General info for: Thanos [#ID: 5221]
Release Date:
Original Publisher:
Magazine MicroHobby - within covertape "MicroHobby issue 188: Tape 7"
Message Language:
Machine Type:
ZX-Spectrum 48K
Maximum Players:
Known Errors:
Bugfix provided by Mr. Anonymous:
  • Game crashes at start of level 3.
    Fixed using POKE 47050,201: POKE 47051,2: POKE 47087,1: POKE 47088,5

Bugfix provided by Bandit and Einar Saukas:
  • Main hero's image is sometimes corrupted when player is located at the right or left edge of screen. This problem is caused by the game preventing the player from moving outside the right or left edge without taking into consideration sprite changes due to the player animation. The original implementation works as follows:
    ; player moving right:
    658c 216b65 ld hl,$656b ; current player position
    658f 7e ld a,(hl)
    6590 fe1d cp $1d ; max column = 29
    6592 c8 ret z
    6593 34 inc (hl) ; move right
    6594 3a7f60 ld a,($607f)
    6597 fe01 cp $01
    6599 280f jr z,$65aa
    659b fe02 cp $02
    659d 2812 jr z,$65b1
    659f fe04 cp $04
    65a1 280e jr z,$65b1
    65a3 218400 ld hl,$0084 ; next "walking right" frame
    65a6 226e65 ld ($656e),hl
    65a9 c9 ret
    ; player moving left:
    65e0 216b65 ld hl,$656b ; current player position
    65e3 7e ld a,(hl)
    65e4 fe00 cp $00 ; min column = 0
    65e6 c8 ret z
    65e7 35 dec (hl) ; move left
    65e8 3a7f60 ld a,($607f)
    65eb fe01 cp $01
    65ed 280f jr z,$65fe
    65ef fe02 cp $02
    65f1 2812 jr z,$6605
    65f3 fe04 cp $04
    65f5 280e jr z,$6605
    65f7 211800 ld hl,$0018 ; next "walking left" frame
    65fa 226e65 ld ($656e),hl
    65fd c9 ret
    The following patch fixes the problem in the same number of bytes:
    ; player moving right:
    658c 216b65 ld hl,$656b
    658f 7e ld a,(hl)
    6590 fe1d cp $1d
    6592 2801 jr z,$6595 ; POKE 26002,40: POKE 26003,1
    6594 34 inc (hl) ; POKE 26004,52
    6595 3a7f60 ld a,($607f) ; POKE 26005,58: POKE 26006,127: POKE 26007,96
    6598 3d dec a ; POKE 26008,61
    6599 280f jr z,$65aa
    659b fe01 cp $01 ; POKE 26012,1
    659d 2812 jr z,$65b1
    659f fe03 cp $03 ; POKE 26016,3
    65a1 280e jr z,$65b1
    65a3 218400 ld hl,$0084
    65a6 226e65 ld ($656e),hl
    65a9 c9 ret
    ; player moving left:
    65e0 216b65 ld hl,$656b
    65e3 7e ld a,(hl)
    65e4 b7 or a ; POKE 26084,183
    65e5 2801 jr z,$65e8 ; POKE 26085,40: Poke 26086,1
    65e7 35 dec (hl)
    65e8 3a7f60 ld a,($607f)
    65eb fe01 cp $01
    65ed 280f jr z,$65fe
    65ef fe02 cp $02
    65f1 2812 jr z,$6605
    65f3 fe04 cp $04
    65f5 280e jr z,$6605
    65f7 211800 ld hl,$0018
    65fa 226e65 ld ($656e),hl
    65fd c9 ret

Modified "BUGFIX" file provided by Einar Saukas.

Thanos image, screenshot or loading screen
Thanos image, screenshot or loading screen
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Magazine MicroHobby - within covertape "MicroHobby issue 188: Tape 7"
Compilations featuring this title
Publisher: Magazine MicroHobby - covertape from issue #188 - 1989/May
Date: 1989/May
Release Type: Full version
Alternate Title:
Page: 53 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: Type-in - Programas MH
Page: 53 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: CoverGame - MH Seleccion (MicroHobby issue 188: Tape 7)
Page: 54 (PDF) (VIEW)
Article Type: CoverGame - MH Seleccion (MicroHobby issue 188: Tape 7)