Idea For a Card Game - For Advanced Magic Users Only...

Propose new game/software design concepts or new game/software ideas. They can be as whimsical as you like, just be careful you don't ask someone to make it for you...
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Rick Dangerous
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Idea For a Card Game - For Advanced Magic Users Only...

Post by Joefish »

This was a fun sequence from 'The Magicians' - Our lad Quentin plays a high-stakes game of 'Push'. A simple draw-one, highest-card-wins card game, but you basically cheat every time by casting magic to alter the probability of winning each round.

Maybe you could do this in a Speccy game, where you could have a choice of spells to cast, like in Chaos, with various outcomes depending on which spell your opponent chooses to cast at the same time (if any). Or maybe you choose a spell that does nothing for that round, but gives you a psychic view of your opponent's card, or their spell choice, in the next round.

Also some clever way to mimic the fiddly hand gestures they use to cast spells; maybe something like a Street Fighter joystick sweep, fast QTE keys, a short burst of Dance Dance arrows to follow, or a close-to-the-mark timing test like a golf game. Or a bit of all four, depending on the spell..? Maybe even for both hands, or two joysticks? With your accuracy affecting how successful you cast the spell.
Manic Miner
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Re: Idea For a Card Game - For Advanced Magic Users Only...

Post by Wall_Axe »

interesting idea laddie
Manic Miner
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Re: Idea For a Card Game - For Advanced Magic Users Only...

Post by firelord »

I tried it to talkai :
Input :
"This was a fun sequence from 'The Magicians' - Our lad Quentin plays a high-stakes game of 'Push'. A simple draw-one, highest-card-wins card game, but you basically cheat every time by casting magic to alter the probability of winning each round.
Maybe you could do this in a Speccy game, where you could have a choice of spells to cast, like in Chaos, with various outcomes depending on which spell your opponent chooses to cast at the same time (if any). Or maybe you choose a spell that does nothing for that round, but gives you a psychic view of your opponent's card, or their spell choice, in the next round.
I want to write me a game in ZX Spectrum BASIC that implements the above idea."
output (with minor modifications) :
10 PRINT "Welcome to the game of Push!"
20 PRINT "You will play against a magical opponent."
30 PRINT "Choose your spell: 1 - Probability Alteration Spell, 2 - Psychic Vision Spell, 3 - Null Spell"
40 INPUT "Enter your choice (1-3): ", choice
50 LET oppchoice = INT (RND * 3) + 1
60 LET playercard = INT (RND * 10) + 1
70 LET oppcard = INT (RND * 10) + 1
80 IF choice = 1 THEN LET playercard = playercard + INT (RND * 3) - 1
90 IF choice = 2 THEN PRINT "Your opponent's card is "; oppcard
100 IF choice = 3 THEN LET playercard = playercard
110 PRINT "Your card is "; playercard
120 PRINT "Your opponent's card is "; oppcard
130 IF playercard > oppcard THEN PRINT "You win!"
140 IF playercard < oppcard THEN PRINT "You lose!"
150 IF playercard = oppcard THEN PRINT "It's a tie!"
160 PRINT "Would you like to play again?"
170 INPUT "Enter Y to play again, any other key to quit: ";p$
180 IF p$ = "Y" THEN GO TO 30
190 PRINT "Thanks for playing!"
(As I said in another post ChatGPT accuracy suddently has improved very much)
Where can we find John Connor?
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