org $9490 ; 38032
jp $aef0 ; 195 240 174
org $aef0 ; 44784
cp 7 ; 254 7
jp z,$9566 ; 202 102 149
jp $956a ; 195 106 149
95fe: ld bc,$3f28The Hit Squad re-release solved this problem by replacing this routine with a fixed loop:
9601: ld a,c
9602: in a,($ff) ; register 'A' always set to $FF in +2A/+3
9604: cp b
9605: jr nc,$9601 ; repeat forever!
9607: ret
95fe: ld bc,$0300
9601: dec bc
9602: ld a,b
9603: or c
9604: nop
9605: jr nz,$9601
9607: ret
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