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Re: The ColecoVision...

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2022 1:57 pm
by TMD2003
I'm giving this thread a slight revival because I remember there's something around the time of the original post that also made me think more about the ColecoVision than I otherwise had any reason to do: this South Park clip, in which Kyle thinks that spending the night at Kenny's house (quite literally on the wrong side of the tracks) is "the Third World" because all they can afford is a probably-second-hand ColecoVision and a black-and-white TV, instead of a "Nintendo".

This episode was 1998, hence the latest Nintendo console was an N64 at the time, and the visual difference between Super Mario 64 and the 16-year-old ColecoVision's admittedly excellent version of Donkey Kong is wider than the Grand Canyon after the long-promised Yellowstone Park earthquake.

But... is it likely to be the same now?

We are used to early 1980s graphics, but this isn't about us. Those of you with kids aged around 8-10: if they were presented with a Playstation 3 instead of a Playstation 5, would they consider it "the Third World"? Or were the Stans, Kyles and Cartmans of 1998 really spoiled? (In the last case, the answer is "yes, obviously" - but the other two?)