My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

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Manic Miner
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My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by MonkZy »

I have made I game for the CSSCGC, it is called go race!

Keys are :
D - Mode
S - Start Game
ZX - Left and Right

I am new to z80 assembly so if I have inadvertently discovered a way you can fry rare silicon components with z80 instructions, I am truly sorry for your losses. Use at own risk. Feel free to distribute, post screenshots, disassemble, shovel on a cassette or CD, or burn with fire.

Here are the files, tested OK on FUSE (I think):

and the huge and uncompressed .wav version to play into the ear of any nearby spectrum (maybe not 16kb)..


Assembly for laffs :

Code: Select all

	; GO RACE! by MonkZy, written for the CSSCGC 2018


	org 60000

	ld hl,lcd_chars		;load HL with address of LCD chars
	ld (23675),hl		;change UDG system variable to point to LCD chars

	ld a,120		;Set the location of the character set
	ld (23606),a
	ld a,229
	ld (23607),a

        ld a,7			;BORDER 7
	call 8859
	ld a,56			;INK 0: PAPER 7
	ld (23693),a
	call 3503		;CLS

	ld a,2                  ;channel 2 = "S" for screen
	call $1601              ;select print channel using ROM

	;###Routine to print a page of intro text###
	ld b,18			;load A with number of lines of intro text
	ld hl,introtext		;load HL with start location of intro text
	push bc			;preserve B for loop

	ld d,h        		;load DE with the address of the printline
	ld e,l
	ld bc,35		;length of a line + AT codes
	push bc
	call 8252		;print the line (destroys BC)
	pop bc			;reload BC with line length
	add hl,bc		;add length of printline to address in HL
	pop bc			;restore B for loop
	djnz textloop		;b-=1, loop until b=0

	ld hl,23560         	;LAST K system variable.
	ld (hl),0           	;put null value there.
loopy:				;endless loop waits for keypress (Jonathan Cauldwell)
	ld a,(hl)           	;new value of LAST K.
	cp 0                	;is it still zero?
	jr z,loopy           	;yes, so no key pressed.

	;###Copy LCD game image from RAM to display###
	ld a,63			;INK 7: PAPER 7
	ld (23693),a
	call 3503		;CLS
	ld de,16384		;load DE with address of screen memory
	ld hl,40000		;load HL with address of stored image
	ld bc,6912		;copy 6912 bytes
	ldir			;copy image to screen

	;###Acky Kacky startup flicker
	ld b,80
	djnz pause1
	ld a,56
	call pokescreen
       	ld b,12
	djnz pause2
	ld a,63
	call pokescreen
	ld b,20
	djnz pause3
	ld a,56
	call pokescreen

	ld de,5
	ld hl,900
	call 949

	ld b,80	
	djnz pause4
	;###initialisation for the demo loop###
	ld a,63
	call pokescreen

	ld hl,22680
	ld (hl),56
	ld hl,22648
	ld b,3
	ld c,0
	ld (hl),56
	inc hl
	djnz game_cell_loop

	;###Demo Loop - shows hiscore and a rolling road###
	ld b,40
	push bc
	ld b,255                ;ld B with 255
	push bc			;preserve B for loop
	ld bc,65022         	;keyboard row v,c,x,z,caps
	in a,(c)            	;see what keys are pressed.
	cp 191		      	;compare new keypress with last keypress (modified with code)
	jp z,skipinputD		;jump out if the keypress is the same as the last
	ld (lastkeyD+1),a	;modify cp line for new keypress
	cp 189			;compare with 's'
	jp nz,not_s		;if keypress is not 's' move to next pre-game key check
	jp pregame
	cp 187			;compare with 'd'
	jp nz,skipinputD	;if keypress is not 'd' jump out
	ld a,(mode)
	ld hl,22680
	ld b,0
	ld c,a
	add hl,bc
	ld (hl),63
	xor 1
	ld (mode),a
	ld hl,22680
	ld b,0
	ld c,a
	add hl,bc
	ld (hl),56	
	pop bc
	djnz keyloopD		;b-=1, loop until b=0
	pop bc
	djnz delayloopD		;b-=1, loop until b=0
	call advanceroad
	ld hl,(hiscore)
	call printscore
	jp demo

	;###Routine to copy a single attribute to all of the LCD display window###
	;A=8bit attribute data
	ld d,a		  	;put attribute data into D
	ld hl,22629		;load HL with first attribute address (dest)
	ld b,19			;load B with number of lines to copy
	push bc			;preserve B for loop1
	ld b,22			;load B with number of bytes in one line
	ld a,(hl)		;retrieve current attribute
	cp 60			;compare with INK 4; PAPER 0 (This preserves the green 'silk-screen' areas)
	jp z,skippoke		;if true then skip next POKE
	ld (hl),d		;load next attribute address with A
	inc hl			;increment attribute address
	djnz loop2		;B-=1 loop until B==0
	ld bc,10		;Add 10 to the attribute address 
	add hl,bc		;(32-bytes in one line)
	pop bc			;restore B for loop1
	djnz loop1		;B-=1 loop until B==0

	;###Pre-game initialisation###
	ld a,(mode)
	cp 1
	jp z,gameb
	ld a,40
	ld (speed),a
	ld a,50
	ld (sp_up+1),a
	ld a,5
	ld (sp_modify+1),a
	ld a,25
	ld (sp_up_modify+1),a
	ld a,20
	ld (sp_max+1),a
	jp set_vars
	ld a,30
	ld (speed),a
	ld a,25
	ld (sp_up+1),a
	ld a,3
	ld (sp_modify+1),a
	ld a,15
	ld (sp_up_modify+1),a
	ld a,18
	ld (sp_max+1),a
	ld hl,0
	ld (score),hl
	ld a,3
	ld (lives),a

	ld hl,22634
	ld de,22666
	ld b,10
	ld c,0
	ld a,56
	ld (hl),a
	ld (de),a
	inc hl
	inc de
	djnz HUD_cell_loop


	ld b,4
	ld a,56
	ld (de),a
	inc de
	djnz fuel_cell_loop

	ld a,0
	ld (fuel_deployed),a
	ld (fuelcounter),a
	ld a,4
	ld (fuel),a
	ld a,63
	ld b,29
	ld hl,fueldata
	ld (hl),a
	inc hl
	djnz resetloop		;b-=1, loop until b=0
	call advanceroad
	ld hl,(score)
	call printscore
	ld a,(carpos)
	ld c,56
	ld hl,23177
	call setaddr
	call setblock
	ld a,(speed)
	ld b,a
	push bc
	ld b,0
	push bc			;preserve B for loop
	ld bc,65278         	;keyboard row v,c,x,z,caps
	in a,(c)            	;see what keys are pressed.
	cp 191		      	;compare new keypress with last keypress (modified with code)
	jp z,skipinput		;jump out if the keypress is the same as the last
	ld (lastkey+1),a	;modify cp line for new keypress		
	cp 189			;compare with 'z'
	jp nz,not_z		;if keypress is not 'z' move to next compare
	ld a,(carpos)		;load A with carpos (1-3)
	cp 1
	jp z,skipinput		;carpos is 1, jump out
	call clear_car
	dec a			;decrease carpos
	jp set_new_pos	
	cp 187			;compare with 'x'
	jp nz,skipinput		;if keypress is not 'x' jump out
	ld a,(carpos)		;load A with carpos (1-3)
	cp 3
	jp z,fuel_test		;carpos is 3, test for fuel
	call clear_car
	inc a			;increase carpos
	jp set_new_pos

	ld a,(fueldata)
	cp 56
	jp nz,skipinput

	ld hl,22676
	ld b,4
	ld (hl),a
	inc hl
	djnz refill_fuel
	inc a
	ld (fueldata),a
	ld a,4
	ld (fuel),a
	call biiip
	jp skipinput
	ld (carpos),a
	ld c,56			;load C with a INK 0;PAPER 7 attributes
	ld hl,23177
	call setaddr
	call setblock

	pop bc
	djnz keyloop		;b-=1, loop until b=0
	pop bc
	djnz delayloop		;b-=1, loop until b=0


	ld a,(carpos)		;###collision detection###
	ld hl,23081		;set HL to 1st traffic attribute
	call setaddr		;set HL based on carpos
	ld a,(hl)		;get the attribute
	cp 56			;compare attribute to INK 7; PAPER 0
	ld d,0			;set the no-fuel flag to 0 as this is collision
	jp z,collision_detected	;jump to collision routine if true (a=0)

	ld a,(fuel)
	cp 0
	jp z,no_fuel

	call biiip
	call advanceroad	;advance the road
	ld hl,(score)		;Load HL with score, increment, store
	inc hl
	ld (score),hl
	call printscore		;print the score
	ld a,(speedcounter)	;manage the speed increase 
	inc a			;a counter counts
	cp 55			;check if this number is in A (this is the count at which the speed is increased)
	jp nz,skipcalc		;if it not we will skip the next code
	ld a,(speed)		;load A with the speed
	cp 20			;check for max speed
	jp z,zero_counter	;if we are already at max speed skip to zero_counter
	sub 5			;increase the speed (we reduce the amount of HALTS in the delay loop)
	ld (speed),a		;reload the speed into memory
	ld hl,22643		;load hl with the first attribute location for the speed guage
	inc hl			;this loop will set HL to the first blank space in the speed guage
	ld a,(hl)
	cp 63			;look for INK 7:PAPER 7
	jp nz,seek_blank	;loop if not I7 P7
	ld a,56			;set the loaction INK 0: PAPER 7
	ld (hl),a
	ld a,(sp_up+1)		;modify code to increase number of advances until a speed increase
	add a,50
	ld (sp_up+1),a
	ld a,0			;zero the speed counter
	ld (speedcounter),a	;store the speedcounter into memory

	jp main

	ld d,1

	push de
	call datoon		;initialise the death tune
	ld hl,23113		;set HL to the first attribute address of the explosion
	ld a,(carpos)
	ld c,56			;set C to PAPER 7;INK 0
	call setaddr
	pop de
	ld b,10			;load B with the number of notes in the death tune
	push bc			;preserve HL,BC and DE registers
	push hl
	push de
	ld a,d
	cp 1
	jp nz,no_fuel_flash
	ld a,c
	ld (22675),a
	call setblock		;set the explosion block of attributes
	pop de
	pop hl
	pop bc			;restore registers
	push hl			;preserve HL and BC
	push bc
	push de
	call NEXTNOTE		;play the next note of the death tune
	pop de
	pop bc			;restore registers
	pop hl
	ld a,c			;XOR 7 the attribute bits to flash beetween INK 0 and INK 7
	xor 7
	ld c,a
	djnz toonloop		;loop until B=0

	ld a,(lives)
	ld hl,22639
	ld de,22671
	ld b,3
	cp b
	jp z,remove_life
	dec b
	dec hl
	dec hl
	dec de
	dec de
	jp seek_life
	ld a,63
	ld (hl),a
	ld (de),a
	inc de
	inc hl
	ld (hl),a
	ld (de),a
	ld a,(lives)
	dec a
	cp 0
	jp z,total_death

	ld (lives),a
	ld de,22675

	jp resetroad		;jump to resetroad (clear the traffic and restart game)

	ld b,8
	push bc
	ld b,10
	djnz pauseloop
	call biiip
	pop bc
	djnz biploop
	or a
	ld de,(score)
	ld hl,(hiscore)
	sbc hl,de
	jr nc,not_hiscore
	ld (hiscore),de
	jp predemo

	ld de,5			;Make a very short 'Biip' 
	ld hl,900		;an arbitary frequency
	call 949 		;call the BEEP'er

	ld c,63			;load C with INK 7;PAPER 7 attributes
	ld hl,23177
	push af
	call setaddr
	call setblock		;clear current car
	pop af

	;setaddr is used to return an address for the first attribute of a car or explosion
	;HL=start address of column 1, 23177=cars 23113=explosion 
	;A=column (1-3)

	ld d,0			;Load DE with the column offset (5)
	ld e,5
	cp 1			;check for column 1
	jp z,exitmult		;if column 1 leave the multiply loop
	add hl,de		;add the offset
	dec a
	jp multiply		;loop
	;setblock is used for changing attributes of the car and explosion
	;changes a 4x2 block of attributes
	;HL=start address,C=8bit Attribute
	ld d,h			;load DE with start address
	ld e,l
	ld h,0			;tab load HL with the offset to line 2 (32)
	ld l,32
	add hl,de		;load HL with the start address of line 2
	ld b,4			;load B to count 4 attribute locations
	ld a,c			;load A with the attribute data
	ld (hl),a		;set attribute for line 2 location
	ld (de),a		;set attribute for line 1 location
	inc hl			;increment addresses
	inc de
	djnz setloop		;b-=1, loop until b=0
	ld a,(fuelcounter)
	inc a
	cp 30
	jp nz,fuel_ok
	ld a,(fuel)
	dec a
	ld (fuel),a
	ld hl,22676
	ld b,0
	ld c,a
	add hl,bc
	ld (hl),63

	ld a,0
	ld (fuelcounter),a
	ld de,roaddata_row1	;load DE with address of 1st row of roaddata
	ld hl,roaddata_row2	;load HL with address of 2nd row
	ld bc,5			;copy 5 bytes
	ldir			;move road data forward one row

	ld de,trafficdata_row1	;load DE with address of 1st row of roaddata
	ld hl,trafficdata_row2	;load HL with address of 2nd row
	ld bc,15		;copy 15 bytes
	ldir			;move traffic data forward one row

	ld de,fueldata		;load DE with address of 1st row of fueldata
	ld hl,fueldata+1	;load HL with address of 2nd row
	ld bc,5			;copy 5 bytes
	ldir			;move fuel data forward one row

	ld a,1			;load A with the RND pointer (self modifies)
	ld c,a			;load BC with pointer
	ld b,0
	ld hl,randomness	;load HL with adress of the start of random numbers
	add hl,bc		;add BC to HL to find next random number address
	inc a			;increment the random number pointer
	ld (rndpointer+1),a	;modify code for the new pointer value
	ld a,(hl)		;load A with the random number (0-7)

	ld de,trafficdata_row6	;load DE with address of 6th row
	ld hl,trafficstyle	;load HL with start address of the traffic styles
	ld c,a	
	ld b,0
	add hl,bc		;add the random number to the road style address
	ld bc,3			;copy 3 bytes

	and %00000011	        ;strip to two bytes (random 0-3)

	ld de,roaddata_row4	;load DE with address of 4th row
	ld hl,roadstyle		;load HL with start address of the road styles
	ld c,a			;load BC with the random number in A
	ld b,0			
	add hl,bc		;add the random number to the road style address
	ld bc,2			;copy 2 bytes

	ld b,a
	ld a,(fuel_deployed)		;add random number to fueling flag
	add a,b			
	cp 0			;chance of fueling
	ld a,63
	ld (fueldata+5),a
	jp nz,skip_fuel
	ld a,(trafficdata_row1+14)
	ld b,a
	ld a,(trafficdata_row6+2)
	add a,b
	cp 126
	jp nz,skip_fuel
	ld a,56
	ld (fueldata+5),a
	ld a,1
	ld (fuel_deployed),a
	; Directly set attributes for the road, code produced with BASIC tool

	ld a,(roaddata_row1+0) ;1 1
	ld (23111),a
	ld (23143),a
	ld (23175),a
	ld (23207),a

	ld a,(roaddata_row1+1) ;1 2
	ld (23130),a
	ld (23162),a

	ld a,(roaddata_row1+2) ;2 1
	ld d,a
	ld e,a
	ld (22919),de
	ld (22951),de
	ld (22983),de
	ld (23015),a
	ld (23047),a
	ld (23079),a

	ld a,(roaddata_row1+3) ;2 2
	ld d,a
	ld e,a
	ld (22936),a
	ld (22968),a
	ld (23000),a
	ld (23032),de
	ld (23065),a
	ld (23097),de

	ld a,(roaddata_row1+4) ;3 1
	ld d,a
	ld e,a
	ld (22794),de
	ld (22825),de
	ld (22856),de
	ld (22888),de

	ld a,(roaddata_row1+5) ;3 2
	ld d,a
	ld e,a
	ld (22808),de
	ld (22840),de
	ld (22872),a
	ld (22904),a

	ld a,(roaddata_row1+6) ;4 1
	ld d,a
	ld e,a
	ld (22702),de
	ld (22732),de
	ld (22734),a
	ld (22763),de
	ld (22765),a

	ld a,(roaddata_row1+7) ;4 2
	ld d,a
	ld e,a
	ld (22714),a
	ld (22745),de
	ld (22777),de

	ld a,(trafficdata_row1+0) ;1 1
	ld d,a
	ld e,a
	ld (22985),de
	ld (22987),de
	ld (23017),de
	ld (23019),de
	ld (23049),de
	ld (23051),de
	ld (23081),de
	ld (23083),de

	ld a,(trafficdata_row1+1) ;1 2
	ld d,a
	ld e,a
	ld (22990),de
	ld (22992),de
	ld (23022),de
	ld (23024),de
	ld (23054),de
	ld (23056),de
	ld (23086),de
	ld (23088),de

	ld a,(trafficdata_row1+2) ;1 3
	ld d,a
	ld e,a
	ld (22995),de
	ld (22997),de
	ld (23027),de
	ld (23029),de
	ld (23059),de
	ld (23061),de
	ld (23091),de
	ld (23093),de

	ld a,(trafficdata_row1+3) ;2 1
	ld d,a
	ld e,a
	ld (22890),de
	ld (22892),a
	ld (22922),de
	ld (22924),a
	ld (22954),de
	ld (22956),a

	ld a,(trafficdata_row1+4) ;2 2
	ld d,a
	ld e,a
	ld (22895),de
	ld (22897),a
	ld (22927),de
	ld (22929),a
	ld (22959),de
	ld (22961),a

	ld a,(trafficdata_row1+5) ;2 3
	ld d,a
	ld e,a
	ld (22900),de
	ld (22902),a
	ld (22932),de
	ld (22934),a
	ld (22964),de
	ld (22966),a

	ld a,(trafficdata_row1+6) ;3 1
	ld d,a
	ld e,a

	ld (22796),de
	ld (22798),a
	ld (22828),de
	ld (22830),a
	ld (22860),de
	ld (22862),a
	ld a,(trafficdata_row1+7) ;3 2
	ld d,a
	ld e,a
	ld (22800),de
	ld (22802),a
	ld (22832),de
	ld (22834),a
	ld (22864),de
	ld (22866),a

	ld a,(trafficdata_row1+8) ;3 3
	ld d,a
	ld e,a
	ld (22804),de
	ld (22806),a
	ld (22836),de
	ld (22838),a
	ld (22868),de
	ld (22870),a

	ld a,(trafficdata_row1+9) ;4 1
	ld d,a
	ld e,a
	ld (22736),de
	ld (22768),de

	ld a,(trafficdata_row1+10) ;4 2
	ld d,a
	ld e,a
	ld (22739),de
	ld (22771),de

	ld a,(trafficdata_row1+11) ;4 3
	ld d,a
	ld e,a	
	ld (22742),de
	ld (22774),de	

	ld a,(trafficdata_row1+12) ;5 1
	ld d,a
	ld e,a
	ld (22705),de

	ld a,(trafficdata_row1+13) ;5 2
	ld d,a
	ld e,a
	ld (22708),de

	ld a,(trafficdata_row1+14) ;5 3
	ld d,a
	ld e,a
	ld (22711),de
	ld a,(fueldata) ;car row
	ld d,a
	ld e,a

	ld (23159),de
	ld (23161),a
	ld (23191),de
	ld (23193),a
	ld (23223),de
	ld (23225),a
	ld a,(fueldata+1) ;1 
	ld d,a
	ld e,a

	ld (23063),de
	ld (23095),de
	cp 56
	jp nz,skip_reset
	ld a,0
	ld (fuel_deployed),a
	ld a,(fueldata+2) ;2 
	ld (22935),a
	ld (22967),a

	ld a,(fueldata+3) ;3 

	ld (22839),a
	ld (22871),a

	ld a,(fueldata+4) ;4 

	ld (22744),a
	ld (22776),a
	ld a,(fueldata+5) ;5

	ld (22713),a
	ld a,143		;change character offset in stripHL for upper LCD chars
	ld (Num1+1),a
	push hl
	call stripHL		;call the digit stripper
	ld a,3			;set Y in printline to 3
	ld (printline+1),a
	ld a,6			;set X in printline to 6
	ld (printline+2),a
	ld de,printline        	;load the address of the printline
	ld bc,10		;length of score + ctrl. codes
	call 8252		;print upper part of score LCD
	pop hl
	ld a,153		;change character offset in stripHL for lower LCD chars
	ld (Num1+1),a
	call stripHL		;call the digit stripper
	ld a,4			;set Y in printline to 4
	ld (printline+1),a
	ld de,printline       	;load the address of scoreline line 2the printline
	ld bc,10		;length of score + ctrl. codes
	call 8252           	;print lower part of score LCD

	ld de,printline+5	;load 'printline' address (jump over the five ctrl. codes)
	ld bc,-10000		;load bc with negative number
	call Num1
	ld bc,-1000		;each call will count and strip a single digit
	call Num1
	ld bc,-100
	call Num1
	ld c,-10
	call Num1
	ld c,-1
	ld a,143		;set A with offset for character code for 0, CHR$144 (udg's)
	inc a			;count using A
	add hl,bc		;add the negative from BC
	jr c,Num2		;count until carry flag is set 
	sbc hl,bc		;recover HL

	ld (de),a		;store stripped digit into printline

	inc de			;increment DE
	ret			;return (strip next digit OR exit strip routine)

	defb 2			;players car position 1 - 3
	defb 0,0

	defb 255,0,255,0,255,0
	defb 40

	defb 0

	defb 3
	defb 4

	defb 0

	defb 0

	defb 0,0

	defb 0
	defb 22,3,6,16,0,38,38,38,38,38

	defb 22,1,0,16,2,'           g',16,4,'o ',16,2,'r',16,4,'ace!   ',16,0
	defb 22,4,0,'The year is 1986, you are in the'
	defb 22,5,0,'newsagent. In your pocket is the'
	defb 22,6,0,'tenner your grandma gave you for'
	defb 22,7,0,'xmas. You intend to blow the lot'
	defb 22,8,0,'on three ',96,'2.99 games and still  '
	defb 22,9,0,'have change for a Marathon and a'
	defb 22,10,0,'packet of Salt',39,'n',39,'Shake. All of a'
	defb 22,11,0,'sudden a shiny box catches your '
	defb 22,12,0,'eye, a pocket sized LCD game.   '
	defb 22,13,0,'The idea of true portable gaming' 
	defb 22,14,0,'fills your mind. A game you can '
	defb 22,15,0,'play on the bus! Seeing the cost' 
	defb 22,16,0,'is ',96,'6.99 you are blown away. How' 
	defb 22,17,0,'can this be so? On the bus you  '
	defb 22,18,0,'unwrap your new toy and insert  '
	defb 22,19,0,'the batteries (included)....... '
	defb 22,21,0,'                 press a key..  '
	defb 63,56,63

	defb 56,56,63,56,56

	defb 56,56,63,56,63,63,56,56,63,56
	defb 63,56,63,56,56,63

	defb 63,63
	defb 63,63,63,63
	defb 63,63

	defb 63,63,63
	defb 63,63,63,63,63,63,63,63,63,63,63,63
	defb 63,63,63

	defb 4, 2, 7, 3, 0, 6, 1, 5
	defb 2, 6, 0, 7, 5, 1, 4, 3
	defb 4, 1, 3, 6, 2, 0, 5, 7
	defb 2, 4, 0, 5, 6, 1, 3, 7
	defb 0, 6, 7, 2, 3, 1, 4, 5
	defb 1, 7, 5, 6, 2, 3, 0, 4
	defb 6, 3, 5, 7, 4, 0, 2, 1
	defb 6, 2, 3, 7, 5, 4, 1, 0
	defb 3, 4, 1, 0, 7, 2, 6, 5
	defb 1, 5, 0, 4, 3, 2, 6, 7
	defb 1, 7, 4, 6, 0, 2, 5, 3
	defb 4, 5, 1, 7, 0, 3, 2, 6
	defb 4, 6, 2, 0, 5, 3, 7, 1
	defb 6, 4, 3, 2, 5, 1, 7, 0
	defb 7, 5, 2, 3, 0, 1, 6, 4
	defb 1, 6, 4, 7, 5, 3, 0, 2
	defb 1, 6, 7, 5, 2, 0, 4, 3
	defb 6, 0, 1, 7, 5, 3, 2, 4
	defb 7, 1, 2, 5, 6, 4, 3, 0
	defb 2, 3, 1, 0, 6, 7, 5, 4
	defb 3, 1, 2, 5, 4, 0, 7, 6
	defb 1, 5, 3, 7, 6, 2, 0, 4
	defb 7, 5, 3, 4, 6, 0, 1, 2
	defb 1, 7, 6, 5, 4, 0, 3, 2
	defb 2, 3, 0, 1, 6, 4, 5, 7
	defb 5, 4, 0, 3, 1, 2, 7, 6
	defb 3, 2, 7, 1, 5, 6, 0, 4
	defb 3, 1, 0, 5, 6, 4, 2, 7
	defb 4, 5, 6, 1, 3, 7, 0, 2
	defb 7, 2, 5, 6, 0, 3, 4, 1
	defb 2, 0, 1, 6, 5, 7, 3, 4
	defb 3, 2, 5, 0, 6, 7, 1, 4

	defb %00000000
	defb %00001110	; LCD 0 TOP
	defb %00010001
	defb %00010001
	defb %00010001
	defb %00100010
	defb %00100010
	defb %00100010
	defb %00000000
	defb %00000000	; LCD 1 TOP
	defb %00000001
	defb %00000001
	defb %00000001
	defb %00000010
	defb %00000010
	defb %00000010

	defb %00000000
	defb %00001110	; LCD 2 TOP
	defb %00000001
	defb %00000001
	defb %00000001
	defb %00000010
	defb %00000010
	defb %00000010

	defb %00000000
	defb %00001110	; LCD 3 TOP
	defb %00000001
	defb %00000001
	defb %00000001
	defb %00000010
	defb %00000010
	defb %00000010

	defb %00000000
	defb %00000000	; LCD 4 TOP
	defb %00010001
	defb %00010001
	defb %00010001
	defb %00100010
	defb %00100010
	defb %00100010

	defb %00000000
	defb %00001110	; LCD 5 TOP
	defb %00010000
	defb %00010000
	defb %00010000
	defb %00100000
	defb %00100000
	defb %00100000

	defb %00000000
	defb %00000000	; LCD 6 TOP
	defb %00010000
	defb %00010000
	defb %00010000
	defb %00100000
	defb %00100000
	defb %00100000

	defb %00000000
	defb %00001110	; LCD 7 TOP
	defb %00000001
	defb %00000001
	defb %00000001
	defb %00000010
	defb %00000010
	defb %00000010
	defb %00000000
	defb %00001110	; LCD 8 TOP
	defb %00010001
	defb %00010001
	defb %00010001
	defb %00100010
	defb %00100010
	defb %00100010
	defb %00000000
	defb %00001110	; LCD 9 TOP
	defb %00010001
	defb %00010001
	defb %00010001
	defb %00100010
	defb %00100010
	defb %00100010
	defb %00000000
	defb %00100010	; LCD 0 BOTTOM
	defb %00100010
	defb %00100010
	defb %01000100
	defb %01000100
	defb %01000100
	defb %00111000
	defb %00000000
	defb %00000010	; LCD 1 BOTTOM
	defb %00000010
	defb %00000010
	defb %00000100
	defb %00000100
	defb %00000100
	defb %00000000

	defb %00011100
	defb %00100000	; LCD 2 BOTTOM
	defb %00100000
	defb %00100000
	defb %01000000
	defb %01000000
	defb %01000000
	defb %00111000

	defb %00011100
	defb %00000010	; LCD 3 BOTTOM
	defb %00000010
	defb %00000010
	defb %00000100
	defb %00000100
	defb %00000100
	defb %00111000

	defb %00011100
	defb %00000010	; LCD 4 BOTTOM
	defb %00000010
	defb %00000010
	defb %00000100
	defb %00000100
	defb %00000100
	defb %00000000

	defb %00011100
	defb %00000010	; LCD 5 BOTTOM
	defb %00000010
	defb %00000010
	defb %00000100
	defb %00000100
	defb %00000100
	defb %00111000

	defb %00011100
	defb %00100010	; LCD 6 BOTTOM
	defb %00100010
	defb %00100010
	defb %01000100
	defb %01000100
	defb %01000100
	defb %00111000

	defb %00000000
	defb %00000010	; LCD 7 BOTTOM
	defb %00000010
	defb %00000010
	defb %00000100
	defb %00000100
	defb %00000100
	defb %00000000

	defb %00011100
	defb %00100010	; LCD 8 BOTTOM
	defb %00100010
	defb %00100010
	defb %01000100
	defb %01000100
	defb %01000100
	defb %00111000

	defb %00011100
	defb %00000010	; LCD 9 BOTTOM
	defb %00000010
	defb %00000010
	defb %00000100
	defb %00000100
	defb %00000100
	defb %00000000

; *****************************************************************************
; * The Music Box Player Engine
; *
; * Based on code written by Mark Alexander for the utility, The Music Box.
; * Modified by Chris Cowley
; *
; * Produced by Beepola v1.08.01
; ******************************************************************************
                          LD    HL,MUSICDATA         ;  <- Pointer to Music Data. Change
                                                     ;     this to play a different song
                          LD   A,(HL)                         ; Get the loop start pointer
                          LD   (PATTERN_LOOP_BEGIN),A
                          INC  HL
                          LD   A,(HL)                         ; Get the song end pointer
                          LD   (PATTERN_LOOP_END),A
                          INC  HL
                          LD   (PATTERNDATA1),HL
                          LD   (PATTERNDATA2),HL
                          LD   A,254
                          LD   (PATTERN_PTR),A                ; Set the pattern pointer to zero
                          CALL  NEXT_PATTERN
                          CALL  PLAYNOTE

                          RET                                 ; Return from playing tune

PATTERN_PTR:              DEFB 0
NOTE_PTR:                 DEFB 0

; ********************************************************************************************************
; *
; * Select the next pattern in sequence (and handle looping if we've reached PATTERN_LOOP_END
; * Execution falls through to PLAYNOTE to play the first note from our next pattern
; ********************************************************************************************************
                          LD   A,(PATTERN_PTR)
                          INC  A
                          INC  A
                          DEFB $FE                           ; CP n
                          JR   NZ,NO_PATTERN_LOOP
                          DEFB $3E                           ; LD A,n
                          POP  HL
			                    DEFB $21                            ; LD HL,nn
PATTERNDATA1:             DEFW $0000
                          LD   E,A                            ; (this is the first byte of the pattern)
                          LD   D,0                            ; and store it at TEMPO
                          ADD  HL,DE
                          LD   E,(HL)
                          INC  HL
                          LD   D,(HL)
                          LD   A,(DE)                         ; Pattern Tempo -> A
	                	      LD   (TEMPO),A                      ; Store it at TEMPO

                          LD   A,1
                          LD   (NOTE_PTR),A

			                    DEFB $21                            ; LD HL,nn
PATTERNDATA2:             DEFW $0000
                          LD   A,(PATTERN_PTR)
                          LD   E,A
                          LD   D,0
                          ADD  HL,DE
                          LD   E,(HL)
                          INC  HL
                          LD   D,(HL)                         ; Now DE = Start of Pattern data
                          LD   A,(NOTE_PTR)
                          LD   L,A
                          LD   H,0
                          ADD  HL,DE                          ; Now HL = address of note data
                          LD   D,(HL)
                          LD   E,1

; IF D = $0 then we are at the end of the pattern so increment PATTERN_PTR by 2 and set NOTE_PTR=0
                          LD   A,D
                          AND  A                              ; Optimised CP 0
                          JR   Z,NEXT_PATTERN

                          PUSH DE
                          INC  HL
                          LD   D,(HL)
                          LD   E,1

                          LD   A,(NOTE_PTR)
                          INC  A
                          INC  A
                          LD   (NOTE_PTR),A                   ; Increment the note pointer by 2 (one note per chan)

                          POP  HL                             ; Now CH1 freq is in HL, and CH2 freq is in DE

                          LD   A,H
                          DEC  A
                          JR   NZ,OUTPUT_NOTE

                          LD   A,D                            ; executed only if Channel 2 contains a rest
                          DEC  A                              ; if DE (CH1 note) is also a rest then..
                          JR   Z,PLAY_SILENCE                 ; Play silence

OUTPUT_NOTE:              LD   A,(TEMPO)
                          LD   C,A
                          LD   B,0
                          LD   A,BORDER_COL
                          EX   AF,AF'
                          LD   A,BORDER_COL                   ; So now BC = TEMPO, A and A' = BORDER_COL
                          LD   IXH,D
                          LD   D,$10
EAE5:                     NOP
EAE7:                     EX   AF,AF'
                          DEC  E
                          OUT  ($FE),A
                          JR   NZ,EB04

                          LD   E,IXH
                          XOR  D
                          EX   AF,AF'
                          DEC  L
                          JP   NZ,EB0B

EAF5:                     OUT  ($FE),A
                          LD   L,H
                          XOR  D
                          DJNZ EAE5

                          INC  C
                          JP   NZ,EAE7


                          JR   Z,EB04
                          EX   AF,AF'
                          DEC  L
                          JP   Z,EAF5
                          OUT  ($FE),A
                          DJNZ EAE5
                          INC  C
                          JP   NZ,EAE7

                          LD   A,(TEMPO)
                          LD   C,A
                          PUSH AF
                          LD   B,0
                          LD   HL,0000
                          SRA  (HL)
                          SRA  (HL)
                          SRA  (HL)
                          POP  HL
                          DJNZ SILENCE_LOOP
                          DEC  C
                          JP   NZ,SILENCE_LOOP
                          POP  AF
                          POP  BC

; *** DATA ***
BORDER_COL:               EQU $7
TEMPO:                    DEFB 230

        		DEFB 0   ; Loop start point * 2
        		DEFB 2   ; Song Length * 2

; *** Pattern data consists of pairs of frequency values CH1,CH2 with a single $0 to
; *** Mark the end of the pattern, and $01 for a rest
        		DEFB 230  ; Pattern tempo
        		DEFB 161,161
        		DEFB 161,161
        		DEFB 161,161 
        	;	DEFB 161,161
        		DEFB 171,171
        		DEFB 171,171
        	;	DEFB 171,171
        		DEFB 180,180
        		DEFB 180,180
        	;	DEFB 180,180
        		DEFB 192,192
        		DEFB 192,192
        		DEFB 192,192
        		DEFB 192,192
        		DEFB 192,192
        	;	DEFB 192,192
        		DEFB $0

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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by MonkZy »

Oh poop,

Upon play testing there is a bug...

The first play works well, but I fear I may have not reset a counter that works the acceleration of the car. This means on second play you will have to wait until the score is around 200 or so before you will get an increase in speed...

ho hum, crap games and all that
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Ast A. Moore
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by Ast A. Moore »

Excellent for the first attempt! Spotted a bit of self-modifying code in the listing. I approve.
Every man should plant a tree, build a house, and write a ZX Spectrum game.

Author of A Yankee in Iraq, a 50 fps shoot-’em-up—the first game to utilize the floating bus on the +2A/+3,
and zasm Z80 Assembler syntax highlighter.
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by Kweepa »

100% machine code?!
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by MonkZy »

100% machine code, yes...100% well planned and well implemented machine

Thanks go to Jonathan Cauldwell and bytes:chutney, and a few other sources...and beepola was rather useful for stringing a few sad tones together..and of course several SCF members for the inspiration and support.

T'was much fun...later I will debug it some more. If anyone with graphics skills can make a better job of the LCD cells I am more than happy, just stay inside the original attribute squares used and I/You can slot the image straight in.

I now will officially post this game to the competition....still not actually done that.
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by MonkZy »

This game will not work on my Series 3 rubber keyed Spectrum :(

Can anyone test this on some real hardware for me? It could be my spectrum is on the blink...aged capacitors. The keys only respond on this game if i repeatedly press and get luck. I am hoping I have missed some quirk of the real hardware, I have heard people mention de-bouncing.
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by Ast A. Moore »

Enable the Issue 2 Keyboard option in Fuse and see if you your problem is reproduced. I have a feeling your Speccy is fine. ;)
Every man should plant a tree, build a house, and write a ZX Spectrum game.

Author of A Yankee in Iraq, a 50 fps shoot-’em-up—the first game to utilize the floating bus on the +2A/+3,
and zasm Z80 Assembler syntax highlighter.
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by Ast A. Moore »

When you read the keyboard, ignore the highest three bits. They are not guaranteed to be the same across different Spectrum logic board issues.

Add AND 31 after IN A,(C), and compare that value with the values you’re testing for also ANDed with 31. E.g.:

Code: Select all

	push bc			;preserve B for loop
	ld bc,65278         	;keyboard row v,c,x,z,caps
	in a,(c)            	;see what keys are pressed.
	and 31
	cp 31		      	;compare new keypress with last keypress (modified with code)
	jp z,skipinput		;jump out if the keypress is the same as the last
	ld (lastkey+1),a	;modify cp line for new keypress		
	cp 29			;compare with 'z'
	jp nz,not_z		;if keypress is not 'z' move to next compare
	cp 27			;compare with 'x'
And so on throughout.
Every man should plant a tree, build a house, and write a ZX Spectrum game.

Author of A Yankee in Iraq, a 50 fps shoot-’em-up—the first game to utilize the floating bus on the +2A/+3,
and zasm Z80 Assembler syntax highlighter.
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by MonkZy »

This is a relief, from the point of view of my spectrum. I guess I get bonus points for sending in a game that is unusable on the actual machine I wrote it for :D

Thank you for this knowledge...I will bug fix this and re upload a fixed version for the ZXDB
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by Ast A. Moore »

MonkZy wrote: Wed Mar 07, 2018 7:31 pm I guess I get bonus points for sending in a game that is unusable on the actual machine I wrote it for :D.
Half a point at the very least!
Every man should plant a tree, build a house, and write a ZX Spectrum game.

Author of A Yankee in Iraq, a 50 fps shoot-’em-up—the first game to utilize the floating bus on the +2A/+3,
and zasm Z80 Assembler syntax highlighter.
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by R-Tape »

This is actually very cool. You should be careful submitting something like this to the CGC, you'll end up hosting it next year.

What's your Hi-Score? At first I thought there will a lot of impossible scenarios, but once I got used to it there always seemed to be a way out, even if I didn't take it. Best so far is a bit over 150.
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by PeterJ »

[mention]MonkZy[/mention] Thank you for sharing the source code too.
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by Kweepa »

Yes, this is awesome!
I poked around the source but it wasn't obvious (to me anyway) - is there a difference between game A and game B?
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by MonkZy »

I have just fixed this so it works on real hardware, following the advice from @[mention]Ast A. Moore[/mention]. I, foolishly it seems, used an emulator to give me a result for each single key-press and used the results in my code. I thought it would be OK, because I was only looking for a single key. The best practice seems to be stripping bits for each key on a row, which would not have produced this error. I also fixed a small bug with the speed routine not resetting.

I could post up the new version now, but that may be hasty. Currently I am play testing on my rubbery friend..Yay! I will re-upload a .zip with all the files a little later on.

I just scored 215 on the real hardware :) I have spotted a couple of new 'glitches' and weirdness, but not had it crash yet. On the emulators I can get top speed on Game A which is 350 points and above. The rubbery keys seem to bounce a little maybe ;P

[mention]Kweepa[/mention] yes Game A starts at a slower speed , accelerates slower and has a slower top speed. Fuel runs out after 120 points on both games, the road and fuel stop randomness is identical on both games
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by Ast A. Moore »

MonkZy wrote: Wed Mar 07, 2018 8:33 pm The best practice seems to be stripping bits for each key on a row, which would not have produced this error.
You’re right, it’s generally better to test each bit individually, however, your original approach would work, too, on most Spectrums. Just not some Issue 2 and Issue 3 ones. ;)
Every man should plant a tree, build a house, and write a ZX Spectrum game.

Author of A Yankee in Iraq, a 50 fps shoot-’em-up—the first game to utilize the floating bus on the +2A/+3,
and zasm Z80 Assembler syntax highlighter.
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by Nomad »

You did a great job. I was downloading the file thinking 'bet this is going to be another pong clone' hahhaa. Slap my face I was all kinds of wrong.

The guys first 100% machine code program.. he has vertical scrolling, custom fonts, a load screen, in game sound effects its not slow/unresponsive and it all works :lol: and its not pong! I would say that is a all round success.

In game action:


The load screen:


The custom font:


In addition to this there are some nice attention to detail. I especially like the game and watch style initialization of the sprites to screen at the start of the game.
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by Morkin »

Haha, this is pretty good.... Rookie mistake submitting it to CSSGCG, like R-Tape said, hope your web dev skills are up to scratch..! :lol:

My high score is 120-ish. I should easily be able to beat it (it's not that fast) but my fingers seem to go all spannery.
My Speccy site:
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by Ast A. Moore »

Rename it to Gorace Goes Racing. :D
Every man should plant a tree, build a house, and write a ZX Spectrum game.

Author of A Yankee in Iraq, a 50 fps shoot-’em-up—the first game to utilize the floating bus on the +2A/+3,
and zasm Z80 Assembler syntax highlighter.
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by Ralf »

Looks really nice :) Maybe a minigame but definitely not a crap game!

Congratulations to the author. I hope that you won't stop here and we'll see more stuff from you.
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by Nomad »

Just a hint...


There are tons of games in the game & watch range that are just waiting to be ported :lol:
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by Ralf »

Yes, lot's of these games. You can check them here: ... atch_games

Or you can do something your own but in the style of these games

Like this :) (actually a picture joke, not a real game)
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by MonkZy »

I went with an LCD game to keep things simple, I was originally going to write this game in BASIC. My thought was, how hard can it be simply turning attributes on and off. Anyhow, things galloped on and it ended up in assembly. In fact, I never even started a BASIC version. The internet is a wonderful thing. I have learned a lot and I am pleased you all liked it.

I will spend a week tidying up this game, iron out some bugs and I will re-upload it. I do have a distraction tho', a pair of disheveled Grey +2's have come into my possession, one seems usable and the other seems a little dead :?

I got the assembly bug, and I got some more things I want to do :)

[mention]Ralf[/mention] That LCD game looks like it should be real :D

I did find a couple of LCD games on the spectrum, way way more polished than my own:


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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by Joefish »

Those are more sophisticated than just turning attributes on and off. Though a full-screen game might give more scope for attributes.
I did think of writing a generic game engine for Game-and-Watch type games. You could design a screen, then design (maybe in an editor) your patches of attributes and number each one. Then have a scripted logic for which to activate / deactivate.
Though I imagined it would take ages to explain how to translate a game into the necessary logic so it would never get used!

For example, the player would not have an X/Y position exactly. There would be logic attached to each cell where the player can appear that says "if you press left, de-activate this cell and activate the other cell. Or die if the nasty-cell-in-between is active".

Then there would be a list of events that occur on a clock tick for each game object cell, that lets them de-activate and activate their neighbour (thus appearing to move), and again kill the player if the player cell in-between those two positions is active. And then randomly inject new objects.

It would be down to this logic to ensure that, for example, no two player cells are ever active at the same time, or else you end up with multiple ghost players, any one of which could get you killed.
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by hikoki »

This explanation ... ent_563380 asks for a game&watch editor? Maybe some program that parses a slideshow comparing every picture with the template which contains all the sprites. The parser would take into account the title of every frame/picture of such irfanview slideshow. Titles would contain ingame keystrokes. Perhaps it'd be better to take one of those opensource mindmap programs to make the gui designer.
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Rick Dangerous
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Re: My new game - CSSCGC 2018 entry

Post by Joefish »

The pain is writing a comprehensive editor - you'd probably want things PC-based these days.
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