
Reviews for Quest for Sex (#15430)

Review by p13z on 26 Mar 2021 (Rating: 1)

A very crude, in any sense of the word, text adventure written in BASIC.
Fair enough, it appears to have been written as a joke / for comedy value - but here lies the big problem with it. It was presumably written by young lads, and during far less PC times.
Juvenile, racist, homophobic and offensive. There isn't much in the game that doesn't make me want to cringe or wince.
I have a pretty puerile / childish sense of humour, but this didn't come close raising a smile.

Review by Darko on 27 Mar 2021 (Rating: 1)

Had to see this for myself and now I wish I hadn't have bothered. Clearly written "for a laugh" but yet no one's laughing. Didn't check to see if they wrote more games and nor do I care but if they did then God help us.