it's being pressed, move up.

; Now he's moved we can redisplay the player.

       call basexy         ; set the x and y positions of the player.
       call splayr         ; show player.

       halt                ; delay.

; Jump back to beginning of main loop.

       jp mloop

; Move player left.

mpl    ld hl,ply           ; remember, y is the horizontal coord!
       ld a,(hl)           ; what's the current value?
       and a               ; is it zero?
       ret z               ; yes - we can't go any further left.
       dec (hl)            ; subtract 1 from y coordinate.

; Move player right.

mpr    ld hl,ply           ; remember, y is the horizontal coord!
       ld a,(hl)           ; what's the current value?
       cp 31               ; is it at the right edge (31)?
       ret z               ; yes - we can't go any further left.
       inc (hl)            ; add 1 to y coordinate.

; Move player up.

mpu    ld hl,plx           ; remember, x is the vertical coord!
       ld a,(hl)           ; what's the current value?
       cp 4                ; is it at upper limit (4)?
       ret z               ; yes - we can go no further then.
       dec (hl)            ; subtract 1 from x coordinate.

; Move player down.

mpd    ld hl,plx           ; remember, x is the vertical coord!
       ld a,(hl)           ; what's the current value?
       cp 21               ; is it already at the bottom (21)?
       ret z               ; yes - we can't go down any more.
       inc (hl)            ; add 1 to x coordinate.

; Set up the x and y coordinates for the player's gunbase position,
; this routine is called prior to display and deletion of gunbase.

basexy ld a,22             ; AT code.
       rst 16
       ld a,(plx)          ; player vertical coord.
       rst 16              ; set vertical position of player.
       ld a,(ply)          ; player's horizontal position.
       rst 16              ; set the horizontal coord.

; Show player at current print position.

splayr ld a,69             ; cyan ink (5) on black paper (0),
                           ; bright (64).
       ld (23695),a        ; set our temporary screen colours.
       ld a,144            ; ASCII code for User Defined Graphic 'A'.
       rst 16              ; draw player.

wspace ld a,71             ; white ink (7) on black paper (0),
                           ; bright (64).
       ld (23695),a        ; set our temporary screen colours.
       ld a,32             ; SPACE character.
       rst 16              ; display space.

plx    defb 0              ; player's x coordinate.
ply    defb 0              ; player's y coordinate.

; UDG graphics.

blocks defb 16,16,56,56,124,124,254,254    ; player base.
not sure why
i started programming the spectrum when i was 8 :-

1 plot rnd*255,rnd*175
2 goto 1
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Re: beguiners question, zx assembly

Post by Cosmium »

777 wrote: Fri Oct 16, 2020 12:02 am
PeterJ wrote: Thu Oct 15, 2020 7:29 pm Read the second chapter of the Jonathan Cauldwell book @777 , it's covered in there.
this program doesnt work, it just says b integer out of range:
not sure why
When I assembled this in ZX Spin I got the same thing.

It's because the assembler is evaluating the LD HL,21+15*256 line from left to right instead of the multiplication in the expression getting priority over the addition, as expected by the author. So the result is the UDG being printed off screen, causing the Out of Range error.

The code runs fine if you force the assembler to evaluate it in the correct order, giving the intended starting x,y of 15, 21:

Code: Select all

; Initialise coordinates.

       ld hl,21+(15*256)     ; load hl pair with starting coords.
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Re: beguiners question, zx assembly

Post by PeterJ »

Gosh [mention]Cosmium[/mention],

That brings back memories. I had the same problem years ago with Spin. Pasmo does not have that issue though.
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Re: beguiners question, zx assembly

Post by Morkin »

Yeah, I think someone should update that guide at some point..! :lol:
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