
Reviews for Dead or Alive (#12593)

Review by szeliga on 22 Feb 2015 (Rating: 4)

This game is denienced but that's not a problem for me as I've bought all the Cronosoft-published stuff!

I can't remember which arcade game this is based on but I think I remember JC saying he wrote this game because he wanted his own version.

It's a vertically scrolling game with your cowboy shooting at enemies who appear from the top of the screen and at windows in buildings to the sides. It starts off slowly and builds up pace. I like this game because you can dip in and out playing a level at a time, using emulator saves for next time!

Review by Stack on 23 Feb 2015 (Rating: 4)

1995 Gunsmoke clone - vertical scrolling shootem-western by Jonathan Cauldwell, the man who has done more than anyone else to keep new Spectrum game making (on the UK scene) alive with a consistent high standard of new games together with programming aids, tips and game designers.

It is a competent and enjoyable game, short of the fluid fun found in greats in the genre, such as Commando, but nevertheless well worth buying and playing.