Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by R-Tape »

The following is an updated example that I hope addresses everyone's suggestions (even the ones I ignored :-p).
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by R-Tape »

This is a relatively simple and unoptimised routine to draw one sprite on the screen. For the purposes of this exercise, the routines nextlinedown, yx2pix and getsprite do not need to be understood yet.

This assumes the beginner already knows how to assemble the code (though do ask if not sure), and knows the rudiments of the language.


In this example we draw the same sprite (a 16 x 16 pixel blob on legs) stored in memory, shifted in all 8 possible positions (that's why we call these 'preshifted' sprites), moving left to right, like this:


As the sprite moves sideways it straddles more than 16 pixels, so we need to store the graphic with a space for it to move into. For this reason each sprite position is 3 bytes wide and 16 pixels high, therefore each sprite position is 48 bytes.

Also notice that the sprite graphic is slightly different in each position, to give a walking animation.

If you assemble the code and RANDOMIZE USR 32768 you should see this:


And for additional info, in this slowed down animation below, see how the lowest 3 bits of the x coordinate cycles 0 - 7 (decimal). So whatever the x coordinate is, we can grab the lowest 3 bits and get the correct sprite graphic.


And finally, here's the code:

Code: Select all

org 32768			;we can ORG (or assemble) this code anywhere really
				;a beginner's, unoptimised sprite routine
main:	halt			;this stops the program until the Spectrum is about to refresh the TV screen
				;the HALT is important to avoid sprite flicker, and it slows down the program
	call deletesprite	;we need to delete the old position of the sprite
	call movesprite		;move the sprite! Could be based on player key input or baddy AI
	call drawsprite		;get correct preshifted graphic, and draw it on the screen
	jr main			;loop!
deletesprite:			;we need to delete the old sprite before we draw the new one.  The sprite is 3 bytes wide & 16 pixels high
	ld a,(x_coordinate)		;make C=xcor and B=ycor
	ld c,a
	ld a,(y_coordinate)
	ld b,a
	call yx2pix		;point DE at the corresponding screen address
	ld b,16			;sprite is 16 lines high
	ld a,0			;empty A to delete
	ld (de),a		;repeat a total of 3 times
	inc e			;next column along
	ld (de),a
	inc e
	ld (de),a
	dec e
	dec e			;move DE back to start of line
	call nextlinedown	;move DE down one line
	djnz deleteloop		;repeat 16 times
movesprite:			;very simple routine that just increases the x coordinate
	ld a,(x_coordinate)
	inc a
	ld (x_coordinate),a
	cp 232			;check if the sprite has moved all the way to the right (256-24)
	ret c			;return if not
	ld a,0			;if yes then back to left
	ld (x_coordinate),a
	ld a,(x_coordinate)		;make C=xcor and B=ycor
	ld c,a
	ld a,(y_coordinate)
	ld b,a
	call yx2pix		;point DE at corresponding screen position
	ld a,(x_coordinate)	;but we still need to find which preshifted sprite to draw
	and 00000111b		;we have 8 preshifted graphics to choose from, cycled 0-7 in the right hand 3 bits of the x coordinate
	call getsprite		;point HL at the correct graphic
	ld b,16			;sprite is 16 lines high
	ld a,(hl)		;take a byte of graphic
	ld (de),a		;and put it on the screen
	inc hl			;next byte of graphic
	inc e			;next column on screen
	ld a,(hl)		;repeat for 3 bytes across
	ld (de),a
	inc hl
	inc e
	ld a,(hl)
	ld (de),a
	inc hl
	dec e
	dec e			;move DE back to left hand side of sprite
	call nextlinedown
	djnz drawloop		;repeat for all 16 lines
x_coordinate:	db	0
y_coordinate:	db	0
nextlinedown:			;don't worry about how this works yet!
	inc d			;just arrive with DE in the display file
	ld a,d			;and it gets moved down one line
	and 7
	ret nz
	ld a,e
	add a,32
	ld e,a
	ret c
	ld a,d
	sub 8
	ld d,a
yx2pix:		;don't worry about how this works yet! just arrive with arrive with B=y 0-192, C=x 0-255
	ld a,b	;return with DE at corresponding place on the screen
	and 24
	or 64
	ld d,a
	ld a,b
	and 7
	or d
	ld d,a
	ld a,b
	and 224
	ld e,a
	ld a,c
	and 31
	or e
	ld e,a
getsprite:		;don't worry much about how this works!  for an alternative method that
			;uses a table see 'getsprite_alternativemethod'
			;Arrive A holding which pixel within a byte (0-7), point HL at correct graphic
	ld h,0		;we need to multiply A by 48, do it in HL
	ld l,a
	add hl,hl	;x2
	add hl,hl	;x4
	add hl,hl	;x8
	add hl,hl	;x16
	ld b,h
	ld c,l		;BC = x 16
	add hl,hl	;x32
	add hl,bc	;x48
	ld bc,spritegraphic0
	add hl,bc	;HL now pointing at correct sprite frame
			;arrive A holding which sprite position 0 - 7
			;this method uses a table to find the correct graphic
	add a,a		;multiplay a by 2, this converts a single byte number 0-7 into a 2 byte table entry
	ld h,0
	ld l,a
	ld bc,sprite_table_addresses
	add hl,bc	;HL is now pointing at the correct table entry
	ld c,(hl)
	inc hl
	ld b,(hl)	;get table address spritegraphic0, spritegraphic1 etc in BC
	ld l,c
	ld h,b		;now HL is pointing at the correct sprite graphic
	dw	spritegraphic0
	dw	spritegraphic1
	dw	spritegraphic2
	dw	spritegraphic3
	dw	spritegraphic4
	dw	spritegraphic5
	dw	spritegraphic6
	dw	spritegraphic7
spritegraphic0:		;8 preshifted graphics, each one 3 bytes wide and 16 pixels high, this one a simple square
	db 0, 0, 0		;frame 0
	db 7, 224, 0
	db 31, 248, 0
	db 127, 254, 0
	db 127, 214, 0
	db 255, 215, 0
	db 255, 255, 0
	db 255, 255, 0
	db 255, 187, 0
	db 127, 198, 0
	db 127, 254, 0
	db 31, 248, 0
	db 7, 224, 0
	db 0, 0, 0
	db 7, 96, 0
	db 15, 176, 0
	db 0, 0, 0		;frame 1
	db 3, 240, 0
	db 15, 252, 0
	db 63, 255, 0
	db 63, 235, 0
	db 127, 235, 128
	db 127, 255, 128
	db 127, 255, 128
	db 127, 221, 128
	db 63, 227, 0
	db 63, 255, 0
	db 15, 252, 0
	db 3, 240, 0
	db 0, 0, 0
	db 3, 176, 0
	db 7, 216, 0
	db 0, 0, 0		;frame 2
	db 1, 248, 0
	db 7, 254, 0
	db 31, 255, 128
	db 31, 245, 128
	db 63, 245, 192
	db 63, 255, 192
	db 63, 255, 192
	db 63, 238, 192
	db 31, 241, 128
	db 31, 255, 128
	db 7, 254, 0
	db 1, 248, 0
	db 0, 0, 0
	db 7, 158, 0
	db 3, 204, 0
	db 0, 0, 0		;frame 3
	db 0, 252, 0
	db 3, 255, 0
	db 15, 255, 192
	db 15, 250, 192
	db 31, 250, 224
	db 31, 255, 224
	db 31, 255, 224
	db 31, 247, 96
	db 15, 248, 192
	db 15, 255, 192
	db 3, 255, 0
	db 0, 252, 0
	db 0, 0, 0
	db 3, 207, 0
	db 1, 230, 0
	db 0, 126, 0		;frame 4
	db 1, 255, 128
	db 7, 255, 224
	db 7, 253, 96
	db 15, 253, 112
	db 15, 255, 240
	db 15, 255, 240
	db 15, 251, 176
	db 7, 252, 96
	db 7, 255, 224
	db 1, 255, 128
	db 0, 126, 0
	db 1, 128, 192
	db 1, 195, 192
	db 0, 225, 128
	db 0, 0, 0
	db 0, 63, 0		;frame 5
	db 0, 255, 192
	db 3, 255, 240
	db 3, 254, 176
	db 7, 254, 184
	db 7, 255, 248
	db 7, 255, 248	
	db 7, 253, 216
	db 3, 254, 48
	db 3, 255, 240
	db 0, 255, 192
	db 0, 63, 0
	db 0, 192, 96
	db 0, 225, 224
	db 0, 112, 192
	db 0, 0, 0
	db 0, 0, 0		;frame 6
	db 0, 31, 128
	db 0, 127, 224
	db 1, 255, 248
	db 1, 255, 88
	db 3, 255, 92
	db 3, 255, 252
	db 3, 255, 252
	db 3, 254, 236
	db 1, 255, 24
	db 1, 255, 248
	db 0, 127, 224
	db 0, 31, 128
	db 0, 0, 0
	db 0, 14, 128
	db 0, 31, 64
	db 0, 0, 0		;frame 7
	db 0, 15, 192
	db 0, 63, 240
	db 0, 255, 252
	db 0, 255, 172
	db 1, 255, 174
	db 1, 255, 254
	db 1, 255, 254
	db 1, 255, 118
	db 0, 255, 140
	db 0, 255, 252
	db 0, 63, 240
	db 0, 15, 192
	db 0, 0, 0
	db 0, 7, 64
	db 0, 15, 160
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by dfzx »

Vast improvement. :D

I need to look at the code more carefully, but the graphical content is immediately understandable.
Derek Fountain, author of the ZX Spectrum C Programmer's Getting Started Guide and various open source games, hardware and other projects, including an IF1 and ZX Microdrive emulator.
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by RMartins »

Just a small tip on the animation frames, since t looks a bit odd.

Either you are trying to make it look, like the character is jumping, but then a single pixel is not enough.
Or you are doing a regular walk, but the vertical movement is reversed.

i.e. when legs are wide spread apart (doing a large step), it's when we go lower in height on our walk cycle.
When both feet are together, it's when height is highest.
Phytagoras theorem ? :)

You can also benefit the character, by adding more positions on legs, since they mostly seem to be paired each 2 frames.
If possible take into account feet position, while moving, so that character doesn't seem to be sliding.

with 8 frames, walk can look a lot nicer.

The bits gif animation, looks great, and simple.
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by R-Tape »

I agree the walk looks weird, it's my usual animation for a 4 frame, 2 pixel walk hastily doubled up. At twice the speed I usually get away with it.

Does anyone have a decent 8 frame 16px walking sprite I could use? Ideally the sprite needs to fill most of the box.

Or even better, could someone improve the animation of this blob? I like the idea of showing how a walking animation can be done simply.
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by RMartins »

I'm assuming you want an 8px char.
Does it need to be 16px width ?

I have 2 simple ones, with 16px character, in 24px width.

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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by R-Tape »

They look a bit too good for purposes here! They are 2 sexy looking sprites.

Could you post the frames here and perhaps I can modify the blob?
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by redballoon »

Yeah is it possible to see the frames for the 2nd one?
The 1st looks sound but the right leg in the 2nd one looks a bit weird at times. It could just be trying to view a small image in my phone, though.
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by Rorthron »

R-Tape wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2017 4:44 am I agree the walk looks weird.
I think it is because of the first (standing) frame and the frame after it.

In the standing frame the two legs do not fully overlap, and in the following frame the two feet are drawn differently, so that the forward foot is the left one. It creates the impression that only the left leg makes forwards steps. If both feet overlapped in the middle frame, so they looked like only one foot, and the stepping frames made the left and right feet look the same, the steps would look a little better (though it would then be inconsistent with the perspective on the face).
RMartins wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2017 4:58 am I'm assuming you want an 8px char.
Does it need to be 16px width ?

I have 2 simple ones, with 16px character, in 24px width.

Interested ?
Nice sprites!
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by RMartins »

Here are Zoom versions of them.



I also have the SevenUp Editor .SEV files somewhere in my drive, I'll have a look and post them when found.
R-Tape wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2017 4:44 am ...
Or even better, could someone improve the animation of this blob? I like the idea of showing how a walking animation can be done simply.
I could try that, when I have a half an hour or so free. :)
redballoon wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2017 10:41 am ...
The 1st looks sound but the right leg in the 2nd one looks a bit weird at times. It could just be trying to view a small image in my phone, though.
There is something there yes, but I believe there isn't much that can be done about it, without looking funny, or having to change the whole sprite.

The issue you see is related with a bunch of pixels that are together on the left leg, when it's up in front.
It comes out as a brighter spot due to that, and that's what makes it feel a bit odd.

But if we remove those pixels, it seems the leg never crossed over, or the right leg might seem too bulky.

Maybe there are better solutions, but it's not easy at this size, in my opinion.
but feel free to change or update them, they can always be improved.

Thank you for all the positive comments, for my first walk animation studies, done quite a few months ago. ;)
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by RMartins »

OK here are the SevenUp .SEV files.



You know the drill, after loading the files, just use cursor keys to animate the frames.

You can move the first anim sprites to be centered on a char boundary, since currently it's centered between 2 chars.

After taking a new look on the second anim, I'm sure it can be improved, by making the first stance after center position, to have a slighter larger gap between both legs.
You can also notice that both do not have arms yet.

Well, they were my first walk anims, what can I say, not perfect. :shock:

The one in my Avatar is a lot better, but also easier, with more pixels to shuffle :D
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by Ast A. Moore »

Code: Select all

	ld b,(hl)	;get table address spritegraphic0, spritegraphic1 etc in BC
	ld l,c
	ld h,b
H (and L, incidentally) can be loaded directly from (HL):

Code: Select all

	ld h,(hl)
	ld l,c
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by Morkin »

Nice thread this. Finally got round to having a decent look at this as I still haven't managed to write a decent pixel-based sprite routine.

In the Balachor games the sprite moved 4 pixels at a time, so I thought I may as well store X & Y co-ordinates as character co-ordinates 0-31, or 0-22. I did that mainly because I had previously been used to PRINT AT in BASIC.

I did a bit of experimentation with smoother movement, so it made sense for the Y-coordinate (vertical) to be a pixel co-ordinate of 0-192. But I still had the X-coordinate (horizontal) as 0-31, as I figured this was the only precision needed for horizontal screen addresses.

I didn't even consider storing the X co-ordinate as 0-255, and getting both the screen address and the sprite animation frame from that. I guess that's a more standard (and probably more sensible!) approach. I had the sprite animation frame as a separate variable.
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by Ast A. Moore »

Morkin wrote: Fri Dec 29, 2017 2:59 pm it made sense for the Y-coordinate (vertical) to be a pixel co-ordinate of 0-192. But I still had the X-coordinate (horizontal) as 0-31, as I figured this was the only precision needed for horizontal screen addresses.

I didn't even consider storing the X co-ordinate as 0-255, and getting both the screen address and the sprite animation frame from that. I guess that's a more standard (and probably more sensible!) approach.
Even that isn’t enough when you’re dealing with fractional coordinates and sprites moving smoothly beyond the edges of the screen. Some clever trickery is required for that.
Every man should plant a tree, build a house, and write a ZX Spectrum game.

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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by RMartins »

Ok, I tried a couple of revisions ...

First I tried to add 2 steps instead of one, in 8 frames, which is doable, but since in this case we only want to advance 8 pixels, steps need to be small, which implies feet need to be small.


But I did not like the outcome ... looks like "Miss Bob" in high heels :D

Hence I reverted back to a single step, which gave me a lot more control.

Now I like this, but there is a catch.
If you repeat this, you will see that the back leg seems to drag, this is normal, because it's the animation of a single step, to a stop, so back leg has to slow down ... to a stop.

For 2 steps, we need the last 4 frames, to move the back leg a lot faster, since it's swinging to take the lead.
This is required, to make it look natural, i.e. we need to swap the last few frames to stop, or to keep walking.

I don't have more time now, to make the full walk version, 4 more frames.
The body movement, will be identical or similar, but the back leg, needs to speed up, and end half bent, to continue.

I hope it helps.

Here is a longer repeating version, where it looks like he is limping, as I mentioned before.
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by Seven.FFF »

I've now got as far as preshifting in my tutorial series, in a bit of a scattershod way.

Happy new year!
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by Wall_Axe »

you seem to have gotten the multicolor sprite moving smoothly right to left as well as up and down
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by MrPixel »

is this BASIC or Machine code. if it's the latter, would ZEUS be good?
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by R-Tape »

MrPixel wrote: Sat Mar 24, 2018 10:29 pm is this BASIC or Machine code. if it's the latter, would ZEUS be good?
Which bit? The sprite code I posted on page 3 is assembly language that the ZX-Spin 0.666 assembler translates into machine code. There are no nobs & whistles so I think any assembler including ZEUS should be fine with it :-)
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by MrPixel »

i get errors whenever i attempt to call a sprite.
Callsprite drawsprite and deletesprite all get errors

even with the call command
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by PeterJ »

[mention]MrPixel[/mention] have you got your simple example working in Zeus first? Zeus has what I call configuration options before the code. [mention]Seven.FFF[/mention] explains it very well in his tutorial. Get that working first.

Did you write that previous piece of code yourself and do you have coding experience in assembler from your Atari time?
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by MrPixel »

PeterJ wrote: Tue Mar 27, 2018 6:50 pm @MrPixel have you got your simple example working in Zeus first? Zeus has what I call configuration options before the code. @Seven.FFF explains it very well in his tutorial. Get that working first.

Did you write that previous piece of code yourself and do you have coding experience in assembler from your Atari time?
no, from a different section of this site. and i used zx spin 0.666

really wish there was a hot key to assemble
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by PeterJ »

OK. So I would get a small example working in Zeus, then move on to the bigger stuff like sprites. As others have said the Spectrum does not have Sprites, it's just code which tries to replicate what other machines did in hardware. Get a simple example working in your development environment of choice then move on. As mentioned the various documents, websites and books others have linked you to should get you started.
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by Seven.FFF »

That version of Spin has been abandonware for at least 11 years, so it's really unlikely there's going to be any more changes to make it easier to user. Dunny is an ace developer, but he's moved onto other projects long ago.

It would probably help you to use something actively developed. To contrast with Spin, In the 15 months I've been using Zeus I have 110 old versions saved in my archive. I honestly don't think it's an exaggeration to say that about 70% of those have workflow improvements, new features, etc resulting from my own feedback to Simon, and I'm only one of many people using the tool. The Windows Z80 cross-platform version has been developed on an almost a daily basis for the last ten years, and the design draws directly from the native Spectrum Zeus in the early 80s, and even older 8080 versions back to 1977.

Which is not to say that you have to use Zeus, by any means! Everyone has their favourite tools that feel right and suit their workflow, and nobody's making them use anything else. But if you're picking a new tool without any history or preconceptions, it seems a shame to hobble yourself right from the get go.
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Re: Beginner's Sprite Tutorial

Post by Seven.FFF »

deletesprite, movesprite and drawsprite are from [mention]R-Tape[/mention]'s tutorial in the first post of this topic, not my blog, so I can't offer any specific advice. What [mention]PeterJ[/mention] says is sound sense - build the foundations then work up from there.
Robin Verhagen-Guest
SevenFFF / Threetwosevensixseven / colonel32
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