GROUP "Bytemaniacos Concurso BASIC 2006"
There were three contest categories:
- Pure category: Only games programmed using the graphic resources provided by the computer (UDGs or loading screens are not allowed). ROM calls are not allowed. The instructions POKE, PEEK and RANDOMIZE are forbidden.
- BASIC 10 category: The same as above, with two changes: UDGs are allowed (other usages of POKE are forbidden) and the program is limited to a maximum of 10 lines of BASIC code.
- Free category: No restrictions (except, obviously, programming machine code routines).
1st in category "10 Lines" - Maru-ja!
2nd in category "10 Lines" - Popurri
3rd in category "10 Lines" - Coco-nut
4th in category "10 Lines" - Aracnav
4th in category "10 Lines" - La Caja Fuerte
4th in category "10 Lines" - Crazy Painter
7th in category "10 Lines" - En Busca de la Joya Encantada
1st in category "Free/Compiled BASIC" - Pandemia
2nd in category "Free/Compiled BASIC" - Jet Set Basic
3rd in category "Free/Compiled BASIC" - Impacto Profundo
1st in category "Pure BASIC" - Box
2nd in category "Pure BASIC" - Un Mundo Feliz
3rd in category "Pure BASIC" - Mastermind
3rd in category "Pure BASIC" - UDG-Tris
3rd in category "Pure BASIC" - ZX Gorilla
6th in category "Pure BASIC" - ZXSimon
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