
Reviews for Dalek Attack (#1481)

Review by YOR on 02 Nov 2017 (Rating: 2)

A quick google search will reveal to you that this was the very last ZX Spectrum game to be commercially released during its original publication. Safe to say it did not go out on such a high note. Now if you don't know Doctor Who is a LONG running series on BBC television which is still going strong today after it was revived following a long sabbatical. Now I have never seen any of the new Doctor Who episodes, the old ones were the best, the ones with John Pertwee and Tom Baker especially. Sylvester McCoy is our Doctor here and I always felt he was a shit Doctor Who so I probably stopped watching it at that point. This wasn't as bad as I anticipated it to be to be honest. He moves pretty fast which wasn't what I expected but the enemies are hard to shoot at and so you are better off avoiding them. The second level was too confusing for me and thus I played no further after that. Also, the rendition of the theme tune isn't that great as well. It's not terrible by any means, it's just confusing and not very enjoyable.