Retro tech deals: get ‘em while they’re hot 🔥

Stuff for sale or wanted, hopefully MEGA+@rare!!!, or commercial projects
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Retro tech deals: get ‘em while they’re hot 🔥

Post by flatduckrecords »

As everyone with a functioning email account (and less than impenetrable spam filter) will no doubt be aware, there are some “discounted” consumer goods on the go this weekend.

Alas, I don’t get paid until “Buyers’ Remorse Tuesday” but I thought it was pertinent to mention some of our Retro Tech friends are offering some actually-good deals this “weekend” as well.

Perhaps you could subtly waft this forum post in the direction of your favourite seasonal gift-delivering deity, parent/guardian, significant other, kind benefactor (delete as appropriate) and see what happens.

@bytedelight (I got a Spectranet in Ben’s sale last year, highly recommended!)

@Quazar’s Tindie Shop for SAM Coupé, Spectrum and RC2014 goodies.

RC2014 If you fancy building a Z80 computer from a kit (and I advise that you should!) is doing 14% off.

Hashtag TreatYoSelf :dance :xmas
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