Short beeper routines in assembly

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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by R-Tape »

I don't suppose anyone can improve on my naff page turning sound?

It's for use on the tape magazine, would be credited natch.
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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by Hikaru »

Well, I gave it a go previously, but decided not to post it in the end as I didn't really like the result. Seems like it was auto-saved as a draft, sooo here

Code: Select all

	ld hl,0
	ld de,#0710
	ld bc,2
	ld lx,#18
	call .loop
	ld c,24
	ld lx,#06
	ld a,(hl)
	inc hl
	cp c
	sbc a
	and e
	or d
	out (#FE),a
	djnz .loop
	dec lx
	jr nz,.loop
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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by R-Tape »

Much better than mine, thanks.

Are you still okay to be credited as 'owner' of the noise if I go with this? I'm using IX as a string pointer, so while it would be easy enough to PUSH it I'm trying to minimise having to do so.

Also, do you think changing ld d,6 to 24 makes it better or too close to masticating crisps?

Why did you use ixl? Timing reasons, or just because you used every other register?

Code: Select all

org 32768
	ld hl,0
	ld bc,2
	ld d,24
	call .loop
	ld c,24
	ld d,64
	ld a,(hl)
	inc hl
	cp c
	sbc a,a
	and 24
	or 7
	out (254),a
	djnz .loop
	dec d
	jr nz,.loop
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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by Hikaru »

I don't think something like this needs a credit at all, so any option is fine of course. For the record, at the core of it is a fairly old trick used in the Tritone engine (and IIRC one more from the 80's), i.e. CP N: SBC A: AND #10. In other words, any values less than N give #10, while values equal to or more than N give 0. Tritone uses it as a kind of hybrid 'timbre/volume control' for square waves, so I thought I might be able to get something similar with the noise, but apparently the result is far less pronounced.

LX, no point really, it's more due to my subconscious habit to speed up innermost loops (use up all registers first, ask questions later). Well, this time it affects the noise pitch. Try both versions, maybe tweak the constants a bit to see which is better. There's no right or wrong about it other than if it sounds good to you.
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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by Joefish »

If it's any help, the way I generate the combined noise and tone that gives the saws in Buzzsaw+ their 'whine' was to create a high/low square wave, then have a random number generator that whenever it produces a number over a certain threshold, I temporarily invert a bit of the square wave for a small number of cycles.

Now to control the rough 'pitch' of the whine, that's the original square wave. To make it more or less noisy, I move the threshold above which the random number inverts the output, or have it so it can only insert '1s' into the square wave, rather than invert it (so it only affects the low half of the wave). And to adjust the pitch of the noise, I make the random inversion stick around for more or less cycles of my sound function.

But these are prepared in advance and replayed from a buffer, which repeats once it's set up. To make the 'noise' sound more random, the buffer is longer than it needs to be and each time it replays the start position is randomised.
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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by R-Tape »

Joefish wrote: Tue Dec 05, 2017 3:13 pm If it's any help
Aye it is, in the long term. I don't have enough time to refine a sound routine right now but it's something I started to make progress with then forgot during a 6 month coding lacuna. I tend to avoid doing music/sound as I don't feel I have an affinity for audio anyway, but it's probably similar to when people say 'I can't draw' and I never believe them.

There are some amazing sound support packages out there but spot effects and music are IMO the most neglected area in ZX Software these days (and I'm at least as guilty as anyone).
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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by g0blinish »

Some disassembly from BLAM:

Code: Select all

sub_9E21:				; CODE XREF: sub_8EA7:loc_8F13p
		ld	hl, 1F40h
		ld	c, 0D0h	; 'Р'

loc_9E26:				; CODE XREF: sub_9E21+Fj
		ld	a, (hl)
		and	18h
		out	(0FEh),	a
		ld	b, c

loc_9E2C:				; CODE XREF: sub_9E21:loc_9E2Cj
		djnz	$
		inc	hl
		inc	c
		jr	nz, loc_9E26
; End of function sub_9E21

; =============== S U B	R O U T	I N E =======================================

sub_9E33:				; CODE XREF: sub_C746+72p
		ld	b, 64h ; 'd'

loc_9E35:				; CODE XREF: sub_9E33+11j
		xor	a
		out	(0FEh),	a
		push	bc

loc_9E39:				; CODE XREF: sub_9E33:loc_9E39j
		djnz	$
		pop	bc
		ld	a, 0F8h	; 'ш'
		out	(0FEh),	a
		push	bc

loc_9E41:				; CODE XREF: sub_9E33:loc_9E41j
		djnz	$
		pop	bc
		djnz	loc_9E35
; End of function sub_9E33

; =============== S U B	R O U T	I N E =======================================

sub_9E47:				; CODE XREF: sub_CA18+3p
		ld	b, 64h ; 'd'

loc_9E49:				; CODE XREF: sub_9E47+18j
		xor	a
		out	(0FEh),	a
		push	bc
		ld	a, r
		ld	b, a

loc_9E50:				; CODE XREF: sub_9E47+Bj
		djnz	loc_9E50
		pop	bc
		ld	a, 0F8h	; 'ш'
		out	(0FEh),	a
		push	bc

loc_9E5A:				; CODE XREF: sub_9E47+15j
		djnz	loc_9E5A
		pop	bc
		djnz	loc_9E49

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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by R-Tape »

Here's a simulation of the Chuckie Egg 'farty collect' sound. After looking at the code and the weird interrupt, I thought I'd never unravel it, but as long as you know which bit is making the noise, you can use the debugger to count the # of tstates in between and approximate. Close enough?

Code: Select all

org 32768
	ld b,60	;it last slightly more than a second, and each loop on average is a bit more than a full frame
cbbeep:	push bc
	call chuckiebeep
	call chuckiedelay
	ld hl,ccounter
	inc (hl)
	pop bc
	djnz cbbeep
	ld a,(ccounter)
	and 7
	add a,a
	ld c,a
	ld b,0
	ld hl,cdelays
	add hl,bc
	ld c,(hl)
	inc hl
	ld b,(hl)
cdlp:	dec bc
	ld a,b
	or c
	jr nz,cdlp
	ld a,(ccounter)
	and 7
	ld c,a
	ld b,0
	ld hl,chuckbeeps
	add hl,bc
	ld h,(hl)	;H is 37,33,29,25,21,17,13,9 cycled
	ld l,2		;L is always 2
cblp2:	ld a,16		;arrive H tone, L always 2, this is exactly the same as the Chuckie Egg sound engine
	out (254),a
	ld b,h
cblp0:	djnz cblp0
	xor a
	out (254),a
	ld b,h
cblp1:	djnz cblp1
	dec l
	jr nz,cblp2
ccounter:		db	0
chuckbeeps:		db	37,33,29,25,21,17,13,9			;the chuckie egg code does this as SUBs
cdelays:		dw	1580,1988,1035,1433,476,860,2260,243	;approximate BC loopcounter for no of tstates that pass between beeps
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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by Morkin »

Yep, just compared it to the original, to my knackered ears it's a smidgen slower and lower pitched than the game, but otherwise spot on.
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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by R-Tape »

Morkin wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 11:13 pm Yep, just compared it to the original, to my knackered ears it's a smidgen slower and lower pitched than the game, but otherwise spot on.
Cheers. I can't spot a difference, but I don't have a good ear for these things.

Can anyone accurately compare using technology? And understand how the delays should change to match?
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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by R-Tape »

I just ripped this tune from a game. I won't spoil the surprise by saying which.

The code isn't exactly the same, just a similar player and the music data was easily halved in size. It could probably be reduced ever further as there aren't that many combinations.

Code: Select all

org 32768
	ld hl,(musiccount)
	ld h,0
	add hl,hl
	ld de,musictab
	add hl,de
	ld e,(hl)
	inc hl
	ld c,(hl)
	ld b,0
	ld d,b
	ld a,e
	cp 255
	call z,resettune
	or a
	call nz,musiclp
	ld hl,musiccount
	inc (hl)
	jr musicbeep
	xor a
	ld (musiccount),a
	ld de,(musictab)
	ld c,d
	ld b,0
	ld d,b
	ld a,e
musiccount:	db	0
musiclp:	ld a,0
	out (254),a
	call delay
	ld a,16
	out (254),a
	call delay
	dec de
	ld a,d
	or e
	jr nz,musiclp
delay:	push bc
delp:	dec bc
	ld a,b
	or c
	jr nz,delp
	pop bc
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DEFB 0,0
DEFB 255,255

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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by Spud »

You clever CLOGS
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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by Morkin »

music has irritated me for over 30 years as there are some annoying extra pauses between the notes that I don't think should be there. Whenever I've played the game it's made me more twitchy than piratey.

I reckon the gaps should be something a bit more like:

Code: Select all

DEFB 38,43
DEFB 34,48
DEFB 38,43
DEFB 0,0
DEFB 22,73
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DEFB 0,0
DEFB 22,73
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DEFB 22,73
DEFB 0,0
DEFB 255,255
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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by R-Tape »

Morkin wrote: Fri Oct 11, 2019 12:52 pm I reckon the gaps should be something a bit more like:
I think it sounds better. I can't really pick out why and which bits though. But no matter how good it gets—such a short loop of that track will drive anyone crackers.
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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by R-Tape »

I don't suppose anyone has a disasm of any of the digitised speech, or the beeper music in Ghostbusters?

My attempts so far sound like heavy furniture being dragged...
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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by catmeows »

R-Tape wrote: Sun Oct 13, 2019 8:47 pm I don't suppose anyone has a disasm of any of the digitised speech, or the beeper music in Ghostbusters?

My attempts so far sound like heavy furniture being dragged...
What exactly are you trying to do ? I diassembled of digitised music od Twinz! time ago. I don't have listing anymore but I remember it was rather easy to understand.
For example, I have tried to diassemply effects in Starquake
and firelord and I never got even rough idea how it works.
Judging by the Booty sound routine, are you aware that aligning time between OUTs to multiply od 8T improves sound quality ?
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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by R-Tape »

catmeows wrote: Sun Oct 13, 2019 10:28 pm What exactly are you trying to do ?
It's something for Woot. Ultra top secret.
For example, I have tried to diassemply effects in Starquake and firelord and I never got even rough idea how it works.
I couldn't unravel these either. It's interesting that some of the most elaborate sounds have a simple engine (e.g. Dynamite Dan), but other games with simpler sounds are more cryptic. Atic Atac is quite hard too—I got close but it's not quite good enough.
Judging by the Booty sound routine, are you aware that aligning time between OUTs to multiply od 8T improves sound quality?
I don't understand—so probably not! Can you elaborate, perhaps with a code example?
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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by catmeows »

OK. My understanding is that you have issues with too much noise while replaying sampled speech. Is that correct ?

Port 254 is contended and ULA may insert few ticks when you try write (or read) to (from) port 254. Solution is simple, in your sound loop, be sure that the time between two consecutive writes to port 254 is divisible by 8.
This contention is notable when you try to generate pure tone but in that case you still get a tone, just with slight glitches. But sample replay is more noisy by its nature and avoiding contetion will improve sound quality.

See also:

I can also add some example later, but right now I should go to job.
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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by djnzx48 »

I rechecked the wiki page about I/O contention. Is it just me, or does it have a mistake?

According to the description, "access to ports between 0x4000 and 0x7ffe with the low bit clear (i.e. when the ULA's own port is not being accessed) is subject to contention on every T state."

This seems to be contradicted by the table on the same page, which indicates contention on every T-state when the low bit is set. When it mentions the 'low bit clear', does that refer to the bit being set or reset?
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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by R-Tape »

catmeows wrote: Mon Oct 14, 2019 7:15 am OK. My understanding is that you have issues with too much noise while replaying sampled speech. Is that correct ?
No—I meant that I couldn't do it at all. I wondered if the code was already out there online to save me time.
Brilliant link. Thanks.
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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by Seven.FFF »

djnzx48 wrote: Mon Oct 14, 2019 8:00 am I rechecked the wiki page about I/O contention. Is it just me, or does it have a mistake?

According to the description, "access to ports between 0x4000 and 0x7ffe with the low bit clear (i.e. when the ULA's own port is not being accessed) is subject to contention on every T state."

This seems to be contradicted by the table on the same page, which indicates contention on every T-state when the low bit is set. When it mentions the 'low bit clear', does that refer to the bit being set or reset?
I think you are right. IMO it should say “ Access to ports between 0x4000 and 0x7ffe with the low bit SET (i.e. when the ULA's own port is not being accessed) is subject to contention on every T state”
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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by Woodster »

Seven.FFF wrote: Tue Oct 15, 2019 6:18 pm I think you are right. IMO it should say “ Access to ports between 0x4000 and 0x7ffe with the low bit SET (i.e. when the ULA's own port is not being accessed) is subject to contention on every T state”
It should indeed say when the low bit is set.
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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by djnzx48 »

That makes more sense. But why is port 0x7fff not included in that range? Should 0x7ffe be changed to 0x7fff, or is that correct as it is?
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Re: Short beeper routines in assembly

Post by Seven.FFF »

Yes, it should be included I think. Part of the same mistake.
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Waves lapping on the shore beeper sound

Post by R-Tape »

I'm trying to approximate the soothing sound of gentle waves lapping on a tropical shore, but my attempts so far are closer to a stormy day at Heysham. I'm just posting this in case anyone can suggest improvements or even post better code examples*. It has to be a shortish piece of code, so no huge samples.

*to be clear: I want to make it sound more gentle.

Code: Select all

org 32768	;might be slightly better in contended memory
mloop:	call wave
	call wavelaprumble ;(superfluous?)
	call betweenwavepause
	jr mloop
	ld b,30
	call rnd
	and 15
	add a,b
	ld b,a
bwplp:	halt
	djnz bwplp
	ld bc,10000
bwlp:	call rnd
	and 16
	out (254),a
	dec bc
	ld a,b
	or c
	jr nz,bwlp
wave:	ld c,63
	ld de,1024
	ld hl,0
main:	call rnd
	and 16
	out (254),a
	ld e,c
dlp:	dec e
	jr nz,dlp
dlp1:	dec de
	ld a,d
	or a
	jr nz,miss
ica:	dec c
	ret z
miss:	ld a,d
	or e
	jr nz,main
	ld a,2
	out (254),a
	push hl
	push de
rsd0:	ld  hl,0xA280   ; yw -> zt
rsd1:	ld  de,0xC0DE   ; xz -> yw
	ld  (rnd+6),hl  ; x = y, z = w
	ld  a,l         ; w = w ^ ( w << 3 )
	add a,a
	add a,a
	add a,a
	xor l
	ld  l,a
	ld  a,d         ; t = x ^ (x << 1)
	add a,a
	xor d
	ld  h,a
	rra             ; t = t ^ (t >> 1) ^ w
	xor h
	xor l
	ld  h,e         ; y = z
	ld  l,a         ; w = t
	ld  (rnd+3),hl
	pop de
	pop hl
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