Is this a zexdoc bug?

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Is this a zexdoc bug?

Post by beginner »

Hi everybody,

I was playing around with zexdoc/zexall the other days and I noticed that the <inc,dec> iyh and the <inc,dec> iyl tests are in fact executing the INC/DEC IXH and INC/DEC IXL opcodes instead of INC/DEC IYH and INC/DEC IYL, although with different test data than the <inc,dec> ixh and the <inc,dec> ixl tests, if I am not mistaken. At a first glance it would seem that the INC/DEC IYH and INC/DEC IYL instructions are not tested at all even though the test name would suggest they are.
This seems to be the same for all versions downloaded from, including the original from YAZE.

Now, I am pretty new to the Z80 ASM and I can't say from looking at the source code, if this is the correct behavior or not.
Is this a bug in zexdoc/zexall? Or some ASM "magic" is going on there? :)

It would be awesome if somebody more knowledgeable could shed some light on this :).

Below is the source code for the mentioned tests from zexdoc. You can notice that instead of FD they are DD prefixed.


Code: Select all

; <inc,dec> iyh (3072 cycles)
incyh:	db	0d7h		; flag mask
	tstr	0ddh,024h,0,0,02836h,09f6fh,09116h,061b9h,082cbh,0e219h,092h,073h,0a98ch
	tstr	0,1,0,0,0ff00h,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0		; (512 cycles)
	tstr	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0d7h,0,0		; (6 cycles)
	db	02dh,096h,06ch,0f3h			; expected crc
	tmsg	'<inc,dec> iyh.................'

; <inc,dec> iyl (3072 cycles)
incyl:	db	0d7h		; flag mask
	tstr	0ddh,02ch,0,0,0d7c6h,062d5h,0a09eh,07039h,03e7eh,09f12h,090h,0d9h,0220fh
	tstr	0,1,0,0,0ffh,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0		; (512 cycles)
	tstr	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0d7h,0,0		; (6 cycles)
	db	0fbh,0cbh,0bah,095h			; expected crc
	tmsg	'<inc,dec> iyl.................' 
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Re: Is this a zexdoc bug?

Post by beginner »

Any thoughts? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated :)

Thank you!
Dr beep
Manic Miner
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Re: Is this a zexdoc bug?

Post by Dr beep »

Reading the descriptions I would say the pointers could do the job.

This is testing software, probably for emulator use.

To be honest, if I would start Z80 coding this is not where I would start.
This is a better source to start coding.
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Joined: Sat May 21, 2022 10:23 pm

Re: Is this a zexdoc bug?

Post by beginner »

Thank you for the reply @Dr beep !
Reading the descriptions I would say the pointers could do the job.
I still find it strange though that the INC/DEC IYH and INC/DEC IYL instructions are not called at all during testing.
To be honest, if I would start Z80 coding this is not where I would start.
This is a better source to start coding.
Yes, I agree. However I am not on the path of learning Z80 coding at the moment. I was just trying to conceptually understand what is going on there :)

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