Introduce yourself!

Introduce yourself. Pimp your website, competition, event or other activity here, as long as it's Spectrum related.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by jonathan.needle »


Got my first Spectrum Christmas 1983 "for educational purposes" which meant playing Manic Miner for 2 weeks :D Had the same 48k Speccy (but in a 'Lo Profile' case and with 2 shiny Microdrives) until 1990 when I used by student loan to buy an Amiga 500. Poor speccy was packed up in the loft then. Amiga is probably my favourite home computer of all time.

I'm also the author of the Spectrum emulator, Spectaculator which is coming up to its 16th birthday in December. I'm not very active at the moment but this will hopefully change sometime soon.

Ironically my parents "won" in the end in terms of "for educational purposes" as I'm a software Software Architect now.

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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by Morpheus »

Just signed up and wanted to say hello. I live up in the NE of England and have been a Spectrum user since i was a young teenager when my Dad took me down to W.H Smiths to get my first 48K Spectrum. I had already bought Manic Miner, Horace & the Spiders and Atic Atac leading up to it so i was hyped up.
I first got a glimpse of a Spectrum in out School Tech Drawing class when our teacher was playing The Hobbit while we were working, it ended up where all of us were stood looking over his shoulder at the end and he decided to start a computer club. Over the next few months we all eventually got our own computers, some got C64's or BBC's one lad even got an Oric-1 but most of us got a Spectrum. A decent spec computer that didn't cost a fortune. Coming from playing Asteroids on a Atari VCS2600 to Manic Miner or Atic Atac was just mind boggling at the time. Then i started to learn BASIC, mess about with FORTH and Z80 Assembler.
I have had various spectrum's over the years as my old 48K eventually was beyond repair and i now have a 128K +2A and i'm saving up for one of the divMMC Future wigets to make life a bit easier.

So Hello everyone :D
R Tape loading error, 0:1
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by Guesser »

I suppose I should do this properly and say I'm mostly interested in hardware and firmware/utility software. Documenting old hardware, digitising schematics, and of course trying to get people to contribute to the faq wiki.
I've drifted away from speccy projects over the last few years and spend more time in the teletext hobbyist community writing software and stuff, but recently the two have collided again when I bought a volex teletext adapter for the spectrum on eBay which I am now reverse engineering and documenting for preservation.

The community run teletext service "Teefax" received (well, via a raspberry pi and a UHF modulator) by my Spectrum+
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by SkoolKid »

Having properly read through this thread, I feel bad for not even mentioning when I got my first Speccy in the crappy intro I gave earlier.

<clears throat>

I got my first ZX Spectrum - a rubber-keyed 48K model - for Christmas in 1982, and have been a computer programmer ever since. One or two replacement Spectrums later, I stopped using the machine around 1990 (I think). The last replacement currently rests somewhere in the attic, and owing to me being clueless about hardware and in Canada where they have weird electrics and stuff, I have no idea how to power it up or connect it to a display. :(

My earlier comment about Skool Daze and Back to Skool was accurate, by the way. Those games were among the first to get me interested in reverse engineering, and in recent years I've completed and published full disassemblies of those two games, along with Contact Sam Cruise, Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy.

And that really is it now.
SkoolKit - disassemble a game today
Pyskool - a remake of Skool Daze and Back to Skool
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by 1024MAK »

SkoolKid wrote: Thu Nov 16, 2017 5:46 pmI got my first ZX Spectrum - a rubber-keyed 48K model - for Christmas in 1982, and have been a computer programmer ever since. One or two replacement Spectrums later, I stopped using the machine around 1990 (I think). The last replacement currently rests somewhere in the attic, and owing to me being clueless about hardware and in Canada where they have weird electrics and stuff, I have no idea how to power it up or connect it to a display. :(
Assuming you have a 48k Spectrum here. Any decent PSU that outputs 8V to 10V DC at 1.4A (or more) of the correct polarity will power a 48k Speccy.
The trouble you will have, is finding a TV that will be happy with the UHF TV output...
It becomes easier if someone modifies your Spectrum so that the UHF output is converted to composite video. Then you get to play the game of "will it accept a 625 line, 15625Hz, 50Hz PAL colour picture?" Unless of course, you have/can find a multi standard TV set...

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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by Stefan »

Hi I'm Stefan,

I got my first rubber keyed Spectrum 48k around about 1984 in Auckland, NZ. My Dad got a new job which went with a company car so the family car (an Austin Maxi) could be sold and was used to finance the Speccy. In NZ you could buy the Spectrum with or without a power supply. We got it without since we already had an Atari 2600 which also had a 9V power supply... a few days later we also had a proper Sinclair power supply. Another cost cutting feature was to use the hi-fi cassette deck for loading and saving.... a few too many days later we also had a proper datacorder.

My friend's dad was an official games dealer for JK Grey and various other labels in NZ, so we got most of the games pretty soon after release - I recall having tried about 5 different original (he did the official duplicating) Travels with Trashman tapes before getting one to load.

In 1987 I bought a DISCiPLE disk interface with a 5.25" drive (on holiday in The Netherlands). This had a bad (just an old version I think) ROM, which was replaced later. Enter the cracking era in which I spent most of my time converting multi-load tape games to load from disc. I also bought a SAGA Emperor One keyboard - which was great.

I really loved the 48k multi-channel beeper tunes. FOLLIN FOLLIN FOLLIN FOLLIN!

In 1988 we moved back to The Netherlands where my 48k died. Some repair shop said it was broken - I was convinced they had swapped my one out for a different one (which is still in the room I'm typing this). I bought a 128k toastie. Loved the AY tunes even more.

Bought a SAM Coupé around 1991 as a logical upgrade from the Speccy.

First converted some Speccy demos and games to load from SAM including AY sound, moved on to some demo coding, wrote the SAM MOD player and later the SAM port of Sophistry.

Still amazed at some of the tunes being cranked out of the 8 bits - Yerzmyey, MMCM, FrankT and many many more....
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by chrrris »

Guesser wrote: Thu Nov 16, 2017 5:16 pm recently the two have collided again when I bought a volex teletext adapter for the spectrum on eBay which I am now reverse engineering and documenting for preservation.
I had one of those Volex TTX adaptors back in the 80s. Loved it! Thought it worked very well too.

I *really* wanted a Prism VTX modem but my parents overruled that one due to (completely justified, with hindsight) fears about the size of the phone bills I'd probably rack up. So had to made do with my Volex. At least it looked like a Prism VTX, sat under the rubber-keyed speccy :)
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by RMartins »

My first computer was a ZX Spectrum 48K, that I learned to program on my own in BASIC, and from that time on, I was hooked on computers.
After that I went to college and university always following a digital path footprint.
What I love the most is the power to control machines up to the last chip and bit.

I'm a Software Developer by profession, since 1998, but recently returned to my origins, since I always wanted to make a game in Assembly for ZX, but in 1982 I was still a kid, and the assembly programming, specially using bytes, instead of instructions, was elusive to me.

I also have a reasonable background in 3D modelling, electronics, robotics and mechanics, which helps a lot while developing my own projects, for ZX and beyond.

I'm also an avid RC enthusiast, for cars, planes and Quad Copters (I build my own).

In the last years, I have been slowly building my own Retro Computer Museum.
I have the full Sinclair range, with several "instances" of each machine, some Atari 2600 (Vader, 6 and 4 selectors, Junior, etc...), Commodore 64 and Amigas (500, 500+ and 600), some Game Boys too, and some other bits and pieces.

I'm Portuguese (born in Mozambique), living in Portugal (Lisbon).
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by hitm4n »

Hitm4n here. I see many names i know, AndyC, Dunny, Einar, Sokurah. Many from ye olde Retro Remakes, many from WOS. Soon as i saw the ZXDB shenanigansover there and read about this place gaining a forum, i was over here in a shot. Brought back so many memories just signing up to a forum! Don't think ive had to do that in years.

Have to once again publically thank Einar for his ZXDB work, AndyC for assisting (and anyone else) and Peter Jones (have i got the right guy here) for this beautiful site and forum. Anyone and everyone else who made this site happen. Thanks.

I'm very much a lurker, i'll read most threads, will visit regularly, will chip in now and then when i feel i have something useful to say (not very often), or if i feel its something super witty (also, not very often).

Have fun.
I don't have anything cool to put here, so i'll just be off now to see a priest with yeast stuck between his teeth and his friend called Keith who's a hairpiece thief...
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by blucey »

Hi, I'm Blucey. I've been on WoS forever. I usually start threads called 'Good or Horrible' on there. Not really interested in anything but the games. So you won't see me in hardware threads.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by walrus »


I have lurked in many places over the past couple of decades and am looking forward to lurking here in the future. I may chip in with the odd thing now and again.

Like others have said, it is good seeing familiar names popping up here and nice bit of positivity attached to the spectrum scene.

Thanks for all the work to those involved.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by PROSM »

Hello there, I'm PROSM and I've been with the World of Spectrum forums for a bit of time now, and joined these forums a few days ago. I really enjoy this new website, as it provides a more up-to-date and nicely presented alternative to the old WOS Infoseek. I hope that the community within these forums will only continue to grow.

I have been writing many pieces of software for the Spectrum, but it seems that it's easier to start something than it is to finish it, as my only published game to this point is Cuboid Captor from 2016. Nevertheless, I am currently writing a graphical adventure game for the Spectrum with gameplay similar to that of the old SCUMM adventure games. Right now, I have the graphics routines finished, and I'm writing the script interpreter at the moment. So far it seems to be going well.

My history with the Spectrum doesn't stretch back very far at all, considering that I am still a teenager. I took up Spectrum assembly programming as a hobby about two years ago, out of a mild interest in retro computers. It is certainly very interesting to write software within the constraints of such antiquated hardware, and it is more enjoyable than working with Windows in C, haggling with the API. Writing programs in Z80 assembly has certainly shaped the way in which I see my algorithms, and now I often plan my programs more carefully to achieve huge optimizations.

Either way, I enjoy reading these forums and hope to see the Spectrum continue to thrive throughout the following years and decades!
All software to-date
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by Ast A. Moore »

PROSM wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2017 10:38 pm It is certainly very interesting to write software within the constraints of such antiquated hardware
Hear that, gentlemen? “Antiquated.” Tut-tut. Kids these days . . . :D

On a more serious note, welcome to the forums, [mention]PROSM[/mention]. Always nice to see young people expressing more than just superficial interest in “antiquated” platforms, but actively developing for them. Props to you, sir.
Every man should plant a tree, build a house, and write a ZX Spectrum game.

Author of A Yankee in Iraq, a 50 fps shoot-’em-up—the first game to utilize the floating bus on the +2A/+3,
and zasm Z80 Assembler syntax highlighter.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by Ivanzx »

PROSM wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2017 10:38 pm
I have been writing many pieces of software for the Spectrum, but it seems that it's easier to start something than it is to finish it, as my only published game to this point is Cuboid Captor from 2016. Nevertheless, I am currently writing a graphical adventure game for the Spectrum with gameplay similar to that of the old SCUMM adventure games. Right now, I have the graphics routines finished, and I'm writing the script interpreter at the moment. So far it seems to be going well.

:o :o what?? Scumm on the Spectrum?? Finally??? :o So looking forward to seeing it :)
And respect! It is really strange nowadays seeing a teenager interested in the Spectrum, let alone learning Z80 assembly ;)

We have also spoken in the ZX Dev forums too !
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by PROSM »

Ast A. Moore wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2017 10:48 pm Hear that, gentlemen? “Antiquated.” Tut-tut. Kids these days . . . :D
Thank your lucky stars I wasn't on about the ZX81! ;)
Ast A. Moore wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2017 10:48 pm On a more serious note, welcome to the forums, @PROSM. Always nice to see young people expressing more than just superficial interest in “antiquated” platforms, but actively developing for them. Props to you, sir.
Thank you very much, [mention]Ast A. Moore[/mention]. Programming is certainly an entertaining hobby and one that always brings with it new opportunities and challenges for one to tackle. Hopefully, more young people will be able to get involved with the ZX Spectrum, thanks to tools such as AGD and Churrera.
Ivanzx wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2017 10:57 pm :o :o what?? Scumm on the Spectrum?? Finally??? :o So looking forward to seeing it :)
It should be coming soon, but I can't make any promises about when yet.
Ivanzx wrote: Fri Nov 24, 2017 10:57 pmAnd respect! It is really strange nowadays seeing a teenager interested in the Spectrum, let alone learning Z80 assembly ;)

We have also spoken in the ZX Dev forums too !
Yes, you're right. That was a great competition!
All software to-date
Working on something, as always.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by Seven.FFF »

Hi folks!

Many of you know me from facebook under my real name, and from WoS as Colonel32.

Into 8-bit home computers from the ZX-81 onwards, sold some BBC Micro educational software. Had a Spectrum+ in 86 and a +3 in 88 but never had any published games.

Lived in Oxford since college apart from a stint in the US in the 90s. Now happily settled in Virginia.

I reconnected with the Speccy about a year ago almost by chance - one of my schoolmates was hanging out on Andrew Owen/Chev's facebook page, and I was blown away by what he was doing with SE BASIC and the Chloe.

Working on a bunch of NIRVANA+ games that often seem like they will never ever be finished - day programming job burns too many braincells. They will eventually, but don't hold your breath!

I have a Vega, ZX-Uno 2MB, a Next board on the way, and one of Djordje's Omni laptops on the way.

Cheers, Robs
Robin Verhagen-Guest
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by Ast A. Moore »

Seven.FFF wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:19 pm Hi folks!

Many of you know me from facebook under my real name, and from WoS as Colonel32.
Cheers, mate!
Every man should plant a tree, build a house, and write a ZX Spectrum game.

Author of A Yankee in Iraq, a 50 fps shoot-’em-up—the first game to utilize the floating bus on the +2A/+3,
and zasm Z80 Assembler syntax highlighter.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by R-Tape »

Seven.FFF wrote: Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:19 pm Working on a bunch of NIRVANA+ games that often seem like they will never ever be finished
You're nearly there in the demos I've seen, keep going!
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by andydansby »

I might as well introduce myself.

I'm Andy Dansby from the USA, I'm one of the few American fans of the Speccy. I started out in 1983 with my Timex/Sinclair 2068 which was incompatible with most Spectrum software, only about 2-3% of games would work. With that Timex doomed themselves in the American market, no games. I rectified that by purchasing a ROM switching device which worked with a magnet on top of the computer and inserting a Spectrum ROM on top, slide the magnet and you had a Spectrum.

Fast forward a few years and I moved on to other computers, but started wandering back to Spectrum throughout various points in my life. I started posting and reading posts in the comp.sys.sinclair newgroups back in 1995. I got a quick mention in the comp.sys.sinclair Folklore FAQ :lol: for being one of the many Andy's in the newsgroup.

I had scanned, OCR'ed and uploaded various schematics I had purchased years earlier to Planet Sinclair and World of Spectrum back in 2002. I still remember using the server (no longer in existence) to grab snapshots of games that I supposedly owned.

Fast forward a few years and I created the Xelda game just out of a personal challange and to try my hand again at trying to program and produce my first game as an adult. My only game as a kid was a dreadful basic game, I also made a Morse Code program which I programmed for the science fair and sold a few copies at a Ham Fest (amateur radio festival) on C-10 tapes. See I did eventually use my Speccy for homework.

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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by chernandezba »


I'm Cesar Hernandez Bano, author of ZEsarUX emulator. I've been using Sinclair machines since I was 5 years old: ZX-81, Speccy, QL, Inves Spectrum+ and Spectrum +2A.
I'm glad to see new Speccy forums like this, the Speccy scene is more alive than ever!

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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by Ast A. Moore »

Welcome aboard, [mention]andydansby[/mention] and [mention]chernandezba[/mention]!

Every man should plant a tree, build a house, and write a ZX Spectrum game.

Author of A Yankee in Iraq, a 50 fps shoot-’em-up—the first game to utilize the floating bus on the +2A/+3,
and zasm Z80 Assembler syntax highlighter.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by Carnivius »

I'm Carnivius, I'm actually an Amstrad CPC guy but have various degrees of interests in most of the main retro systems and like seeing how old games were ported to these systems gaining their own unique style and feel cos of the differing limitations. And I also love seeing new games for all the main retro formats too whether CPC, Spec, C64, NES and so on. I'm also somewhat of a game developer but only in Game Maker: Studio at moment when I make game projects with the graphic specs of the CPC while occasionally trying to learn actual CPC game development when my brain can spare enough cells to manage it. And seeing as the CPC and Spectrum are very much related (even if it did result in too many lazy 'Speccy Ports' to the CPC) I thought I would come say hello and check out the stuff going on (that quality Spectrum porting of one of my NES faves Mighty Final Fight is looking very impressive).

Hope you're all having a good day and enjoying the christmassy season. :)
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by R-Tape »

Hello! This will make you feel at home then :-) (it does animate eventually!)

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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by Carnivius »

Thank you. :)
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by rnhunt »


After lurking on WOS for a good year now and this, but starting to make use of Robin's excellent Nirvana tutorials (thank you!), it seemed rude not to register. There is a nice feel about these forums, very constructive and a nice technical side to things.

Myself, my first computer was a ZX81 when I was 6 and I've hacked through a few of the common 80s home PCs (Speccy 16k, Dragon 32, Speccy 48k, Speccy 48k+, Elecron, BBC B, Atari STFM) before the PC era arrived. Currently employed at a cambridge consultancy doing software, electronics, and project management stuff so my day job exposes me to a lot of different types of software at different levels. With the usual poor weather over the Christmas break I thought I'd have a go at writing a game for the speccy, specifically porting a compiled basic one back from the Atari ST into Z80, when the Nirvana tutorial appeared :)

It may be a while but will share when I have something more than a tech demo, time and weather dependent (my spare time is mainly consumed by hang gliding). Anyway, that's me, I'll predominately remain on the sidelines but at least now feel a little less guilty about leaching off everybody!
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