Interview with the janitor from Mikie

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Interview with the janitor from Mikie

Post by PeteProdge »

As you know I've interviewed a skeleton from Curse Of Sherwood and the Green Yamo from Bruce Lee. Now, [mention]Juan F. Ramirez[/mention] asked that I interview the janitor from Imagine's conversion of the Konami arcade game Mikie.

It's taken a while to track him down, but I'm pleased to say he joins us today...


Janitor: Well, sonny Jim, it's nice to be remembered. I try to go to the conventions but I'm sidelined by the more famous janitors. Milo from Saved By The Bell and let's not even bring up Hong Kong Phooey. As such, I make more money from actual janiting.

Janiting? Is that a word now?

Janitor: Yeah, what the hell, I guess that's why I was the janitor and teacher. And you limeys don't even call us janitors, we're 'caretakers' in your daft little world.

Oh yeah, speaking of that, and we are on a ZX Spectrum site, did you ever manage to look into Skool Daze or Back 2 Skool? You'll find that Albert's a slower-paced version of you.

Janitor: That shows you how little effort is put in. You see me in Mikie? We're going at 300mph, baby! I had to learn that quick shuffle and have it real smooth. Got it so good that I could have auditioned for a Super Mario Bros baddy. We were all pros in those days, the early 80s coin-ops were good for slickly moving villains. I ain't got no time for a plodding Brit version of what we do!

That is odd, the way you just slide about on the floor, along with the, um... what's that dude with the Mickey Mouse hat?

Janitor: That's the chef, you doofus. Not my fault your crummy pocket calculator thing doesn't render us in the right way.

Are you referring to the ZX Spectrum?

Janitor: ZX Spectrum, YZ Rainbow, whatever you call it, it's no substitute for the original arcade machine.

I've yet to play the arcade original, I guess I'll have to load that into MAME at some point.

Janitor: Mind you I look like a cop on the C64 version, and the Amstrad guys got me into a grey boiler suit.

So what happened after Mikie?

Janitor: It breaks my heart to tell you this, but... well... I got into some bother with one of the dancing girls in that later stage. An easy mistake to make, tripping over that bucket and my hand just reaching out and... um...

I don't understand?

Janitor: Well, their lawyer really went for me. Cleaned me out.

That's pretty amazing, considering the original game had Mikie doing headbutts.

Janitor: Oh yeah, they toned it down for you guys on your side of the pond! Shouting at hearts, that made no sense. Mind you, not much of the game works out, it's like they wanted high school kids and staff to run around like Pac Man and those ghosts.

Well, at least you get to listen to the Beatles.

Janitor: Not on the Spectrum, that was only on the title screen. And why did they use A Hard Day's Night anyway? That's just messed up. School happens in the day.

Yeah, it's a strange choice. Like using Lady Madonna on Bomb Jack.

Janitor: They made her a lady? Damn, your Royal Family will give a title to anyone.


Janitor: Anyway, got to get on with a janit on my own home. Well, I say home, it's a l'il ol' trailer thing, but, er, yeah, that's me. Humble to the core.

Well, thank you for your time. You are one of the best finest characters to have janited.

Janitor: Thank you!
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