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Thing + Deviants - Players +3 Disk MIA(?)

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 8:00 pm
by richl
Someone on eBay's got a +3 disk for sale which appears to feature Thing and Deviants, neither of which appear to be on any currently known compilations other than covertapes etc.

The listing is here:

I couldn't see this in the database anywhere but I'm guessing it's a previously unknown compilation that comes under this category:

Unfortunately it doesn't have its inlay with it so if it is a compilation then unless the title is printed on the other side of the disk I guess there's no real way of knowing whether it has a fancier name than just "Thing + Deviants"... and of course, there's always the possibility that there's at least one more game on side B... right?

Having looked at the existing compilations that we know about I did notice that Arcade Collection Volume 3 appears to actually contain "The Thing (sic)" instead of Dizzy Dice according to a sticker on the front so is it possible that it's actually the MIA Volume 3 and they swapped out TWO of the titles (or there are FOUR games on the disk)??? Who knows. At the very least, I'd say that the entry for Arcade Collection Volume 3 needs an amend because it would appear that it doesn't contain Dizzy Dice... unless the sticker is lying??! ;)

I've taken the liberty of "borrowing" the image from the listing, just in case it vanishes before anyone gets to the bottom of this.

Re: Thing + Deviants - Players +3 Disk MIA(?)

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 8:35 am
by StooB
From the branding it looks like an unknown "Zap-Pak" compilation rather than one of the "Hotshots" collections:
