
Reviews for A Toda Maquina II (#11381)

Review by YOR on 22 Mar 2022 (Rating: 2)

And now having done Galaxy Force I can now proceed with doing the second and final A Toda Maquina compilation from Erbe Software. This time we have just the four games compared to the five in its predecessor.

Altered Beast 2
Poor graphics and choppy gameplay ruin what could have been a promising arcade conversion.

Galaxy Force 1
A jerky and ugly conversion where half the time I could not see what was happening. One of worst arcade conversions on the Speccy.

Operation Thunderbolt 3
An ineffective conversion that's simply no better than Operation Wolf. Too much happens at once which hampers the gameplay.

Chase HQ 4
Very well programmed and the speech is fantastic, but controlling your car can be very awkward and frustrating. Good but a shade under brilliance.

Overall 2
Four games and there's only one maybe two games worth playing. All in all it is a weaker compilation compared to its predecessor.