
Reviews for Dragonsbane (#1501)

Review by Matt_B on 25 Jan 2009 (Rating: 2)

In a manner somewhat akin to a very primitive computer RPG, this game puts you into a giant maze populated by lots of monsters in a valiant bid to rescue the Princess Paula.

However, whilst it looks the part with some decent - if rather slow - graphics for the various monsters, it's not a particularly enthralling game. You'll need a lot of luck to get past the monsters to start with, although trial and error will eventually reveal some of their weaknesses.

Overall, it wasn't very good for its time and hasn't gotten any better with age. The 1983 vintage game Dungeon Master was a lot more fun, albeit without any graphics, and later games like Heavy On The Magick, the Bard's Tale and Bloodwych all built on the basics of the genre much more successfully.