MuCho (Multiple Choice) 128k Beta engine published and ready for download

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MuCho (Multiple Choice) 128k Beta engine published and ready for download

Post by iadvd »

Dear all, yesterday I have released MuCho 128k Beta, the extension of Jari Komppa's MuCho 48k (Windows 32b/64b OS). E.g. we did "Area 51: Roswell Incident 128k" with this extension. The manual and downloadable stand alone zipped engine are at my GitHub. Recommended for those of you already familiar with MuCho 48k. Thus, I humbly suggest starting first with a MuCho 48k game and then trying to migrate it to 128k to get the best of it. Have fun. :) ... Cho128Beta

Also a release note kindly written by our friends at Planeta Sinclair (dear @Andre Leao I hope you do not mind, I took the link to the image below from your website :) ): ... rsion.html

Purpose of MuCHo 128k Beta: It makes ZX Spectrum MuCho 128k games using a customized extension of the MuCho 48k v.3.0 engine. It will not be able to make MuCho 48k games. If you want to make 48k games you will need to use the wonderful standard original engine.

The extension has been possible thanks to the libraries and framework of The Mojon Twins' MK1 La Churrera engine.

What can I do with the 128k engine?
  • I have added the MK1 engine framework able to manage the music and the Spectrum 128k RAM banks, so you will have RAM1 available to add the music of the game (up to 6 melodies) and the rest of RAM banks to add more images to the game.
  • The in-game music is done with the WYZ tracker, but it is not the latest version, is the same version that uses the MK1 engine (at least up to 2023). I will add that version ZIPped to the Github repository so there is no possible mistake. It also includes sounds for the menu actions (up down select) and a configurable sound for those rooms where we want to express that something important has been found.
  • The 128k engine adds the possibility of having two intro full screen images (visible until a key is pressed) and also having what we name "flash screens" which are full screens that are shown when the player enters to a certain room. There is no limit of flash screens, as long as you have enough space in the RAM banks of course.
  • There are other small features, linked to the images that are stored in the banks. There is for instance a "do not reload" feature for certain kind of images, that keeps, the image that is already visible on the top of the screen when we are in a room in which the texts are longer that the current screen space. So when you press to continue reading the rest of the text, the image is not reloaded again (because is the same one, so we avoid the blink of the reloading process)
  • The mc.exe application has a new parameter to decide the quantity of bytes reserved for the optimization dictionary (from 512bytes to 1k). In the original 48k engine is is 1k fixed, but the results very depending on that value, so I have added that parameter as a command line option, so if you are in need of it, you can play with it to save around 50 to 100 bytes (sometimes that means a lot specially when you are using the whole 48k base memory!!). Furthermore, after a comma you do not have to enter a space, the engine does it by default, sometimes saving up to 100 bytes of memory.
  • So basically, the more images you put into the ZX Spectrum 128k extra RAM banks, the more 48k base memory you have to write more rooms, more history, more texts, more conditions, etc. Anyway, you still can have images at the 48k base memory, no problem at all.
  • It is able to generate the English and Spanish version of the engine messages, so you can create the English and Spanish versions of your game if you whish.
  • Kempston and Sinclair-1 joystick support.
  • And some small configurable fx's.
There is a manual in English and Spanish, and the engine provides an initial template game that hopefully will run almost in any 32b / 64b computer (crossing fingers, but you know that 100% compatibility is sometimes hard, so I apologize beforehand). It is a beta version... and I am not sure if I will be able to maintain it further, but the source code is also included in a subfolder of the stand alone engine, so anyone can make their own fixes and enhancements. Cheers! :)

Furillo Productions' games can be downloaded here:
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