Let's see if I can beat Six Card Cribbage on the highest skill level then

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Let's see if I can beat Six Card Cribbage on the highest skill level then

Post by ParadigmShifter »

I think there's a theme going on here ;)

Cribbage is a great card game, my favourite for 2 players (probably most skilful)?

This may be compiled BASIC but it plays an ok game?

There are other versions of crib available this is only one I have tried so far.

I'm gonna play a match up to 7 although you can win more than 1 point a game in crib.

Winning post is 121.

* If you win and opponent fails to reach 91, you win a skunk (double game) for 2 points
* If they don't reach 61 you get a double skunk (rules vary, I will be playing triple game for a double skunk so 3 points).
* If they don't reach 31 you win the match immediately.

I assume you all know the rules to Cribbage, I'm not explaining them here, they are too complicated to explain lol. You score for 15s, pairs (and trips, 4 of a kind), runs (of 3 or more), his nob of course (Jack of same suit as the turn card), and flushes (4 of same suit in hand + the turn card counts in everyone's hand, but you can only score for a flush in the crib with a five flush. Yeah I know, it's just making things more complicated for no reason).

Once you discard to the crib you play a similar kind of game but you can only go up to 31 (which scores 2 if you make 31 exactly).

Aces are low only so QKA is not a run of 3.

I'm sure it will all start making sense after a few hands lol ;)

Here are the rules if you want to bone up first: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cribbage

Game on! I think there are only 2 levels in this game, so go for EXPERT obvs.

Game is up to 121 points. As soon as one player scores 121 game ends. Non dealer (who does not have the crib) scores first in the show.

I hope that all makes sense!


I know it probably doesn't lol ;)

Crib is a great game, let's get started. Cut for first deal and box, lowest card wins (Ace is low only remember), dealer gets the box, then the deal alternates.


So I win the cut and deal first, so first box for me. EDIT: Looks like the Speccy does not know the rule that LOWEST cut wins, so it thinks it is dealing. Never mind, doesn't make a difference really. Just pretend it won the cut.

This does not play cut every game for first box, I don't know if it plays "mugs off" i.e. loser of last game gets first deal and box, or if it alternates. I'll stick with what the speccy does. I usually play cut for first box each game, I think that is official but we will go with speccy rules interpretation.


Here are the proper rules
wikipedia wrote:The players cut for first deal, and the person who cuts the lowest card deals.
Dealer gets the box (crib) anyway


That is a good hand. Shame the speccy cheated me out of the box, looks like I have to put an A2 in it :x

Which is my first decision, I have to discard 2 cards to the crib which the dealer will score later on. Obvs I'm gonna put the A2 in though.
Last edited by ParadigmShifter on Sat May 25, 2024 2:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Six Card Cribbage on the highest skill level then

Post by ParadigmShifter »

This even lets you change your mind if you don't like the look of the discard.


I'm going to put those in the dealers box, not ideal really, since it may score him a run, may make 15s, or both even :shock:

But what I kept is good, 15 2, 15 4, 15 6, run of 3, so at least 9. Hoping for JQK or 5 or 10 turn card (card turned over which is part of everyone's hand at the show). There's lots of etiquette we are missing out on here that can cost you points in a real game (with muggins rule of course).

Turn (or "Start" as well I think) is 7 of hearts, which does not help me. My hand is worth 9 in the show. I don't have nobs since the turn is a heart not a diamond. His nob only scores 1 though.

It's my lay.


This hand is not good for pegging really. Play any face card really probably the queen on the off chance it plays a King or a Jack so I can make a run of 3.
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Six Card Cribbage on the highest skill level then

Post by ParadigmShifter »

Don't worry, I'm not going to show every card I play and opponent plays ;)

Clearly playing a King is better than a Queen since they not going to play a Jack or a King giving me a run of 3 if they don't have to. So I play that.

Count is 10.

CPU plays a 6, I play my Queen, probably should have played my Jack instead there cos CPU might be holding onto one for nobs, oops. count is 26. CPU plays a 4, count is 30, I can't go (can't go over 31, 31 scores 2, last card played in a round scores 1 if it doesn't reach 31. You have to play cards if you can).


CPU can't go either (doesn't have an ace then - if it did it would have to play it). So CPU will peg 1 for last.

I play my Jack which I should have played instead of the queen, CPU plays an 8, I play my 5 (was kinda hoping CPU had a 5 there), then a 7 I think count is 30 anyway. Wasn't quick enough for a screengrab. We will see when the hands are scored what it had. CPU pegs 1 for last again. 2-0 up.

I score 9 for my hand since the turn of a 7 did not help. CPU explains the score as well.


EDIT: I'll explain it too since it's early days. J5 = 15, Q5 = 15, K5 = 15. 15s are worth 2 each. JQK = run of 3 = 3. Total 9.

CPU has a nice hand there, 7 turn helped out him as well. (It did play a 7 last round then).


2x FIFTEEN for 2 (78, 78) = 4
1x PAIR (77) for 2 = 2
2 runs of 3 (678 two ways, one with 7 of diamonds other with 7 of hearts) = 2x3 = 6.EDIT: Note a run of 4 does not count as a run of three twice, just to be confusing lol :) so 2345 is only worth 4, not 2 runs of 3 (234, 345) for 6, which is inconsistent of course :D This is how cribbage rolls though! Someone I was at Uni with did play runs of 4 count as 2 runs of 3 though I think, very non-standard house rule, which we termed "Wilson Runs". My friend also used to play suited runs count double! Until she downloaded an app on her phone which knew the proper rules lol ;) Many people also play Ace is high or low, which is also not correct in official rules, so QKA is NOT a run of 3. Ace is low only.

So 12 there. Better than my hand.

CPUs box (which has 2 cards I discarded plus 2 it discarded in it, plus the turn) scores 19 - which is a euphemism for zero since it's impossible to score 19. (Maybe not with Wilson Runs though! I haven't worked that out. Taylor suited runs may also allow you to score 19 I dunno). If you play proper rules 19 is lowest score you can't get anyway.


CPU is ahead 14-9. It's normal for the dealer to win more points since they have the box, that's why they score last in the show (and if you win in the show before the dealer scores, or peg 121 before the show, they don't get to score - which is what balances it out).

At least my A2 discard did not give away any points. My box next.

I was cheated out of that box though, should have been mine since I cut lower, tsk. (But box was worth 19, so probably good for me lol)

I'll play the next hand tomorrow! I hope you all understood the rules and stuff ;)
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Six Card Cribbage on the highest skill level then

Post by ParadigmShifter »

Me to deal then, so it's my crib.

Not a good hand. May as well keep the 15 and the pair since I need 3 cards to make the 15 (933). 910 may make a run so I'll keep that too. So QK goes into my box.



Opponent to lead after the start is turned... it's the King of Hearts, so at least I have a pair of Kings in my crib.

Opponent leads with a Jack (count: 10). I don't really want to play my 9 or 10 then since he might get a run. Go with the 3 (count: 13) in case CPU also has a 3, then I can get trips and peg 6. Opponent plays a King (count: 23). I have to play my other 3 (count: 26). Opponent has a 5 so 31 and pegs 2.

My lead again... I go with the 9, CPU plays a Q (19), I play my 10 (29). I score 1 for last.


CPU has a good hand, 4x15 for 8, plus a pair of Kings for 2, and 2 runs of 3 (JQK) for 6 so 16.


My hand, fifteen for 2 and a pair so 4 in total.


My crib, just the pair of Kings for 2.


Scores on the doors:

CPU 32 - 16 Me

CPU got more points from the turn than I did (also got a pair of Kings but also another run of 3, and another 15!). Both my hand and crib were bad :(
It's early days still though.

CPUs box and deal next
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Dynamite Dan
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Re: Let's see if I can beat Six Card Cribbage on the highest skill level then

Post by ParadigmShifter »

Continuing the slowest game of Cribbage ever


I have one 15 (77A). It's CPUs box so don't want to put anything good in, so not both the 3 and 4. I think I will keep the 3 so if a 5 or a 2 is turned I score a bit more. Might be ok for pegging as well.

I discard 49


And the play starts with a turn of the Jack of Hearts, it's a Jack, so dealer scores "2 for his heels". That was one thing I didn't mention earlier, thought it might be a bit confusing ;)


I'm sure his heels are very impressive, and scores twice as much as his nob. That's basically just luck on dealers part.

My lay, play a 7 since if CPU plays one I score 6 for trips. Count is 7. CPU plays a King, count is 17. I guess CPU hasn't got a 7 to make 31 so I play my other 7 to make the count 24. CPU plays a 5 for count of 29. I have to play my Ace, CPU will score 2 for a pair and 2 for 31 if it has one too.

CPU can't go so doesn't have an Ace. I score 1 for last, and CPU will now lead to my 3.


CPU plays a Queen (count: 10), I play my 3 (count: 13), CPU plays its last card, a Jack, and scores 1 for last.


My hand:


Not good, just the fifteen 2 and the pair 2 I started with.

CPUs hand:


Jammy, think it had the exact same scoring hand earlier? It scores 16 anyway, which is big. The turn card massively helped CPUs hand again :(

CPUs box:


Just fifteen for 2 (69).

I'm getting tonked here though lol ;) Need to get some good hands like the CPU has had! My box next though, hopefully will start scoring more soon.
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