
Reviews for Daley Thompson's Olympic Challenge (#1220)

Review by Raphie on 17 Oct 2012 (Rating: 4)

The third and final game from Decathlon legend Daley Thompson retains the same button-mashing gameplay from the previous games Decathlon and Supertest, and it's bigger than ever with training mode as well as the track and field element itself!

Now this one I had back in the day and I always really enjoyed this game, but now having played the other two games I have to agree with some of those who stated this was a step in the wrong direction, in particular the shoe selection bit of the game was deemed a bit unnecessary and they'd be right. I mean I always liked this game and like it today, but the other ones are better, no question. But yeah it's still good ol'button-mashing fun as usual.

Actually now that I mention it why isn't button-mashing in the Olympics?? Come on IOC, get your fingers out!

Review by The Dean of Games on 25 Oct 2012 (Rating: 4)

1988 Ocean (UK)
by Dave Thompson, Bill Harbison and Jonathan Dunn

The original Daley Thompsons Decathlon, is not a perfect game and sure has its flaws, but it also has lots of charm, something I cant find in D.T's Olympic Challenge.
Of course DTOC is a good game, its even better than the first challenge, but it brings nothing new to the gaming world.
For those who experience Decathlon in first hand, its hard to forget its importance. It was the first proper athletics game, and just for that alone it will always be remembered.
D.T's Olympic Challenge is an improvement, specially in playability, but differs too much in aesthetics to appeal to every Decathlon/Supertest or Hyper Sports fan.
Its fair to say it missed the golden age of Olympic games by ...a nose.

Review by YOR on 25 Oct 2017 (Rating: 2)

The weakest of the Daley games for me. Sure it has the added extra of the training, but it felt like it served no purpose as your performances largely relied on not how fast you hit the chosen keys to run, not how well you timed your jumps and throws, but by picking the right trainers. Picking the wrong trainers would affect your performance and thus all the hard effort you did at training was a waste of time. That alone removed the enjoyment of it for me, and thus I feel it's pants compared to the other two.

Review by dm_boozefreek on 03 Nov 2018 (Rating: 1)

A classic example of one game too far.

This diabolical crapfest should never have happened...

But at least Daley was the right colour this time around...