
Reviews for The Last Courier (#12917)

Review by Stack on 18 Mar 2009 (Rating: 4)

First, as they would have helped me to get started, brief instructions in English, using QAOPSPACE. Q activates up/climb, O,P left,right You can climb up two blocks or drop down from a max height of 3. Collect bombs (you can carry up to 9) and you can also collect/carry a 'special' block like the one you start off with (you can only carry one at a time). You object is to get to the level exit door which is usually several flip screens across to the right of your start point. These special blocks can be used to bridge gaps using key A. They can only be placed directly to your left or right into vacant spaces below your feet. SPACE detonates a bomb, destroying the block beneath you and you have a second or two to get at least 2 blocks away or be blown up. You can also die by falling too far or falling through the bottom of the screen. There is a time limit for the whole game (not per level) and the blocks and bombs you carry also = your allowance at the start of the next level. So really it is one continuous game braoken into password encrypted levels.

Right, that's what you do, now how much fun is it? This is a nice logic game with simple rules and 'big' levels that are very satisfying to complete. Nice explosion FX and neat 'Prince of Persia' animation of teh main character lift it above average and a must try for fans of the puzzle genre.