
Reviews for Double Dragon II: The Revenge (#1458)

Review by Raphie on 18 Jul 2013 (Rating: 2)

After the sheer disappointment of Double Dragon we were left fearing the inevitable, and yes that day came to pass, the day when a bloody sequel came out. So yes this is Double Dragon II: The Revenge...the revenge of what exactly? Those who hated the game or those who made the first game one of the worst arcade conversions known to mankind.

Anyways on to the game and the very first thing you'll notice is title music, missing from Double Dragon 1. Then you'll notice the game is faster than Double Dragon 1, perhaps too fast for my liking but still it's a significant improvement. Then you'll notice the gameplay...while a little better than Double Dragon 1 is still a bit awkward in that it's quite tricky to hit the enemies while they can hit you almost spot on and thus your energy depletes quite quickly. As for graphically, again it's better than Double Dragon 1 they still aren't going to win much awards.

So yes much better than the original but still falls short of greatness. Not pitiful by any means though.

Review by Rebelstar Without a Cause on 02 Aug 2013 (Rating: 2)

The graphics are better this time around but the gameplay is still as poor.

Review by YOR on 16 Mar 2019 (Rating: 2)

It's definitely a better game than Double Dragon but it's still rubbish. Half the time the moves don't work properly which leaves you a sitting duck for punishment. The bottom line here is yes they messed up Double Dragon twice in the same year.